
  1. G

    Electric Brain Makes You Perceive Faces as More Attractive

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and—as researchers have now shown—in the brain as well. The researchers, led by scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), have used a well-known, noninvasive technique to electrically stimulate a specific region deep inside the brain...
  2. V

    Hero Hacker Deric Lostutter Outed Steubenville Rapists, Now Faces Prison Time

    [No message]
  3. What free android apps allow you too put mickey mouse faces?

    I need an android app not website or ios apps.
  4. A

    Oscar Pistorius Faces Murder Charges; The Rest Of Us Face Disability Myths and Domest

    Oscar Pistorius was charged with premeditated murder for shooting Reeva Steenkamp, his 29-year-old girlfriend, through a closed bathroom door on Valentine's Day. The world is scrambling to make sense of how the double-amputee Paralympic and Olympic athlete could have done something so...
  5. M

    The Nintendo Wii U starts out strong, but faces an uncertain future

    [No message]
  6. A

    If These Guys Can Pierce Their Faces With Bikes, You Can Meditate

    A lot of people complain that it's hard to find time to meditate, despite their best intentions and real belief in its mental and physical benefits. But if it's painful for you to carve out 15 minutes a day for peace of mind, I'd encourage you to spend three watching this video, from...
  7. A

    NFL Faces ‘Mega-Lawsuit’ For Hiding Brain Injury Risks; Failing To Protect Players

    The NFL has been hit with several lawsuits in recent years by former football players accusing the League of hiding the long-term brain injury risks, including dementia and chronic depression. But yesterday, lawyers for more than 2,300 retired players in 86 suits joined forces to file a single...
  8. A

    Faces of Meth™: Good Argument Against Drugs, Great Proof That Genes Aren’t Everything

    It's not hard to prove that meth is a bad idea, but the Faces of Meth™*photos from Oregon's Multnomah County Sheriff department definitely help the case. They're also one of the most convincing arguments I've ever seen for the idea that we aren't doomed to whatever our genes have in store for...
  9. A

    Bill Bene, counterfeit karaoake artist: Former Dodgers top pick faces the music

    Back in 1988 when the Los Angeles Dodgers picked Bill Bene in the first round, Major League Baseball was primed, improbably, to have three stars with an oddly similar name: Bene, Billy Bean and Billy Beane. A three-be(a)n(e) salad, if you will. True stardom in baseball never came for any of...
  10. J

    When was the last time you made funny faces in the mirror?

    M- Sure.
  11. K

    A polyhedron has 11 faces & 18 vertices..how many edges does it have?

    i can't find it anywhere..plzz help the person who answers first..with a rite answer..his/her's answer will be chosen as the best answer..!!
  12. I

    Do you think God makes faces at stupid people and laughs at funny people?

    Does God have his own set of emotions and a personality? As a beginner Christian, I imagine God making faces of disbelief at people who do stupid things and even rolling his eyes like he has seen this dozens of times before as if humans are so predictable. I'm sure God has actually become quite...
  13. R

    why do japan girls dont show faces in pictures?

    or its pixed out or got something edited on there face ive wonderd this for long time
  14. G

    Are These the New Faces of The Real Housewives of New York City?

    The Real Housewives of New York City did some major spring cleaning last week, clearing room for some shiny new castmembers. So who will fill the spots vacated by Jill Zarin, Kelly...
  15. A

    Josh Portis faces new challenges after tumultuous college career

    RENTON, Wash. -- His cousin may be former Denver Broncos and Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis, but undrafted free agent quarterback Josh Portis is perhaps best known for his trip through three different colleges from 2005 through 2010. He started at the University of Florida, but...
  16. D

    How to make faces using Alt*numbers*?

    IDK HOW TO DO ITTT like i can do the yin sin and shit but not other things.. ¶¶å¥
  17. G

    Why don't we replace these ugly mugs with some pretty female faces?

    I have a theory as to why atheism and skeptcisim tend to be old-white-guy activities (even when they are not) which might explain this picture: But I'll tell you this theory only if certain conditions pertain: 1) You are someone I trust and 2) I'm slightly drunk. Read the rest of this...
  18. S

    how to make faces in chat yahoo?

    how to make faces in yahoo chat like smiling face like rose etc
  19. H

    I got a BIG question...where can i find the dvd or tape of the Faces of Death?

    I need help and i hope that people remember the brutal true life series of Faces of Death and there was a Traces of Death to.It's been over 10 years since i seen them anywhere and i thought they got out lawed but i hope that you can help and remember both of them.I never need help on movies but...
  20. H

    I got a BIG question...where can i find the dvd or tape of the Faces of Death?

    I need help and i hope that people remember the brutal true life series of Faces of Death and there was a Traces of Death to.It's been over 10 years since i seen them anywhere and i thought they got out lawed but i hope that you can help and remember both of them.I never need help on movies but...