
  1. G

    Study explains cognitive ability differences among the elderly

    A new study shows compelling evidence that associations between cognitive ability and cortical grey matter in old age can largely be accounted for by cognitive ability in childhood. The joint study by the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, The Neuro, McGill University and the...
  2. G

    I have an elderly dog who tenses up & starts whining randomly? What's wrong with him?

    I have an elderly dog who tenses up & starts whining randomly? What's wrong with him? We adopted him & we aren't sure of his age. But when he tenses up sometimes he poops and pees where he is. Can anyone explain what might be wrong with him?
  3. T

    How Elderly Consumers Negotiate Their Identities

    Caregivers view elderly consumers as "old" when they can no longer perform everyday consumption activities on their own regardless of their actual age, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research... More...
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    Cognitive Rehab Takes A Promising New Direction For The Elderly

    Studies have shown that declines in temporal information processing (TIP), the rate at which auditory information is processed, underlies the progressive loss of function across several cognitive systems in elderly people. This includes problem solving, new learning, thinking, attention, memory...
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    Muscle Power Boosted By Caffeine In The Elderly

    A new study to be presented at the Society for Experimental Biology meeting on 30th June has shown that caffeine boosts power in older muscles, suggesting the stimulant could aid elderly people to maintain their strength, reducing the incidence of falls and injuries. For adults in their prime...
  6. T

    Policy Changes For 'Underprepared' Prison System Essential For Increase In Elderly Pr

    Soaring numbers of older, sicker prisoners are causing an unprecedented health care challenge for the nation's criminal justice system, according to a new UCSF report. As the American penal system confronts a costly demographic shift toward older prisoners, the authors call for an overhaul in...
  7. S

    Good T-Mobile Phone for Elderly?

    So my grandfather is in need of a new phone! He hasn't asked of course, but he's had the same phone for about 3 years and when you ask him if he wants a new one of course he declines, however, I want to surprise him with a new one! He deserves it! He currently has...
  8. O

    What are the best iPad apps for an elderly man?

    My grandfather is handicapped after a series of operations. For his amusement he bought an iPad 2. What apps are good for an elderly man? The app must be easy to control. I was thinking of a news app, or history app, or anything educational. He is interested in about anything. Please, any...
  9. J

    What Social Policies does the UK have to protect interests of Elderly and

    Retired people? All I can think of is concessionary travel, pensions and winter fuel allowance. Thanks so much!
  10. C

    What household gadget makes a great gift for an elderly parent?

    He's good at technical stuff and likes new "toys." One year I got him an electronic level and he's been using it as he fixes up his house.
  11. T

    Some Memory Complaints In The Elderly May Be Warning Signs Of Cognitive Problems

    Older individuals' complaints about memory lapses such as having trouble remembering recent events may indicate that they are experiencing cognitive problems that are greater than typical age-related changes. These findings, which are publishedin the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society...
  12. T

    Association Between Small Hippocampus And Depression In The Elderly: Risk Factor Or S

    Imaging studies have repeatedly found that people with depression have smaller hippocampal volumes than healthy individuals. The hippocampus is a brain region involved in learning and memory, spatial navigation, and the evaluation of complex life situations or "contexts". However, because in...
  13. T

    Cancer In The Elderly

    In many American families, including those from minority populations, people from a wide range of ages live together under the same roof. The elder folk in these homes face what are called the diseases of aging, including hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Cancer is a common event...
  14. T

    Health Literacy Tests Underutilized; May Improve Elderly Cancer Patients' Care And Ou

    Low health literacy is a significant barrier to quality care, especially among elderly patients, but increased use of simple and effective health literacy assessment tests by nurses and clinicians can help improve communication and health outcomes. Several screening tools are available to assess...
  15. A

    Elderly Hollywood Voice! I need help!?

    I recently (JUST)watched Up for the first time with my wife, and I IMMEDIATELY recognized Ed Asners voice, and I recognized it from a certain source. Problem is, it wasn't him that I recognized. It is apparently a man of roughly the same age, with roughly the same voice, and roughly the same...
  16. T

    Traffic Noise Linked To Higher Stroke Risk Among Elderly

    If you are continuously exposed to traffic noise your risk of stroke is higher if you are over 65 years of age, Danish researchers wrote in the European Heart Journal. They also found a clear association between stroke risk and decibel levels - the louder the noise, the higher the risk. The...
  17. L

    My elderly father's about to get evicted - who should I talk to and what can I do?

    Just moved back to the same city and am trying to understand what's going on. He missed '5 or 6' mortgage payments. He's living off his pension only, and every other bill he's got has been unpaid for ages. (I found unopened bills from three years ago.) I also think he's got the beginnings of...
  18. E

    How to tell an elderly person your going on vacation?

    I have 90 days to tell my mother that I'm going on vacation for eight days. She is into every bit of my business and at 85 years old she doesn't think the idea of spending my money on something as frivolous as a cruise is a good idea. I have to do this with kid gloves and without it getting...
  19. T

    New Study Finds Remote Monitoring Technology Enables The Elderly To Remain Independen

    Employing remote monitoring technology to enable the elderly to move from nursing homes and into community-based settings such as supportive housing can keep seniors safe at a substantially reduced cost, according to a new study released today. Commissioned by Courtland HT in collaboration with...
  20. T

    Levindale Builds Multi-Million Dollar Home For Elderly

    Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital is celebrating the first phase of a $31 million construction project. The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. pledged $10 million, the largest gift to a long-term care center in the foundation's history. In appreciation of its gift, the...