
  1. B

    How to watch a movie that exist of 52 files, downloaded via a torrent?

    Wanna download movie HOLLY (2006) via torrent but they all come with a huge amount of files in stead of one .avi file. How to handle this ?
  2. C

    Does a God exist? How do you know?

    What are your spiritual beliefs? I am not sure of my own beliefs and I would love to hear any of your responses.
  3. L

    Does the book "A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century" exist?

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Racial_Program_for_the_Twentieth_Century It allegedly was written by Israel Cohen in 1912. However, neither the library of congress nor the British library contains records of the book (read the discussion page of the article). Does anybody hold a copy of the book?
  4. B

    Does sheet music exist for the Disney Cruise Line musical "Twice Charmed"?

    I am specifically looking for sheet music for "Believe in Me." I have no idea where to start. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. S

    Atheists, do you not "believe" that god does not exist?

    Or rather, you dismiss it as a possibility due to a complete lack of evidence? If the evidence changes, would you certainly be reasonable enough to revaluate your positions?
  6. P

    What good gadget/game blogs exist in the internet?

    i know of gizmodo, kotaku, engadget, joystiq, gamelife and destructiod already
  7. G

    Patriarchic institutional structures exist to manage power and sex

    But that it has always been true does not excuse ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  8. T

    Does God Exist?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    http://www.youtube.com/user/truthfulchristian GOD OBVIOUSLY DOES EXIST. THE LINK ABOVE PROVES IT!
  9. T

    If Plato argued that there are perfect geometric shapes that exist outside the

    material? and nature only produces crude facsimiles of this removed perfection, then did he also believe that there are perfect ideals of imperfect geometric shapes? I mean, imagine you draw square but you are poor artist so the lines dont even join up: So is there a perfect version of your...
  10. M

    Toyota President Lentz before Congress: More acceleration issues may exist

    [No message]
  11. S

    How can true socialism exist in a nation built primarily on the power, wealth,...

    ...and greed of the elite? You're probably well aware of how the anti-Obama crowd is claiming that he's a socialist and is bent on transforming our country into a "socialist nation". But how can that be possible when the top 1% of our country's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a select...
  12. D

    Do you think MLB baseball will exist in the year 2100?

    How will the game be different? Maybe the yankees will be opeining a new stadium? The red sox will still be in old fenway...
  13. B

    (Italian people only) Does the word "la spillatrice" exist in the Italian...

    (Italian people only) Does the word "la spillatrice" exist in the Italian... ...language?If yes, what does it mean? Ciao. Mi chiamo Christopher. Studio Italiano My classmates claim that tis word exist but I cannot find this word in Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary :( Will Italian people...
  14. B

    (Italian people only) Does the word "la spillatrice" exist in the Italian...

    (Italian people only) Does the word "la spillatrice" exist in the Italian... ...language?If yes, what does it mean? Ciao. Mi chiamo Christopher. Studio Italiano My classmates claim that tis word exist but I cannot find this word in Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary :( Will Italian people...
  15. P

    Did my soul exist before I was born?

    Will it exist after I'm dead? Does it exist now?
  16. M

    Does there exist a "Stop Watch" gadget for the Windows Vista 64 bit (not 32 bit)

    Does there exist a "Stop Watch" gadget for the Windows Vista 64 bit (not 32 bit) sidebar? The times I have done a search, I find that the gadget will only work with the 32 bit version of Windows Vista. Sometimes I find warnings on the website with the download for the gadget such as: "Could...
  17. J

    Does a 720p Blue-Ray Converter exist?

    Hello all. I just purchased 50in Panasonic Plasma TV. Im using my Blue-Ray on my PS3. I was very excited to watch movies after i got done converting and burning them but the quality sucked. I was highly disappointed. Im not too knowedgeable about this so i was wondering if u knew how i could...
  18. L

    DO USENET newsgroups still exist?

    Its called google, it saves time.
  19. C

    does the iphone 3g 16gb exist?

    I have yet to hear about it, but it might tomorrow since you mentioned it today :P I'd get that copyrighted somehow if I were you
  20. D

    Did a PS3 120 GB bundle exist with Blue Ray Remote?

    Does anyone remember a Costco deal for around 249.00 that gave you a 2nd wireless controller and a Blue Ray remote for the 120 GB model. I got one as a XMAS gift and didn't get the remote? Want to know if I got ripped off.