
  1. M

    Which branch is better for ethical hacking in future...Computer Science or

    Information Technology? hey... I wud lyk to choose my career as an ethical hacker... but I need to graduate first... can u plz tel me which branch shud I choose for Btech so that I can easily persue ethical hacking courses in future.. Computer Science or Information Technology??
  2. S

    Do you find there are more legal and ethical issues among outdoors

    enthusiasts than other people? Some other people. In general. "For the most part." Some other people like those involved in Laws & Ethics, and Law Enforcement & Police. I would have thought the Law & Ethics section was full of legal and ethical issues, but most of those seem to revolve...
  3. T

    Notre Dame's Reilly Center Highlights Emerging Ethical Dilemmas In Science And Techno

    As a new year approaches, the University of Notre Dame's John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values has announced its first annual list of emerging ethical dilemmas and policy issues in Science and Technology for 2013. The Reilly Center explores conceptual, ethical and policy...
  4. G

    Ethical Graffiti: Pressure-Washing Moss to Make Art [Art]

    Most street artists add to the urban environment to make a statement. But Stefaan de Croock takes away instead: he uses a pressure washer to carve graffiti into the natural dirt and growth that cover our cityscapes, and the results are quite amazing. More »
  5. T

    Military-Funded Neuroscience Has Ethical Implications

    The United States military and intelligence communities have developed a close relationship with the scientific establishment. In particular, they fund and utilize an array of neuroscience applications, generating profound ethical issues. Neuroscience offers possibilities for cutting edge...
  6. A

    PETA: Unethically Using Women For Ethical Treatment Of Animals

    Over the weekend, a Blisstree reader, Jacqueline Joan, made a compelling request that we revoke our support for PETA, based on our usage of a PETA photo in a gift guide featuring vegan wool alternatives. She called for other readers to help her in voicing concerns over PETA's sexist ads, which...
  7. L

    Is it ethical to play online poker games for money?

    It's the latest fad with almost a guarantee of 6 or more hours of Texas hold'em shown on TV a day with tons of ads to play these online sites. The government says they are illegal and that we should not participate on these sites. Millions ignore these laws and play anyhow. Most don't report...
  8. K

    Can anyone tell me what the Legal, Illegal and Ethical problems are in the

    gaming insdustry? This is for my coursework at college so would be much appreciated if you could help :)
  9. W

    Interesting ethical dilemma topics in healthcare?

    I need one for my Ethics class. Can anyone help me? Please =]
  10. S

    What are the ethical arguments that argue that I am obligated to pay into a... care system to provide care? for all citizens? What about the ethical arguments against it?
  11. L

    I want to argue it is socially responsible to legalize marijuana, what ethical

    theories can i use? Thanks! I have never smoked Marijuana Its for a research paper for an ethics class
  12. M

    Is it ethical to advertise tobacco products in association with a cartoon

    character that is appealing to young? Is it ethical to advertise tobacco products in association with a cartoon character that is appealing to young people?
  13. T

    Is it possible to study Kaballah and the mystical and ethical and...

    ...spiritual aspects of Judaism without convert? without converting?
  14. T

    Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect weapon against

    heavily-armored defenses, but c? Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect weapon against heavily-armored defenses, but can also be modified to create a clean, green environment. Technically it is known as the Insulting, short for the “Insult-To-Injury”, or “I2I”(eye-to-eye)...
  15. T

    Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect weapon against

    heavily-armored defenses, but c? Discuss legal and ethical implications that could affect weapon against heavily-armored defenses, but can also be modified to create a clean, green environment. Technically it is known as the Insulting, short for the “Insult-To-Injury”, or “I2I”(eye-to-eye)...
  16. L

    Do you think it would be ethical to introduce life to another planet or moon?

    I was just reading about Jupiter's moon Europa, scientists believe the water on Europa is oxygen rich and could support life (ie fish), this got me in a day dream and i was thinking, would it be wrong if we were to introduce a number of types of fish to Europa? For example we could throw a...
  17. L

    Do you think it would be ethical to introduce life to another planet or moon?

    I was just reading about Jupiter's moon Europa, scientists believe the water on Europa is oxygen rich and could support life (ie fish), this got me in a day dream and i was thinking, would it be wrong if we were to introduce a number of types of fish to Europa? For example we could throw a...
  18. T

    Key technology trends that raise ethical questions and give and example of an...

    ...ethical or moral impact connecte? describe three key technology trends that raise ethical questions and give and example of an ethical or moral impact connected to each one.
  19. P

    What are some social and ethical issues on Facebook?

    List 3 each (3 for social and 3 for ethical) and provide short description, will award 10 pts to best answer. Very Urgent, answer needed.
  20. A

    Is it ethical to involve myself in that relationship?

    I am a Registered Nurse and I was working in that settings where I was taking care of young disable people. I left that job a few weeks ago and before to leave one of the guys there admitted to me that he is in love with me and would like we to be in a relationship. He is very nice and cute and...