
  1. A

    Rays ball boy makes up for errors, protects bullpen with snag of line drive

    Your browser does not support iframes. What started out as a rough night at the office for Tropicana Field ball boy R.J. Boggs, was quickly turned around by one outstanding catch that had Rays players and fans alike giving him a standing ovation. Of course we have to start with the lows...
  2. T

    Blood Thinners Cause 7 Percent Of Medication Errors

    New research published in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy has revealed that blood thinners account for around 7 percent of medication errors in hospitalized patients. Blood thinners reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by preventing the development of blood clots in the arteries and veins...
  3. C

    X reg vw polo 1.0 coolent sensor and lambda sensor keep having errors?

    It seems to trigger when i hut a speedbump too quick, i had this problem changed the coolant sensor and the problem went then came back 2 weeks later and then went and has came back just now 2 months later. Is this a wiring connection problem? I have seen two different mechanics who dont know...
  4. A

    Google errors, bugs, help?

    Hello! I made a know where I pressed by mistake, but did not appear at all Google page, whether open Mozilla or Google Chrome, but Google does not want to defend me but I look Private search. What can I do? pls help! Thanks
  5. S

    errors of judgement in public admnistration?

    what are the procedures followed by the government to ensure that errors of judgement dont occur in public admnistration? what are the significances of these procedures?
  6. M

    Is this introduction to my essay reasonable? Any errors?

    The topic is "what is the difference between followership and leadership". It is for My Civil Air Patrol Promotion. In today’s time and age were embark on a great crusade in everything we do. We do this by doing what we are told when were told. The type of task nor the difficulty matters but...
  7. M

    my LG KS360 has som errors?

    basically i go on the and it goes 'a communication error has occurred' and i don't know what to do!
  8. J

    How to fix errors in Vista Sidebar Gadgets?

    Recently i started having trouble with my Sidebar (Running Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit) and its only really effecting the gadgets, such as the Weather and CPU monitor display, another issue im having is that i cannot update my location for the weather gadget, it works fine on my second...
  9. B

    How do you like this book so far? (sorry for the spelling and grammer errors)?

    "The Vampire Task Force TVTF is trying their hardest to kill everyone of these vampires but they can not kill all of them. We can not be more careful these days, as you know there has been a curfew threw out the USA at sunset when the sirens go off for three years now. Anyone that has been out...
  10. Z

    My Blackberry Storm Media Card contains errors!!!?

    'A Media Card has been inserted that contains errors. To correct the errors please use a disk error-checking utility on a computer' This note pop-out when i on my BB Storm on the way home from school. When i checked my music,pictures and videos, they are all gone!!! How can i get them back? I...
  11. A

    When I delete my Windows.old folder it will make errors to my new windows or it...

    ...might not function properly? I have already upgraded Windows Xp to 7..there is a windows.old folder at my local disk (c:) and i know that its from my windows xp os and i want to delete it cause it costs more hard disk memory..but i cannot..because im worried that my windows 7 might not...
  12. A

    When I delete my Windows.old folder it will make errors to my new windows or it...

    ...might not function properly? I have already upgraded Windows Xp to 7..there is a windows.old folder at my local disk (c:) and i know that its from my windows xp os and i want to delete it cause it costs more hard disk memory..but i cannot..because im worried that my windows 7 might not...
  13. E

    Why are so many Yahoo! news articles riddled with so many grammatical errors and

    simple spelling mistakes? I can't seem to finish reading a paragraph without coming across at least two sentences with horrible structure or glaring spelling errors. I would expect the Yahoo! news department to at least have editors and proofreaders on staff if they're going to claim to be a...
  14. D

    Why does my cd/dvd burner give me errors...?

    It's new...can it be something wrong with the computer itself?? it burns dvd's good, but I tried burning a music cd through itunes and at the end it said there was an error attempting burning the disc, what's up with that????
  15. B

    Why does facebook have so many errors on my PC?

    Majority of the time when I try to open it, it has page errors or a window will pop up telling me it can't be opened. Yet when I access it on my iPod touch, it is fine all of the time. Reason?
  16. H

    Why do I get errors when trying to play DVD's on my computer?

    When trying to play Cd's, movies, etc., my windvd10 pro freezes up and Microsoft detects an unknown error. I tried a different software and it gets the same error. I have an LG drive model CH10LS20. I have a HIS 4670HD hdmi video card that works fine. I have an asus zonar sound card. I have...
  17. S

    i am a newbie in C programming, and this program is giving errors... pls help?

    //call by value example int calc(int var1,int var2,char oper); main() { int num1,num2; char operator; printf(";enter two no.s and an operator\n"); scanf("%d%d%d",&num1,&num2,&operator); calc(num1,num2,operator); getch(); }...
  18. C

    Blackberry error: "Media card has(...)errors. To correct these errors use a error

    Blackberry error: "Media card has(...)errors. To correct these errors use a error checking utility on a comp"? i keep getting this stupid messege and i know im supposed to use the disk error utility thing on my pc but whenever i click on rt click>properties on my phone it doesnt have the tools...
  19. T

    Report Finds Medical Errors More Common & More Deadly Than Previously Estimated

    A new study released by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found that one in seven Medicare patients were harmed by the care they received in the hospital during a month studied by the agency. The study shows that hospital patients are harmed much more frequently than previously...
  20. J

    my dvd burner keeps popping up the error message saying "there were errors

    burning your iso+joliet dvd disc? what dose that mean and how do i go about burning my video files onto blank discs?