
  1. G

    Lance Wiggs parlays Pacific Fibre experience into Punakaiki Fund

    Punakaiki Fund. From left to right: Chris Humphreys, Lance Wiggs and Sandy Maier Speaking at the Punakaiki Fund launch in Auckland earlier today, Lance Wiggs says the frustration he felt when raising money to build the Pacific Fibre submarine cable was part of his motivation to start his New...
  2. A

    is there any way to fund out how deadman wonderland would have ended or...

    ...if it might start up yhe manga agian? please help
  3. G

    New Zealand Superannuation Fund buys New Zealand Post shares on Datacom Group

    New Zealand Post has been a shareholder in Datacom since 1990 and until the approval of this one-off transaction has held 35% of Datacom’s ordinary shares.
  4. V

    Fund for Taunted Bus Monitor Exceeds $600K

    By now, you’ve probably heard about the 68-year-old bus monitor who was taunted unmercifully by middle schoolers, who then posted a video of the incident on YouTube. After the video went viral (it currently has over 6 million views), the woman has received an outpouring of support from the...
  5. Z

    Vacation fund do you have One?

    Hi I was wondering if you save your change and put it in a jar called vacation and then at the end of the year you roll it up and bring it to some place Also how much do you get
  6. G

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine: What is it, and should we fund it?

    Skeptics love to hate CAM. And often, with good reason. Alternative medicines or medical treatments, as is often pointed out, become "mainstream" when the available science suggests that they work, so it is almost axiomatic that "alternative" means "unproven" and it is probably almost always...
  7. T

    F W Means retirement fund in Chicago, Illinois?

    Hi, My mother worked for F W Means in South Bend Indiana in the early 70's and was supposed to have qualified for a retirement package but can not locate any info as to who is honoring their retirement fund. Does anyone know who to contact for this info? Though the company went out of business...
  8. G

    Climate Scientists Defense Fund - Please Help

    This is important, please have a look: Dear Colleagues, Climate researchers are in need of immediate legal assistance to prevent their private correspondence from being exposed to Chris Horner and the American Tradition Institute who are using Freedom of Information (FOI) to harass...
  9. A

    Tompkins died of a heart attack, funeral arrangements and memorial fund set

    The mixed martial arts world is still reeling from the shocking passing of trainer Shawn Tompkins. An autopsy revealed that the 37-year-old died from a heart attack in his sleep while staying at a friend's house in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on Sunday. "Shawn's family had a history of heart...
  10. G

    BNZ kick starts new fund for business growth

    BNZ is joining forces with New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) to provide up to $1.5 million to support the expansion of New Zealand businesses, helping to drive growth and improve performance.
  11. E

    Why do we continue to fund Andrew and his daughters' lavish life style?

    We are all supposed to be "in this together". Actually, I am a Royalist. I do find Andrew and his daughters to be a P.R. disaster.
  12. T

    Global Fund Blame Game Continues; Germany Stops Funding Pending Talks

    Since the Associated Press printed a lengthy article last week, describing alleged billions of dollars in misallocations and fraud, Germany wants answers and now has stated that it will put a pause on payments to a $21.7 billion global health fund until it gets answers about serious corruption...
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    Global Fund Approves 79 Grants With Two-Year Commitment Of $1.7B

    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Board of Directors on Wednesday approved 79 grants with a two-year commitment of "$1.7 billion dollars for projects against the diseases, amid warnings that some hard-hit African countries were being left out," Agence France-Presse reports...
  14. L

    I know that the Salvation Army has bell ringers for holiday fund raising?

    but what organization has bell ringers who dress in santa claus suits?
  15. A

    Orange Phone Fund But Now on T-Mobile.?

    I have just switched from Orange PAYG, to a contract with T-mobile. I have about £31 worth of phone fund credit. Do t-mobile offer the same thing? Would I be able to use the phone fund on accessories? I just received the text whilst having swapped the numbers to my t mobile contract so I am...
  16. O

    'Why should the taxpayer fund the higher education of these thugs?' Are they...

    ...talking about the police? Because if the police had a bit of education they might stop acting like thugs. I'd say the 57 students injured yesterday by police is the real issue. The media focus on the violence, ignoring the peaceful protesters the amount of violence increases the media focus...
  17. T

    Also In Global Health News: Reports Of Misuse Of Global Fund Grants; 2007-2008 Food C

    Southern Times Examines Reports Of Misuse Of Global Fund Grants In Zambia The Southern Times reports that Zambia has been named one of four African countries identified by the Global Fund's Office of the Inspector General to have misused a combined amount of $25 million in grants. As...
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    Anthony Shih Rejoins Commonwealth Fund As Executive Vice President For Programs

    Anthony Shih, M.D., M.P.H., has been appointed executive vice president for programs of The Commonwealth Fund, effective January 12, 2011. Dr. Shih directed the Fund's Program on Quality Improvement and Efficiency from 2006 to 2008. He left The Commonwealth Fund in 2008 to serve as chief quality...
  19. L

    should social security taxes be kept in the general fund for the sake of

    financing for wars? lyndon johnson moved social security money to the general fund to hide a small deficit. no president since has ever objected. the only congressman to object is ron paul of texas. many seniors are more concerned about their own financial well-being than they are about...
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    Planned Parenthood Action Fund Mailers Target Conn. GOP Candidate McMahon

    In the final days before the Nov. 2 elections, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund is targeting Connecticut U.S. Senate candidate and former WWE executive Linda McMahon (R) with a mail campaign depicting scenes from the wrestling organization's events as negative toward women, Roll Call reports...