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    Facebook's Finally Deleting Thousands of Fake Accounts [Facebook]

    Facebook has finally gotten round to deleting thousands of fake user accounts and removing illegitimate likes in a bid to clean up the social network. It's not clear quite how many accounts have been wiped out, but plenty of pages have seen massive drops in their fan numbers over the last two...
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    The Army Finally Makes Body Armor For Female Soldiers

    Hooray! Let's all welcome the U.S. Army into the modern age: they've finally decided to provide female soldiers with protective body armor. Previously, women serving in combat had to wear body armor designed for male bodies (that, obviously, didn't fit them properly). More »Post from: Blisstree
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    So…I’m Finally Getting An IUD; Let’s Talk About It

    It's no secret that I'm pretty passionate about women's health--and my own desire to not have children. Which is why so many of my friends (and readers) are surprised to hear that I don't have what so many of them have: An IUD. And really, there's no good reason why I don't have one, except that...
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    How I Finally Got My Tubes Tied: 4 Stories From Real Women

    More and more women are making the decision to be childfree--but that doesn't mean it's getting any easier to find a doctor who is supportive of or willing to perform an elective tubal ligation on a childfree woman under the age of 40, mostly because they're*afraid the patient will change her...
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    Olympic Weightlifter Sarah Robles Finally Found A Sponsor Who Believes ‘Beauty Is Str

    Remember Sarah Robles, the Olympic weightlifter who lives on $400 a month? Well, here's some terrific news: she's finally got a new sponsor! The web company Solve Media heard about Sarah's situation (quick recap: strongest woman in America, headed to the Olympics, but unable to get sponsors...
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    FDA Finally Approves HIV Prevention Drug, Truvada

    The FDA has finally*approved a new drug that prevents HIV infection. The medicine, Truvada, is a daily pill expected to be taken by people at a high-risk of becoming infected with HIV (gay and bisexual men usually, but the drug has been approved for all HIV-negative people). This is awesome news...
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    Yay! Mark Bittman Is Finally Writing The Partially-Vegan Weight Loss Book Of My Dream

    One of the things I love most about New York Times food columnist Mark Bittman (and there are many things I love about him) is how open he's been about his own weight and weight loss--particularly, the "vegan before 6pm" diet that he came up with for himself. *Now, New York*magazine says, he's...
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    Florida (finally) gets its big man: South Carolina transfer Damontre Harris

    For a guy who recruited and developed numerous NBA forwards and centers including Al Horford, Joakim Noah, David Lee and Udonis Haslem, Florida coach Billy Donovan had a surprisingly tough time recruiting a big man the past six months. It started last November when elite forwards Jarnell...
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    For the Gluten-Intolerant, a Better-Tasting Bread. Finally [Video]

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    Finally: USDA Study Calculates True Cost Of Healthy Eating (Guess What? It’s Cheaper)

    In a new study calculating the true cost of healthy foods compared with packaged and processed goods, whole, fresh foods emerged as the best way to keep grocery costs down. By "true cost," I'm not talking about including long-term expenses associated with eating poorly. Nope: On a pure serving...
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    Finally! Kristen Stewart Cops to Robert Pattinson Cussing About Him

    Ah, all good things to those who wait. We've gotten the Coachella sightings, the Paris rendezvous, the sweet PDAs. But despite all the beyond-obvious tip-offs, Twilight twosome...
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    Afternoon Links: Finally Achieve The Perfect Pushup

    • You're doing it wrong: learn how to perfect your pushup with this informative video (HuffPost Healthy Living) • Against Me! singer Tom Gabel has come out as transgender, which is possibly the most courageous/punk rock thing of all time, and we congratulate her (The Stir) • Need some...
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    What the hell? Wicked Lasers has actually made a lightsaber. I mean, not one that can cut you in half, but one that looks and acts like the actual Jedi weapon! At least, that's what they claim: More »
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    Seventeen Finally Responds To Teen Protest, Swears Up And Down They ‘Celebrate Girls’

    Considering that 14-year-old feminist Julia Bluhm started her protest against Seventeen magazine’s photoshopped images two weeks ago, the publication is responding pretty late. The teen’s request that Seventeen publish one un-photoshopped spread a month has quickly caught on with a new...
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    I Finally Found An All-Natural Deodorant That Actually Works

    For the last two years, I have been on a never-ending quest to find an all-natural, eco-friendly deodorant. During that time--and many "pit"falls, I have tried over a dozen different brands and none of them stood the test of my hot, humid Florida climate. Until I discovered LUSH. More »Post...
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    We Finally Know What Really Causes Ice Cream Headaches [Science]

    Everyone's experienced that sharp, shooting headache as a result of stuffing their face with ice cream. Previously, scientists have suggested it's just a result of the rapid cooling and rewarming of blood vessels in the sinuses—but a new study shows that the cause is actually buried much deeper...
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    Halle Berry Finally Opens Up About Engagement to Olivier Martinez: "Never Say Never!"

    Halle Berry Finally Opens Up About Engagement to Olivier Martinez: "Never Say Never!" They met while shooting the thriller Dark Tide, but it's been nothing but smooth sailing for starry-eyed couple Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez. After months of frenzied speculation...
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    Samsung Series 5 ULTRA Finally Unleashed

    These days, consumers demand more than just a thin and light product. They also want top performance and, as digital files become larger, excellent storage too.. The Samsung Series 5 ULTRA will answer these needs.
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    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and Other Couples Who Finally Took the Plunge

    If the celeb tabloids were to be believed, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie should have been broken up dozens of times since their romance began seven years ago. But the power couple...
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    Mattel Finally Announces Bald Barbie–Could A Body-Positive Barbie Be Far Behind?

    Barbie, who turned 53 this month, has often been*criticized*for being a poor role model for girls. In her pink and sparkly world, "math is hard," and all that matters is looking cute. In recent years, though, Barbie's maker, Mattel, has been trying to turn it around by offering more career...