
  1. C

    ebitda 9mil, interest expense 3mil, net income 1.8mil, tax rate 40 %?

    i am looking for the proper equation to find the depriciation value with the above information
  2. W

    would you say the majority of jokes that are funny, are jokes at another's expense...

    .../ slightly offensive...? ie. offensive to blondes, black people, or to animals etc...
  3. J

    My husband is PCSing from Korea. Will the army cover the travel expense of...

    ...his puppies? I know they will cover the shipment of his belongings and pay for his ticket to his new duty location, but will they also cover pets? If so, where can I find the DoD regulation for this?
  4. S

    indebt company 75 million of interest expense and its average rate?

    indebt company 75 million of interest expense and its average rate of interest for the year was 10%. The companys ROE is 15% and it pays no dividends. estimate next years interest expense assuming the interest rates will fall 25% and the company keeps a constant equity multiplier of 20%.
  5. S

    indebt company 75 million of interest expense and its average rate?

    indebt company 75 million of interest expense and its average rate of interest for the year was 10%. The companys ROE is 15% and it pays no dividends. estimate next years interest expense assuming the interest rates will fall 25% and the company keeps a constant equity multiplier of 20%.
  6. T

    Can someone please suggest me How much will be my expense if i want to travel...

    ...Cambodia for 5days and 4 nights.? Fun Luvin Guy Enjoy drinkin Beer, No shopping habbit....
  7. W

    Can you legally expense your gas if you travel to work on the weekends?

    When I was hired, this was suppose to be an 8 - 5, Monday - Friday sort of job. Due to the nature of the business I sometimes have to work on Saturdays. So I'm wondering if I can expense my gas for the trip from home to work and back again...
  8. P

    I am a sole proprieter and lost my expense receipts for a business trip. Can I...

    ...take the federal per-diem? I am sole proprieter and lost my expense receipts from a trip. My understanding is that you don't have to have receipts if you claim the federal meals and lodging per-diem rate. Is this correct?
  9. O

    Do you think Valentine's Day is a waste of time and expense?

    Some may know, some may not - I believe February 14th is a crass way of extorting more money from the British public. It is a handy stopgap between Christmas and Easter. Anyone else fed up of the current bombarding of Valentine's Day gifts, bears 'n' rubbish?
  10. C

    If You could get an expense free vacation,... (Survey)?

    With free food, free travel, free hotel, and free entertainment, and could do whatever you wanted to while in this place, but only something only available to do in that place, Where would you go? What would you do? What would you eat? What Hotel would you stay at? Star Please,
  11. G

    Bill Clinton Spends Tons of Money on Tech at Your Expense [Big Spender]

    According to an article published on the KHQ station website out of Washington State, taxpayers support former Presidents to the tune of $2.9 million per year. The biggest spender? Good ol' Bill Clinton. In 2006, we footed his outrageous $104,000 phone bill. We also paid for "the satellite TV...