
  1. T

    What other fish can live in a bowl?

    I have a betta and he lives in a bowl with a semi aquatic plant, and he loves it, i change his water about 30% every two week.. and he loves it... is there any other fish that can live in a bowl with a plant like the betta?? how about a gourami?
  2. K

    White spots on gold fish?

    I have had issues when I got a new tank, very foolish and amateur of me by over stocking the tank. My exisiting fan tails (3) from previous tank have ended up with shredded tails , and the black pop eye one's eye looked liked it had popped out. Unfortunately I killed 2 of them by way of toilet...
  3. S

    Whats the best set up for a Betta fish? tank or bowl?

    Any help would be great, I want a tank but my friend said to buy a bowl because its "better", i don't think i can airate or filter a bowl right though I am renting out a few books from the library tomorrow morning to find out as much as i can So most Tank or bowl? What size?
  4. B

    multiple dreams about fish tanks not holding water?

    Last night I had a dream last night that I was at my ex step dad's house, in my old room. My cousin was helping me pack my clothes for a trip when all of a sudden a fish tank that was in my room started to leak water. There was multiple tanks in the room but when I would move the fishes from one...
  5. R

    what kind of fish is this?

    Well its kinda like a zebra danio but it has long flowy fins and its strips are kinda blueish its about the same size as a guppy ,and its a top/mid layer fish.. any ideos what it might be ?
  6. C

    can you put goldfish with other fish?

    I have a fantail gold fish and im planning on getting some other fish... can i put other kinds of fish with my goldfish?
  7. D

    what fish to put in a 55 gallon?

    along with two freshwater angelfish
  8. R

    Why did my fish all die?

    I took in a water sample after restarting my aquarium after a couple months, and they told me everything looked fine. The next day I bought three fish. (All Mollys) and a snail. I put them in the water and they died about an hour later. What the heck is going on??
  9. B

    koi fish tattoo faceing down?

    So I have an outlining tattoo of a koi fish on my right arm facing down, its the outlining. I was originaly going to get it facing up until my artist suggested it would look cooler facing down. I didn't know the true meaning behind the koi fish until later on so I'm kinda upset about it and just...
  10. T

    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins?

    What fish can I keep with baby yellow bellied slider terrapins? Thanks
  11. T

    Regarding a Beta fish, what is a bubble nest?

    Someone answered a question about my fish changing color and mentioned a bubble nest and breeding. What is this?
  12. T

    A lure I will catch fish on?

    Ive been skunked too many times. I need a lure I will catch fish on no matter where I am. If the lake has fish I will catch one. Im talking big game like bass northern pike or muskie. i need a trustable link. prefferably bass pro shop but something good.
  13. S

    Breeding Fish..........?

    Hi. I have a science fair project that is due NEXT May. I wanted to do something with fish. Maybe.. Getting a type of fish that can breed with different colors of the same species. And see what percentage of them are what color. Or... Recording certain "mutations" in various types of fish. I...
  14. T

    A lure I will catch fish on?

    ve been skunked too many times. I need a lure I will catch fish on no matter where I am. If the lake has fish I will catch one. Im talking big game like bass northern pike or muskie. i need a trustable link. prefferably bass pro shop but something good.
  15. R

    what fish can go with mollies?

    So as you might now i just asked about certain fish going with each other and you sad no! I don't want guppies or tetras!! What goes with mollies and platies and breeds like crazy! Please help!!
  16. J

    Breeding pairs of saltwater fish?

    Does anyone know where i could buy breeding pairs of saltwater fish? Maybe any on line stores or locally ( I live in Maryland). I've been in the hobby for a while now and would like to start breeding maybe picasso percula or bangai cardinals, something small. Any info on where i could buy...
  17. N

    How many fish can fit in a 10 gallon?

    I have 3 Mollies, 1 Swordtail and 2 Angelfish is that to much? And by the way The person who help me at the store said that i was capably of having that many fish
  18. C

    Aren't my clown fish supposed to be fighting each other?

    I just got a new ocellaris clown fish. I added to my 75 gallon tank where I already had one ocellaris clown fish. Everybody said that they would most likely fight each other. Don't get me wrong, I am soooo happy that they're not fighting. But why aren't they? They haven't left each other's...
  19. B

    Are there fish that can resist Ich?

    I was wondering if there were any types of freshwater fish that are good at fighting Ich? I have had two rounds of Ich in the last 4 months and both times my one Bloodfin Tetra and my Blue Mickey Mouse have been my only survivors. I have the icy medicine in and the temperature is at 82. Next...
  20. M

    Tuna fish and yogurt diet work?

    I started out at 174,and have dropped to 156 on good days. Sometimes I retain fluid and I weigh 158. I am really wanting to get down to 135, and I am almost there. I am so determined now to stick with a diet and go with it. If I eat yogurt for breakfast, and tuna fish for lunch, and like a baked...