
  1. T

    Atheists, do you think Jesus Christ existed?

    Joseph Smith did, John Calvin did, Martin Luther did... there's plenty of yahoos who start religions who actually exist. Since Jesus is the focal point of this particular religion I would find it hard to believe that some manifestation of the man didn't exist. However, now comes in the manners...
  2. M

    Did Confucius know that Judaism existed?

    I am writing a paper about Confucianism and it's context in the modern world and western culture. I was curious as to whether Confucius would have been aware of the existence of Judaism (more specifically as a distinct monotheistic religion) since it was the only Western religion around during...
  3. O

    Does it matter if DON JUAN MATUS never existed? COULD Jesus Christ never have

    existed? If so, where was the ox? If Dr. Carlos Castaneda just made it all up, that would make him one of the top ten geniuses of the 20th Century- which was obviously not the case. He was somewhat of a nitwit. If The Gospel of Jesus Christ were fabricated, as many try to say, the fabricator...
  4. R

    Since when has Facebook existed?

    Like, down to the date/year.
  5. J

    Jesus Christ really existed so how come you don't believe His Word?

    Jesus Christ was real in history, secular historians wrote about him, and continual facts exist about Jesus Christ. Why is it that you don't believe in Him. Either you call Him the Lord of your life and believe everything he says and you have everlasting life. Or you call Him a crazy man and...
  6. I

    what is the historical evidence that jesus christ existed?

    can anyone give me any historical evidence and proof that jesus christ ACTUALLY existed???
  7. N

    Free market extremists claim laissez-faire capitalism has never existed. Does

    that mean it is too idealistic? Capitalism will inevitably turn into corporatism (like in the US) or anarchy (like in Somalia). That's the reality. So, why do they ascribe to idealism?
  8. M

    A Wikipedia article you wish existed?

    What is a Wikipedia article you wish existed?
  9. M

    A Wikipedia article you wish existed?

    What is a Wikipedia article you wish existed?
  10. A

    If you had lived at a time B4 cars existed would you say to Henry Ford that...

    ...it would be unrealistic to build 1? If you had lived at a time before cars existed would you say to Henry Ford that it would be unrealistic to build a car? Before cars existed, no one even a imagined a horseless carriage. Most people think it's impossible to even build something equivalent...
  11. K

    You meet the type of people you thought only existed in movies. -- You know

    you're in college when...? Group called... "You know you're in college when..." 64. You meet the type of people you thought only existed in movies. What kind of people have you met you thought only existed in movies?
  12. L

    what kind of satire and humor existed in soviet union?

    what is your opinion of russian underground humor? How do you compare it to American humor? Why offical satire had been needed in suck tightly controlled society as the soviet union? Can you give examples of this humor?
  13. R

    If Christ retroactively existed since the beginning of time, we do people say...

    ...that Jews founded Christianity? time being relative, from a certain viewpoint at least, Christianity is entirely independent.
  14. S

    If Jesus the man never existed, why did Luke make up lies to crowbar a...

    ...MAN into fulfilling Jewish prophecies? Casear Augustus is known to have conducted 3 censuses of Roman citizens in 28bce, 8bce and 14ce. None of these cenuses comply with Jesus supposed birth date of 4bce to 4ce. Res Gestae 8 All indications, even in the writings of Matthew & Luke, point to...
  15. V

    List: Ten Performance Cars That We Wish Existed

    One of our favorite ongoing discussions here at the Winding Road office is how we'd like to see some tuned-up performance variants of some of our favorite production cars. This conversation normally contains talk of turbochargers, wheels, spoilers, body kits, Recaro seats, speeding tickets, and...
  16. N

    In Brunelleschi's Dome- Discuss the rivalry that existed between Florence and Milan?

    I need to know what rivalry existed between Florence and Milan. I need help,please!! I hope someone has read Brunelleschi's Dome.
  17. E

    what celebs do you wish never existed?

    perez hilton (wannabe celeb) miley virus (cyrus) what about you? oh yea ryan seacreast is ughh i hate him. and ew the jonas brothers too
  18. J

    what were some canadian politics that existed during the 1920's and 1930's?

  19. D

    If He Existed, Was Jesus Trying To Get Us To Ride The "Bike," And Not Ride Him?

    This may be un-Christianly of me, but what are you talking about? Either I am vaguely ignorant (likely), completely insane (more likely), or overly intelligent (most likely) to comprehend anything in your paragraph. So, for us out here who are uninformed..certifiable...or brilliant, please...
  20. I

    Some people believe they existed in a PAST life. Does anyone think they've

    lived in a future life? I've talked to a lot of people who think they may have been alive during the 12th, 16th, 18th century, some say earlier. Does anyone think they've come back from the future? If so when, where, why and what makes you think so?