
  1. N

    What do you feel like venting today? Open Ended Question/Answer.?

    Here I go again. I think this may be something I do regularly. Sometimes I just feel like venting so if you want to do the same thing, here's your chance. If you want to respond to mine, also, feel free but you really don't have to. Everyone will get thumbs up from me. OK, about a year later...
  2. Z

    i rear ended a car yesterday 10mph hit at like 6mph it transfered my paint to hers...

    ...... she has an 2001 nissan.? maxima it is white .... she said the bumper is cracked a little i thought it could just be buffed out... how muh would a repair like this cost?
  3. L

    I got in a collision today and i re ended a toyota camry pretty old one

    and it got a little bump? on the front of the car. i was wondering how much it would be to fix it? its really just a small dent on the side of the car like by your front lights. Im okay and everything the man was on his cellphone. but i have to pay for the damage i did so how much would that be?
  4. K

    Can someone tell me how "The Blair Witch Project 2" ended?

    Since the movie's rated R, I can't watch it, but I'm so curious! I watched the beginning at a friend's house, but her mom stopped us before we got to the ending. Can someone tell me what happened?
  5. R

    Can i use a plane two ended usp connector to get my wii on the internet?

    My wii cant find the wierd connection.
  6. K

    My period ended as normal, came back again a week later, and now hasn't

    ended in two weeks! Should I worry? So like I said, my period was it's normal length (7 days) ..it ended on time, everything was normal. Then it suddenly came back a week after ending, and it's been two weeks and it's STILL here ..what could be wrong with me?? Am I overreacting!? and also, I've...
  7. K

    is it okay to bleed a little bit...my period ended a little more than a week ago?

    My period ended a little more than a week ago. Last night, when i went to the bathroom, there was brownish stuff on my underwear (this was not blood, i dont know what it was), and after i wiped going to the bathroom, there was i tiny bit of blood. My underwear had been giving me a real bad...
  8. J

    I drive a small BMW coupe, and i got rear ended by a jeep cherokee.?

    so the trunk smashed in a bit, it wasn't too bad though. the trunk wouldn't open or anything, and the fender was pretty close to the tire. anyways, how long do you think it will take to repair? I'm a sixteen year old girl, I really miss my car haha :)
  9. T

    If the world ended tomorrow, who would you rather try and 'survive' with?

    Les Stroud (Survivorman) or Bear Grylls (Man vs. Wild)? Les Stroud annoys me and Bear Grylls is a smart lunatic...I'd go w/ Bear.
  10. C

    open ended, whatever?

    i never wanted this he said, this world this life how did i end up with this house this wife my job that defines me its not who i am i can be my dreams, i swear that i can trapped in a superficial world defined not by me but words as endless as the clouds that pass overhead the soul of a man...
  11. K

    What did you think of that gossip girl episode(that just ended)?

    I dont really watch gossip girl a lot but i just happened to watch it today. so what did you think of that episode?
  12. C

    Did anyone else notice that the inauguration and inaugural balls ended up being

    celebrity events rather than..? political events? I saw Stevie Wonder, TI, Kanye Waste and Bruce Springsteen more times than Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or Ted Kennedy, well. I'm so tired of people saying "obama is our president, get over it" where in my question did you see any disdain for the...
  13. T

    Rear ended by a semi truck?

    A semi truck slammed into my 4runner at 50mph. The trucker got cited for a ticket, and I am not at fault whatsoever. I got major whiplash, and went to the doctor the next morning. I am very sore with muscle spasms in my neck, back, and arm. I got prescribed muscle relaxers and...
  14. S

    Let's say the food supply of the world has ended and you can breastfeed of...

    ...one celeb....? Let's say the world's food supply has ended and you can only feed off a celebrity I have listed. Who would you pick and why? - Your choices - Dolly Parton Richard Simmons Boy George Michael Jackson Little Richard David Bowie Whoopi Goldberg Cher Lady Bunny Rosanne Barr Jack...
  15. L

    Soap fans! Hollyoaks...Can someone tell me how Mercedes and Malachy ended up...

    ...being married? I think it must have happened during the late night episodes but i missed most of them but now see them back in Hollyoaks and married...what happened?? The last i saw of them was when Malachy left so did Mercedes go after him?