
  1. A

    iTunes or limewire or frostwire??

    How do you get your music ???? Personally I have to use limewire cuz we don't have iTunes wher I live :/ c:
  2. A

    What is the difference between frostwire and limewire?

    which one is better/safer? are there any better/safer ones out there? A friend of mine said that he can get his music from google chrome and it downloads in albums is this true/safe? what are some precautions I should take for avoiding viruses?
  3. A

    What is the difference between frostwire and limewire?

    which one is better/safer? are there any better/safer ones out there? A friend of mine said that he can get his music from google chrome and it downloads in albums is this true/safe? what are some precautions I should take for avoiding viruses?
  4. J

    Is it possible to put limewire or frostwire songs on my ipod?

    cuz i know the new update F'ed up lol
  5. A

    Frostwire???? Ares? .?

    has anybody heard of either of these sites and can you tell me which is more reliable
  6. M

    which is better, Limewire of Frostwire?

    alright, so i've known limewire for quite long, and that's the one I usually use for downloading music/mp3, while i haven't tried Frostwire yet as just heard it lately though (or maybe i jst ignore it) it good? the prob that i usually encounter w/ limewire is that after few days, im having...
  7. L

    Frostwire limewire or vuze(torrents)?

    Which one is best? and why...serious answers only plz...thanks =] i use vuze for movies but mainly music..i obviously just want quick downloads
  8. L

    Frostwire limewire or vuze(torrents)?

    Which one is best? and why...serious answers only plz...thanks =] i use vuze for movies but mainly music..i obviously just want quick downloads
  9. L

    Frostwire limewire or vuze(torrents)?

    Which one is best? and why...serious answers only plz...thanks =] i use vuze for movies but mainly music..i obviously just want quick downloads
  10. L

    Frostwire limewire or vuze(torrents)?

    Which one is best? and why...serious answers only plz...thanks =] i use vuze for movies but mainly music..i obviously just want quick downloads
  11. J

    Downloading Torrents doesn't work, limewire doesn't work, frostwire...

    ...doesn't work, mmorpgs don't work? I know what the problem is, I have to do portforwarding to get them to work, but for me that's too much hassle.. So, I need help finding a website to download games ect. (mostly games) without the use of torrents or any kind of p2p sharing. Help me please, I...
  12. G

    is it ok(safe) to have both frostwire and bittorrent 6.2 on your pc? i use... or the other for downloads!? thanks
  13. A

    What is the best site for free music, limewire, frostwire or ares?

    i ve had limewire but wanna get either frostwire or ares.....which is better between these two?
  14. A

    What is the best site for free music, limewire, frostwire or ares?

    i ve had limewire but wanna get either frostwire or ares.....which is better between these two?
  15. M

    Limewire, Frostwire, uTorrent, or BitTorrent?

    I'm not sure which program I should choose to download music. Torrents sound convenient, but it sounds like they take a while. Which one is more efficient, won't take up as much space, won't freeze up my computer so everything is lagging, and less likely to give me a virus?
  16. A

    what is the sofware for downloading mp3??(except limewire and frostwire)?

    bcoz i hyt those is not downloding mp3's
  17. N

    When i download from the internet its going through frostwire nt utorrent how

    can i switch it back 2 untorrent? When i download from the internet its going through frostwire nt utorrent how can i switch it back 2 untorrent. I dont like having the frostwire open when im downloading as it slows everything down, when my son is on x box live it drops out when downloading...
  18. M

    Help me with FrostWire Setup?

    Do i put windows media library down in the save folder slot for where i want my downloads to go.
  19. L

    how do i get movie from frostwire to my ipod?

    i have the movies already downloaded and everything but i snyc them it says it went through but i take the wire off but it say i have no movies/videos so then i plug the wire bc in and check it under my computer i open the folder it says itz there but lk i said i check again but it says the same...
  20. E

    Help with iTunes and Frostwire?

    I've never used Frostwire and I got on my iTunes today and under "shared" it says "admin's Frostwire tunes" and it's a list of christian songs and stuff I've never heard of? Idk how it got on my iTunes?! I tried ejecting it, deleting the songs, restarting my computer... nothing works! Help...