
  1. C

    Is there evidence modern man evolved from pre modern man(ex:neanderthal or homo...

    ...erectus)? I have been doing a lot of reading lately and much of it suggests modern human lived side by side with certain pre modern humans and no evidence of interbreeding or direct evolution. Do you have any good online reading on the subject or what can you tell me about this. I have read a...
  2. D

    What is the actual evidence that the "Jesus Christ" described in the

    bible exists, and established the..? ...Catholic church? Posted a few minutes ago: "Catholic Church was established by Jesus Christ. Scriptures prove it. Church history proves it..Secular History proves it" What is the proof? Note: logical fallacies like appeal to ignorance, negative...
  3. S

    What is evidence from "Huck Finn" for arguments on these prompts?

    What are some arguments (either supporting or refuting) that could me made/supporting evidence that could be used for these two prompts? "According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development (if you don't know what that is...
  4. G

    Definitive Evidence of Liquid Water Activity on Mars

    This is very, very cool. Geologically, there are ways in which minerals move around and get deposited with rock. A common phenomenon is for a crack to form due to cooling of molten rock or an earthquake or something, and then this space gets filled in. Stuff might just fall into it...
  5. A

    If evidence is collected through a search what must happen for it to be lawfully...

    ...used in a court? I have a project where I have to defend a imaginary client who relates to the New Jersey v T.L.O case and I want to know....if a reasonable search is used, on what basis is it allowed to be used in a court lawfully. And on a side note I want to know if T.L.O confessed to the...
  6. L

    Why do 'christians' try to demand 'evidence of/for atheism' from atheists when...

    ...all that atheism means is? I DON'T BELIEVE IN A 'god' OR IN ANY 'gods'? @TAG.. no problem. I have looked for credible evidence for the existence of a 'god' or 'gods' for decades and found nothing that could not be explained by science. So, as I have no evidence to build a platform of faith, I...
  7. H

    Evidence for the bible prophecies and archeology?

    I went to this judgment house program at my friends house. And It said that supposedly 4000 of the 5000 bible prophecies have came true, and the end times prophecies are being fulfilled (7 yr peace treaty, etc). And that the bible is supported by archaeological findings. I don't necessarily...
  8. S

    Is there evidence for or against death at stake in religious traditions like

    Judaism Christianity ect? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER
  9. G

    Disturbing Evidence of Recent Nuclear Reactions Found at Fukushima [Japan]

    Japan is hoping to have the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant safely shuttered by the end of the year, but a little radioactive wrench just got dropped: inspectors have discovered evidence of very recent fission. That's bad news. More »
  10. M

    Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?

    1. Vinko Rajic is talking about in his videos on YouTube that he can use telepathy all the time and 100% correct on few kilometer. Uri Geller could give evidence for telepathy at Stanford University. 2. At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy...
  11. M

    Telepathy works but where is scientific evidence?

    1. Vinko Rajic is talking about in his videos on YouTube that he can use telepathy all the time and 100% correct on few kilometer. Uri Geller could give evidence for telepathy at Stanford University. 2. At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy...
  12. O

    is there any evidence of an introduced species program being successful without

    unintended consequences? help
  13. A

    What evidence is there that God has a sense of humor?

    As a kid I used to think that God was always serious,but I still wonder what evidence is there that God has a good sense of humor.I'm asking this because there have been times where something that I really liked but lost will show up out of no where at the perfect time(When I'm depressed).Or...
  14. D

    Give me evidence that god is real already!!!!?

    Why won't any creationist give me proof god exists without reading from the bible just cause theirs words in a book doesn't mean its proof.
  15. W

    My car was hit in a parking garage, I have witness testamonies and picture evidence.?

    Howdy, Unfortunitly my car was hit while parked in a parking garage where I live. A cleaning lady saw the whole incident and took pictures of the car while it was still next to mine. The apartment then called the cops, a sergeant came out and took down the statement from the cleaning lady...
  16. T

    More Evidence That Caffeine Lowers Risk Of Skin Cancer

    There might be a time when instead of just drinking that morning cup of coffee you lather it on your skin as a way of preventing harmful sun damage or skin cancer. A new Rutgers study strengthens the theory that caffeine guards against certain skin cancers at the molecular level by inhibiting a...
  17. G

    Apple Presents Misleading Evidence in German Case Against Samsung [Apple]

    Apple filed an infringement complaint against Samsung and won an injunction that halted European sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Unfortunately for Apple, the images of the Samsung Galaxy Tab it submitted to the German court were inaccurate. More »
  18. T

    Researchers Find Early Evidence That TB Jab Could Help Fight Cancer

    Scientists have found a potential new mechanism to stimulate the body's own ability to fight cancer using Baculillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) the germ commonly used to inoculate against tuberculosis (TB). The findings are published online in the British Journal of Cancer (Wednesday 10 August 2011)...
  19. D

    What is this evidence the Christian god is real, that Christians keep claiming to

    have but never present? Posted earlier: "God is the evidence. He gives the promise. He is faithful. He is the proof. Whether you believe it or not." Well, what is the evidence that the christian god exists? Note: logical fallacies like appeal to ignorance, negative proof/burden of proof, and...
  20. P

    Christians: Is there any evidence in the bible in which jesus declares himself god

    and says to worship him? I have yet to find any evidence in the bible in which jesus says: "I am god, worship me". So why do these jesus freak christians insist upon everyone else that they should 'find jesus' as the true savior (blah blah blah)? And DO NOT misquote the gospel of John to me...