
  1. S

    If we don't have freedom from religion...?

    does that mean we can ignore the rest of the Constitution too? The claim that the Constitution only protects "freedom of religion" and not "freedom from religion" is missing an important point. Religious liberty, if it is to mean anything, cannot...
  2. K

    Best android games to use CIH or Freedom hack for?

    What games do you find to be the most fun to edit files/use freedom for Android? Preferably something that requires upgrades.
  3. C

    carnival freedom cruise questions?

    Do they have regular tv stations can u text like to your parents or dose it cost more. do they have free pop. how much dose it cost to get a manicure . can u use internet. dose it have a surf pool. and are there cute boys lol
  4. T

    From My Cold Dead Hands on Freedom's Wings Tuesday - Dec 18,2012

    The drums are rumbling and the politicans, Hollywood and Media are all out to get our guns. Well discuss the only solution to help prevent these school shootings, the hypocrisy of Hollywood that glorifies violence and guns and that pathetic prayer vigil in Newtown with an uninspired President...
  5. B

    christians do you think the mohammad film was freedom of speech or an...

    ...attack on islam? if you think it was freedom of speech ,do you agree with blasphemy when it directed to your god if you think it was an attack on islam ,is their god true
  6. X

    Reasons why women in saudi arabia are given so little freedom? anything

    other than religion ? I want to write about the reasons why women and men in Saudi Arabia are not treated equally, what could be the reasons other than religion ?
  7. NicholasJ

    How in the world does public school lunch nutrition ever infringe on freedom?

    Or capitalism, or liberty, or common sense? Come to think of it, I guess everything can be abused.
  8. J

    freedom imformation act?

    is it possible to find out how many members of Parliament and the company's/family/friends bought on to this gravy train?this guy was told NO don't sell its at its lowest price ever.what i would like to know is there any one with a bit of time on there hands to find out which company's bought...
  9. S

    I want to go to Stevenage and back on the same day using my Freedom pass. How

    much will it cost? I'll be travelling from Lewisham, which is in zone 2, and I my pass will cover me on the DLR to Shadwell where I can take a train to Stevenage, but I don't know how much I'll have to pay to travel beyond the London zones
  10. T

    Health Reform - Individual States Given More Flexibility And Freedom, USA

    US states are being given more freedom and flexibility in the implementation of health reform as stipulated in the Affordable Care Act, which aims to make sure all US citizens have access to affordable, quality health insurance, according to a bulletin released by the HHS (Department of Health...
  11. P

    american standard freedom 95 furnace vent?

    i have a american standard freedom 95 comfort r gas question is on the flue/vent pipes that run horizontal...i cant find if they need to be level slope away from the furnace or slope towards the furnace....right now it is sloped away and i have water running out of the end of...
  12. W

    Was this a race rant or freedom of speech?
  13. C

    Poll: Are there any Arabic-speaking places with full freedom and safety...

    ...for Non-Muslims? I am learning Arabic. I might want to one day move to somewhere that is an Arabic-speaking place, but it seems that most Arabic-speaking places i hear of are not fully free and safe for Non-Muslims and i am not a Muslim. Is there any countries, cities, towns, villages...
  14. D

    Does my freedom of religion only extend to the inside of my home and mind?

    If not why not? What are my religious freedom outside the boundaries of my home?
  15. K

    Movie about Afghan freedom fighter?

    Back when Afghanistan was a communist country, Ahmad Shah Massoud helped fight the regime and was instrumental in turning back the later Soviet invasion. He continued to fight against the regime that came into power after the communists (i.e. the Taliban) until his assassination by al-Qaeda in...
  16. H

    How many freedom loving libyans will die due to Obama inaction?

    I thought after Rwanda it would not be allowed anymore, this slaughter.
  17. B

    black ops mobile java level freedom, how to explode the explosive?

    level freedom, on the third part when you have to free two of the men, how do you explode the explosive ?????? please help !
  18. S

    Is the archangel Micheal really associated with freedom from the past?

    I found a unisex necklace on that links Michael with freedom from the past. Link: But is Micheal really associated with freedom from the past? That said I...
  19. K

    Who are the main characters in Long Walk to Freedom: the autobiography

    of Nelson Mandela? I lost the notebook where I wrote down the most important characters now I'm u know a website, please feel free to post! Thank you! Mahalo!
  20. V

    Islam is a religion of peace, justice and freedom? wat is the religion Judaism about?

    i no islam is a religion of peace, justice and freedom, and christianity is about justice and equality but i want to no wat judaism is about? thnx alot