
  1. P

    All Fellow Y/h on here from Melbourne?

    our prayer's go to you at this time,LOVE & BLESSINGS
  2. A

    How can I explain to my fellow Christians that I no longer follow their religion?

    I recently decided to become an atheist, however my problem is telling that to my church. Since this is a very small congregation begging for members, they have called me and asked me to return. These are very nice people who haven't done anything wrong, but how can I tell them that I'm no...
  3. A

    Where do commie infiltrators & fellow travelers get off complaining about

    "Western imperialism" as if they? wouldn't destroy the traditional cultures of other people in order to impose their own ideas of how things "should be"? actually I was talking about the ones in the US
  4. M

    Any fellow pro-anorexic girls out there?

    Im desperately trying to not eat or at least eat a max of 500kcal a day. I'm finding it so so difficult on my own though...is there anyone out there who's the same and really really needs someone to talk to succeed? Because i would love someone to text and email so we can help eachother! Get...
  5. A

    My fellow Celtic fans?

    Are you all praying(Like Me) that Walter plays Fat Baldy Boydie next Sunday. With his record of One Professional goal against the Mighty Hoops in his entire career would it not be great considering he only scores against the diddy teams if Wally put him in? Go on Walter we dare you. Zander...
  6. T

    fellow GB husky owners?

    hi i have two husky pups and im looking for a local husky club i live in cheshire, is there any local breeders or owners who know of another club other than the great GB one i really would love to get them in the spirit of things i would love to go see some local pulls ie delamere and eventually...
  7. Z

    Can I have a few words with fellow Democrats who might eye a future political career?

    PAY YOUR TAXES!!!! This is EMBARRASSING. Jesus. What part of "social responsibility" do they not understand? Do they think no one's ever going to check? And if they're that stupid, how'd they get so far up the ladder? Like I said, this is embarrassing. I don't blame Obama for kicking them...
  8. R

    Fellow atheists, is Roman Catholicism still the most powerful single religion?

    Fellow atheists/people of science do you think that the Roman Catholic church led by the man known as the Pope is still the single strongest religion out there? Countries that are at least 10% Catholic which include most of what is commonly known as the "western world" lead the world in a lot of...
  9. I

    Fellow Republicans: Did anyone of your favorite celebrities support Obama?

    If so, who? As a Republican who has the biggest crush on Chris Crocker, I was disappointed to find out he's an Obama supporter. As a Republican Madonna fan, it was devastating to know she was an Obama supporter. You?
  10. C

    To my fellow Atheists: Does all the hype about Nostradamus....?

    Does all the latest TV programing about Nostradamus' "lost" drawings and writings cause as much concern to you as to me? I don't know how many times I have turned on the TV only to find some pseudo-scientist trying desperately to correlate these "lost" items with all the other apocalyptic...
  11. R

    Which Hollywood celebrities have a reputation amongst the press and their fellow

    actors for being mean? Which Hollywood celebrities have a well earned reputation amongst other actors, the press and the paparazzi for being a rotten, mean, jerk who is also difficult to work with?