
  1. JayJ1

    Can you explain what Lincoln is trying to say in this quote?

    This a quoted passage from Lincoln: "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save...
  2. H

    what does this mean? can someone explain? lol?

    http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhm41rPWgd1qbcwdao1_500.jpg i dont get it lol.
  3. M

    Doesn't it bother you when you have to explain a joke to someone?

    I think trying to explain it more than once ruins the joke. My nephew NEVER gets them (esecially if we're watching a movie or something) so I'm always the one explaining them to him.
  4. T

    Can anyone please explain to me why it is necessary to have your back straight...

    ...when meditating? I understand that it's better for your posture to keep your back straight but I have a curved spine and it's almost impossible for me to sit up straight, especially for long periods of time. But what I never understood is WHY is it Compulsory to have your back straight during...
  5. T

    Can anyone please explain to me why it is necessary to have your back straight...

    ...when meditating? I understand that it's better for your posture to keep your back straight but I have a curved spine and it's almost impossible for me to sit up straight, especially for long periods of time. But what I never understood is WHY is it Compulsory to have your back straight during...
  6. T

    Can anyone please explain to me why it is necessary to have your back straight...

    ...when meditating? I understand that it's better for your posture to keep your back straight but I have a curved spine and it's almost impossible for me to sit up straight, especially for long periods of time. But what I never understood is WHY is it Compulsory to have your back straight during...
  7. D

    can anybody on earth explain gundams linage or chronology?

    I love the anime gundam nd it's one of my top 4 series of all time but it has one deadly flaw. it was made out of order and over a long period of time. therefore makes no chronological seance technologically or even with the nations. so can anybody explain how many times a nation rebuilds itself...
  8. T

    Can anyone please explain to me why it is necessary to have your back straight...

    ...when meditating? I understand that it's better for your posture to keep your back straight but I have a curved spine and it's almost impossible for me to sit up straight, especially for long periods of time. But what I never understood is WHY is it Compulsory to have your back straight during...
  9. K

    Can anyone think of some cool words? Keeeeeep reading and ill explain LOL?

    Basically i need some new words cause me and my mates do this thing were we have like words that we say like..... Classic errrrm some catch phrases basically ohh you no what I mean:)
  10. G

    You can't explain that. Therefore there is a god.

    Have I got that right? Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  11. W

    Can someone explain how to get 2.2 froyo android on my samsung galaxy 3

    GT-i5801 in detail? Can someone write a step by step guide please, would be much appreciated, thanks
  12. T

    Can anybody explain Teen BodyBuilding Nutrition to me?

    I've been exercising and weightlifting for about three years now and ive seen some gains, but I realize I need to put in the nutrition part into the equation. I just want a very simple explanation. I've looked all over the internet and it all gets complicated with when to eat and what to eat and...
  13. S

    Can you explain the ending of the sci-fi book WIRED by Robin Wasserman?

    (spoilers alert) I loved the SKINNED series, but honestly, the ending kind of... wasn't so great. There wasn't closure, and I'm not even sure what the author was trying to say. Did Lia become a sort of God, did she become a good virus (an oxymoron but whatever), or was she her own server? All...
  14. K

    How do I explain that I'm a lesbian? ?

    Mmk. (this is my second question in an hour lol) I'm 14, and I'm a lesbian(yes I'm sure). My aunt(she's my guardian) knows that I'm a lesbian and all, she's know since early December, but she dosent accept it. Accually, I'm not even allowed to have sleep overs anymore. I kind of understand why...
  15. K

    How do I explain that I'm a lesbian? ?

    Mmk. (this is my second question in an hour lol) I'm 14, and I'm a lesbian(yes I'm sure). My aunt(she's my guardian) knows that I'm a lesbian and all, she's know since early December, but she dosent accept it. Accually, I'm not even allowed to have sleep overs anymore. I kind of understand why...
  16. K

    How do I explain that I'm a lesbian? ?

    Mmk. (this is my second question in an hour lol) I'm 14, and I'm a lesbian(yes I'm sure). My aunt(she's my guardian) knows that I'm a lesbian and all, she's know since early December, but she dosent accept it. Accually, I'm not even allowed to have sleep overs anymore. I kind of understand why...
  17. A

    can you explain this "joke" to me?

    it IS under the "jokes" tab..... http://laughs.rd.com/content/openJoke.do?index=29 how is that a joke? thanks, thats what i was thinking
  18. L

    Would someone please explain what to the power means in compound interest?

    For example, when it's saying that (1.0025)60, what exactly does that mean. I multiplied and then divided, but I'm not getting the answer of 1.16... that they got. Please explain.
  19. S

    can somebody explain this blonde joke to me?

    One day a big group of blondes met in New York to show the world that blondes aren't dumb. They begged: "Ask any of us any question, and we will show you that we're not dumb." The group caught the attention of a passer by, who volunteered to ask them some questions. He climbed up on a car and...