
  1. S

    Hey , are Americans nice & friendly people when you go to the USA on vacation ?! ?

    Hey , are Americans nice & friendly people when you go to the USA on vacation ?! ? Hey , are Americans nice & friendly people when you go on vacation to the USA , like say the people from Florida or Boston ?! I've always thought that most of them seem really nice & friendly , but what is your...
  2. C

    I need some advice. Does this sound friendly or possibly wanting to be in...

    ...a relationship? There is this guy in my youth group and I'm trying to figure out if he is kinda into me or just being nice. Well the other day we had color night at church, and he is on my team and you get extra points for wearing the team color. Our color was green and I wore green pants...
  3. K

    Dog and People Friendly Cake Recipe?

    My sister and I want to make my puppy Lili a birthday cake but we don't want to have to make 2 cakes (one for people one for dogs) Can anyone give me a recipe? Also Can I give Lili a birthday cake even shes turning 1. Thanks!
  4. K

    Dog and People Friendly Cake Recipe?

    My sister and I want to make my puppy Lili a birthday cake but we don't want to have to make 2 cakes (one for people one for dogs) Can anyone give me a recipe? Also Can I give Lili a birthday cake even shes turning 1. Thanks!
  5. B

    Good Song for Introducing an Environmentally Friendly Product?

    Hey, a friend and I are doing a powerpoint on a more environmentally friendly alternative to rubber. Just need to add a song in. What song do u think would be good for introducing/showcasing a product. It doesn't have to do anything with the environment, as long as it's appropriate to showcasing...
  6. B

    Why aren't girls friendly or make an effort to meet guys?

    Is this a teen thing? How come they don't start conversations? They always keep their heads down on text with their phones constantly... It's really sad. I know I'm good looking (I'm not trying to be conceited). But I always have to make the first effort. Why so? Even if I just want to be...
  7. B

    How lesbian friendly is michigan state university?

    Anyone go to michigan state university? How "gay"/ gay friendly is the campus. I'm looking into going there. Would you say that there are a lot of gay girls at msu?
  8. U

    What is good, accessible, newb friendly software to create melodic, song based...

    ...electronic music? This would be without instruments.
  9. A

    Child friendly vacation destinations in the Carribean?

    Does anyone have any good recommendations for beach vacations in the Carribean? My wife and I are taking our 2 yr old. Ideally the resort would have rooms/villas on the beach and we're looking for bay type ocean with calm and shallow waters. I've heard about places like Carlisle Bay in Antigua...
  10. O

    Which Las Vegas Male Review is most Gay Friendly?

    I'm a gay man looking to go see Thunder from Down Under, American Storm, or Chippendale's. Which is more gay friendly?
  11. R

    why is canada known for being a gay friendly country?

    when homosexuality is not really accepted and still a lot of i know you get homophobes everywhere.but theres a lot more countrys in west europe,few east asian countrys and south brazil,urgauy,parts of argentina.which are more gay maybe in the city centres its...
  12. R

    why is canada known for being a gay friendly country?

    when homosexuality is not really accepted and still a lot of i know you get homophobes everywhere.but theres a lot more countrys in west europe,few east asian countrys and south brazil,urgauy,parts of argentina.which are more gay maybe in the city centres its...
  13. B

    Why do you japanese girls run when a black guy tries to talk to you and be friendly?

    That is rude if you are attracted to the guy or not.
  14. 4

    Girl interested of being friendly?

    There's a girl I met recently, we exchanged numbers/Facebook. 90% of the time she's the one to text me first, and if I ever happen to text her first she always responds within 5 minutes or less. We carry on conversation really well over text, and she always responds with long responses, and we...
  15. L

    Is this friendly bonding or lesbian like behavior?

    We're very touchy feely friends. Sometimes we cuddle on her futon, give lots of hugs. When we drink it gets more intense. More intense cuddling/snuggling, hugging, touching. I gave her an intense back massage last night and she was moaning quite a bit. Then we spooned for a bit. She asked if I...
  16. A

    Who are the most friendly presidents?

    I need to know the top 5 most loyal, trustworthy, friendly presidents. I mean presidents who you would see in public, and around places that people of that high class wouldn't necessarily want to hang out. American presidents
  17. K

    IS SHE interested or just being friendly?

    I met this girl for the first time on Friday and we seemed to engage in a conversation for around 30 mins..another guy was there too but she seemed more interested to talk to me as we had more common things to talk about, like university stuff etc......we learnt a bit of each other...we...
  18. D

    Interested or just being friendly?

    The course (football/soccer) started on the 2nd November and I came into the room with a group of 3 other lads from my football club (age 18 (me) to 40). Anyway, she caught my eye straight away, since she was the only girl there. She is always on her phone Stuff She did/does and stuff I did/do...
  19. H

    Is she interested in me? or just being friendly?

    Well i met this girl for the first time.......we are all sitting in a group dominated by guys more or less, always is lol....anyway i introduced myself to her and we started talking and for like a good hour....we learnt quite a lot about each other....she said she could add me on fb but i told...
  20. J

    Any tip on how to help train your dog how to be friendly to other animals?

    Basicaly I have a German Shepard.She's about 5 years old, and is pretty friendly to humans once she gets to "sniff" them.But she has a longer time getting friendly with other dogs.In my neighborhood there are a lot of stray dogs and cats and my dog always ends up barking and acting frantic when...