
  1. A

    discuss the different factors that contribute to the different rates that

    children develop thinking skills? children's cognitive development
  2. T

    Among Older Drinkers, Social Factors Can Both Predict And Sustain Alcohol Misuse

    Social factors have consistently been implicated as a cause of vulnerability to alcohol use and abuse. The reverse is also true, in that individuals who engage in excessive drinking may alter their social context. New research on drinking among older adults has found that older adults who have...
  3. M

    One in five children have risk factors for heart disease

    [No message]
  4. T

    The European Society Of Cardiology Warns The Public To Be Aware Of Risk Factors Follo

    ESC warns the public to be aware of risk factors following Philippe Séguin's death Following the sudden death yesterday of the former French government minister Philippe Séguin, who suffered a fatal heart attack, aged 66, the European Society of Cardiology is warning the public of the dangers...
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    Transplant Guide Highlights Daily Infection Risks From Factors Like Pets And Food

    Keeping pets healthy can reduce infection risks for people who have received solid organ transplants and veterinarians should be seen as an integral part of the healthcare team. That's just one of the key pieces of advice from a safe living article published in an infectious diseases supplement...
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    Transcription Factors Guide Differences In Human And Chimp Brain Function

    Humans share at least 97 percent of their genes with chimpanzees, but, as a new study of transcription factors makes clear, what you have in your genome may be less important than how you use it. The study, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that broad differences in the...
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    Childhood Traumas Linger As Health Risk Factors For Adults

    Research from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London has found that negative experiences in childhood may alter not only mental health but also physical health, into middle age and beyond. 1,000 individuals have been followed from birth to age 32 as part of the Dunedin...
  8. J

    How big (in metres) is a DVD shop? What are some factors I would need to consider...

    ...when starting a DVD shop? I have an assignment on owning & operating a business and I have chosen to run a DVD shop. I am looking for answers, or resources to help me answer the following questions: -What factors do I need to consider before starting my business? -What is the size (in...
  9. G

    Church History Essay. Discuss the factors that Judaism to break away from its

    parent faith which is now? the world religion of christianity. Hi i have 2000 word essay to do on this topic. The factors i feel that are important here are circumsension, baptism, the influence of Pauls writings , jewish beliefs, the different groups such as pharisees and sadduccess and their...
  10. R

    Account for the differences in smoking rates? Cultural factors?

    % of smokers in Australia compares to Bangladesh Australia Males: 25 Females: 21 Bangladesh Males: 47 Females: 3.3 what are reasons for this difference in females compared to males in Bangladesh? Is it considered not acceptable for a female to smoke?
  11. M

    discuss the four principle factors that influence how members of Congress vote.?

    In an essay of at least four well-developed paragraphs, discuss the four principle factors that influence how members of Congress vote. Include the following points: * Briefly explain each factor and its importance. * Explain how that influence can have positive or negative effects on...
  12. M

    Tip of the day: Be aware of risk factors for prostate cancer

    Tip of the day: Be aware of risk factors for prostate cancer If someone you know is diagnosed with prostate cancer, it may leave you frightened and concerned about your own risk. Talk to your doctor about these concerns, and know the risk factors. You have an increased risk of prostate...
  13. M

    what the two factors that will affect the capacitance of a capacitor .?

    State two factors that will affect the capacitance of a capacitor .
  14. V

    What microenvironmental factors affected the introduction and relauch of the

    Toyota Prius? how well has Toyota dealt with these factors
  15. N

    What are some negative factors or limitations to the GI diet?

    This is for a school presentation, not for my own personal weight loss, so specific information would be nicer... help please?
  16. E

    what factors will cause deterioration in water quality of a 800l marine fish only...

    ...aquarium? in general what factors causes the water quality to decrease
  17. M

    What are factors that were part of the French Revolution and the lasting...

    ...result of the Revolution on politics? I have to make sure to include: 1) The inequality of the social classes 2) changes in the government 3) the lasting influence of the revolution on the French Government
  18. X

    PESTLE factors of new holiday company, please help?

    I really don't understand my homework, if someone could just point me in the right direction on how to start this, i'd be very grateful! What would the PESTLE factors of a new incoming tour operator, offering golfing holidays throughout scotland be?
  19. X

    PESTLE factors of a new holiday company? please help?

    I really don't understand my homework, if someone could just point me in the right direction on how to start this, i'd be very grateful! What would the PESTLE factors of a new incoming tour operator, offering golfing holidays throughout scotland be?
  20. F

    Factors which affect the style and quality of a wine?

    ive been asked to do it like in a short paragraph , around 60 words can someone help me with that please