
  1. B

    Can people follow me on twitter please? I'll folllow back? thanks im new:')x
  2. I

    Games to play outdoors with a hose? (more info to follow)?

    My little brother likes to play water games in the backyard... but i generally don't like to get all that wet so i usually stay on the deck and spray him with the hose... he wants to make a game out of it but the games i have come up with aren't all that exciting... (red light green light, etc)...
  3. R

    What fitness regime to follow to tone up? At home or at the gym?

    I'm not overweight, I'm average-slim build, so it's not that I want to lose weight. I'd just like to tone up my upper body, just so i can feel comfortable showing my upper body in front of people! Just slightly tone up pecs, abs... not sure what else would help the look really! So yeah, would...
  4. A

    Why do the noble gas not follow the Atomic Radius trend ?

    In period two, as you go from left to right, the atomic radius decreases because of the addition of protons, but why does Neon all of a sudden break this trend by having a bigger atom then fluorine.
  5. N

    Whoever has a twitter... can you follow me ? :)? that's it. (: please and thank yu <3
  6. M

    What if a tank commander had to suddenly follow gun operating...

    ...instructions like those written to operate a DVD? player? He'd be blown off the battle field. Notice I said operate - not set up.
  7. T

    Do you know anyone interesting to follow on twitter?

    I'm looking for more funny and insightful people to follow. Do yall have any suggestions? Also I'm always looking for more followers, AND I FOLLOW BACK :)
  8. L

    Would HIp Hop Abs still work if i don't follow the nutrition plan?

    I've started doing Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs 30-day workout but i havent followed the nutrition plan but i still feel like im working my body. would this still work without the plan for me? well i weigh 150 and im 5'5" and i want to atleast weigh 120 or around there. but i will still be eating...
  9. T

    Three Tobacco Companies Down - Imperial Tobacco Should Follow, Says ASH, UK

    BAT - the world's second largest tobacco company - has today signed a legally-binding anti-smuggling Agreement with the European Union. [1] This follows similar legally binding agreements taken firstly by Philip Morris International (PMI) in 2004 and by Japan Tobacco International (JTI) in...
  10. S

    To those who practice Judaism: why do you not follow all of the Law?

    Christians usually try to weasel out of following the brutal laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus (you know, like stoning rebellious children and the guidelines for selling your daughter into slavery, etc) with the "Jesus gave us a new convenant" or something else like that. However, what...
  11. D

    Atheists, since so many of you follow Richard Lynn and the bell curve's studies...

    ...that...? atheists and agnostics are smarter than theists, do you also agree on their findings that whites and asians are smarter than other races or that women are less intelligent than men? If not, explain. How can you believe one yet not the others?
  12. P

    Do you follow the trends or start your own fashion trends?

    Explain your choice.
  13. S

    Are Christianity and Islam the only religions that believe if you don't follow them

    you will go to hell? Does Christianity and Islam share the same similarities in that their religion is for all of humanityand not just for the people of their culture like Judaism and Hinduism and other religions and require salvation through following their way?Are there other Religions that...
  14. D

    Should we follow the Czech republic lead and introduction castration for rapists?

    I love how your story has nothing to do with the Czech republic and somehow you want to see someone who was 12 at the time of the offense be castrated. Who exactly is the sick one here?
  15. Y

    How many Jews actually follow Judaism.?

    I am Jewish but I don't follow that shit.
  16. J

    Am I the only mom in the world who doesn't go 'Organic' or follow baby trends?

    Here I am. I do buy organic grapes because of the pesticide, but nothing else. Organic is a gimmick. I went to Lowes and they had organic dirt for sale. How much of a gimmick is that? How about the organic cow manure beside it. Most of the time organic is a ploy to make the stupid who...
  17. R

    Why do less than0.001% people follow Judaism?

    Why do less than0.001% people follow Judaism? Does this mean Judaism is not a pragmatic or popular religion? If I have not mistaken can anyone correct me by letting us know, "what percentage of population follow Judaism"
  18. F

    If God gives us a choice to follow him or not to then why does (in description)?

    If God gives us a choice to follow him or not to then why is it that he knows what we will be doing in 20 years? It doesn't seem like we have must choice to do what we want. Please someone explain to me why we can do what we want.. but God already knows what we will be doing?? It makes no sense
  19. A

    interesting people follow me on twitter? :D?

    im pretty bored and i obsessively tweet and im in need of some interesting people in my life, wanna help out? ;) @anniwalsh
  20. A

    interesting people follow me on twitter? :D?

    im pretty bored and i obsessively tweet and im in need of some interesting people in my life, wanna help out? ;) @anniwalsh