
  1. kowalskil

    Causality and convincing explanations

    Some of you might be interested in my very short article about causality. causality Please share this link with other potential readers. Thank you in advance, Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)*
  2. D

    I Need Detailed Explanations On Fitness And Health?

    ok so im 21 now and ive finally ocmpletly built the mentallity i need to change, ive smoked so much weed for the sake that i would forget all the bad things that have happened to me but i see taht its wrong now because if i dont remmber the suffering i went through i cant change without it...
  3. X

    So god is a murderer? Christians I would like explanations please.?

    Okay, my mum was preaching to me again and it really pisses me off how deluded people can be!!!!! I threw this at her and her answer was 'I don't have to answer this to you, I know, and have faith, you need to have faith, then you will understand. She then went on to say how EVERYTHING god did...
  4. I

    Dream interpretation. And my dream lucidity turns on and off? Possible explanations?

    I'm SURE I've dreamed of something for the past 3 days but I can't remember any of it.Anyways, I decided to include my dream diary entries for the past 5 days so you can gain an idea on what I'm talking about. August 29 - woke up at 10:15 am (my 2nd sleep; I sleep every from 11pm-2pm then...
  5. L

    Anyone else besides me trying not to lol when you read explanations of the Big Bang?

    I lol just thinking of trying not to lol when thinking about it... seriously.
  6. F

    Jesus isn't the Jewish Moshiach (explanations with prophecies to back it up)?

    These would be the primary reasons for me leaving Christianity =] (and thank G-d because I feel so much more free, like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders). 1)The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26) -Considering the Sanhedrin was still around in Jesus' time I don't know how it...
  7. J

    who in mma could beat fedor? honestly give your opinions and explanations or...

    ...whatever? i just want to hear some opinions because im drunk and there is ice on the roads and im bored as hell...so who do you think could take down the beast?.. arlovski was giving him hell, was it last weekend? i think it was, well it dosent really matter i just want your opinions...