
  1. H

    Prove the equality: 6n3/ (log n + 1) = O (n3).?

    please prove this any of you as quick as possible
  2. A

    Pope Benedict XIV Resigns; Humanity Might Now Be Doomed To Marriage Equality

    Good riddance, Pope Benedict XVI! The resigning pope leaves behind a legacy of hatred and hyperbole toward marriage equality for same-sex couples. More » Pope Benedict XIV Resigns; Humanity Might Now Be Doomed To Marriage Equality is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
  3. M

    What did Lincoln say about equality triangle linked with maths and

    slavery in the film? I watched Lincoln the movie last night and in the movie he said something about equality in a triangle or something in maths and linked it with Black and White humans being equal, but what exactly did Lincoln say about the maths triangle thing?
  4. I

    Writing an argumentative essay? Topic of interest - Equality?

    Points I have narrowed down to, are the following: discrimination, oppression, and segregation.
  5. C

    You Want More Equality? Support More Capitalism?

    Over the past half-century, in fact, the wages of the middle class have captured a remarkably consistent share of gross domestic product. And the most important fact that eludes protesters and progressives is that the poorest 5 percent of Americans are still richer than nearly 70 percent of the...
  6. Z

    Discuss three ‘isms’ which have divided women working toward equality in

    feminist movement. Explain how these? in 5-6 sentences
  7. J

    Good Young Adult Novels about equality, discrimination, etc?

    Preferably only narrated by one person ( not switching back and forth between characters )
  8. C

    atheist- we need to get rid of religion that teaches equality , right?

    I don’t have any intention to offend other races and I'm just being true myself. I’m not a hypocrite and a troll and I’m expecting an intelligent and rational answers. If you disagree with my opinion based on facts, make sure that you can prove your side or point of view. I also don’t like...
  9. T

    Despite Gains In Gender Equality, Labor Market Remains Unequal For Mothers, New York

    While the last three male Supreme Court nominees have all been married with children, the last three women nominated to the court -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor and nominees Elena Kagan and Harriet Miers -- "have all been single and without children," which makes the court "a good symbol of the...
  10. S

    Under the equality act, do you have the right to complain about someone who...

    ...has slight learning difficulties? Someone in my partners workplace was rude to him, so he complained to the manager. The manager refused to hear his complaint because he says that person has a slight learning difficult. My partner was unaware of this as it does not show. He has now been...
  11. B

    online copy of the book Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay and

    Lesbian Liberation by Urvashi Vaid? need it so bad..i can't find a hard copy..
  12. B

    Do you consider this to be in the interests of equality of opportunity?

    I awoke this morning to the BBC news on Radio 4 and this is what I heard. Muslim represent a disproportionate percentage of the British prison population. The intention now is to provide them with mentors when they have finished their sentences in order to reduce the recidivism rate. The...
  13. M

    Who else is tired of liberal rants of tolerance,equality and peace!?

    Hear me out, is liberalism it's own religion? In earlier times, the U.S. directly assimilated the places it conquered, as with the military conquest of Texas and the military conquest of Hawaii. Another great example is the Nazi Germany style “Lebensraum” over the indigenous population where...
  14. B

    Sexual Equality in the UK?

    Is it right that here in the UK, to prove our commitment to sexual equality, we are going to allow a law which states that only "Females" can apply for certain MP's seats. This has already been the case for a few councillots seats on local elections. So the question is, is it right to...
  15. S

    Do you find it funny that some people dont expect men to complain about equality?

    As a male I have always supported equal rights for women however the problem I have is that some people forget that it should include the bad rights as well as bad. I have heard men and women who say that men arguing that women being in the military draft is gay (with idea men are suppose to...
  16. N

    hey can anyone tell me what influences equality in sexuality?

    what influences equality in sexuality
  17. M

    If feminists are for equality, then why do they complain so much more

    Hey Sean, I bought you a present: http://www.neuticles.com/ You know, for your 'condition'.
  18. A

    Project on religion and equality?

    Im doing a project on certain religions where equality is forced, I need a good title, any ideas?
  19. S

    So Prince Harry is to go Equality and diversity training What a complete wast of...

    ...time.Worthwhile excercise ? Or a complete waste of time? Harry will not change it's the way the guy is this will be a complete waste of resources, give it to some one who is prepared to try, instead of forcing someone because he has been caught
  20. T

    I am very much a person who loves equality, which means i will give as...

    ...good as i get. He treats me well i..? will him and so on. Will this screw me over in a serious relationship because i am not very forgiving and don't compromise, or do but only as much as they will. Does one person in the relationship have to be a push over? man or woman?