
  1. T

    Roger Ebert question?

    Ok so I'm a movie buff I enjoy reading Rogers reviews I almost never argree with him on the ones he does not like because I can find good in every movie I see (to me Howard the duck is a master peice) but I can't really figure him out he dident seem to like burt Reynolds and his "good ol boy"...
  2. N

    Roger Ebert or Kevin VanOrd?

    [NOTE: This question has also been posted in the movies category in order to get both sides of the question] Two great critics for two very different industries. But who do you think is the better critic in terms of writing quality/detail? Please be familiar with both the work of Ebert AND...
  3. eee

    Why did Roger Ebert like Wreck-It Ralph?

    It's about video games.
  4. T

    Question about Roger ebert?

    Ok he disliked death race 2000 the warriors and the exterminator Because of the high violent content but he loved natural born killers scarface and "kids" which are MUCH worse than the other movies I mentioned so can someone explain this to me? This is my second time asking this I want more...
  5. G

    Roger Ebert Hospitalized With a Broken Hip, Tweets About It!

    Roger Ebert is down, but his spirits are high. "Yes, fracture. But no surgery needed. Details follow. :)," the famed film critic tweeted Thursday after his wife broke the...
  6. I

    Why Roger Ebert didn't see Madagascar 3?

    Old guy,movie critic
  7. F

    Does Roger Ebert always watch the movies he reviews?

    I have never paid any attention to critics movie reviews before, but today I decided to read Ebert's review of a movie I was watching. The review contained several factual errors. I was surprised by this so I read 10 more of his movie reviews and found half of them contained errors. His reviews...
  8. C

    Did you know that 2 of Roger Ebert's top movies for 2011 are about Christ?

    Tree of Life and The Mill and the Cross. I think its kind of cool. http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2011/12/the_best_films_of_2011.html
  9. D

    List of Roger Ebert Overlooked DVDs of the week?

  10. I

    Why does everyone hate Roger Ebert?

    Recently I stumbled across some videos of Roger Ebert on youtube and on almost every single video there are about 500 comments saying how he should burn in hell and he deserves cancer and whatnot. I know he did that Ryan Dunn thing but that was just sentence he said about him. Did he like rape a...
  11. J

    What happened to roger ebert?

    I haven't seen him recently on TV.
  12. C

    Did Roger Ebert cross the line? (Jackass' star drunk in fatal Pa. crash)?

    Ryan Dunn was “wasted” after a night of drinking in a Philadelphia bar, and was traveling in excess of 100 MPH in his Porsche, according to reports, which led to his death in a crash on Sunday night. And the fact that he was driving drunk is unacceptable to film critic Roger Ebert, who tweeted...
  13. H

    Is Roger Ebert a robot?

    I saw him on tv today. When did he become a robot?
  14. H

    Do you like Roger Ebert's new head?

    Quentin, dear, you're sitting in front of a computer and you are connected on the internet. A topic has come up that you know nothing about. How might you get information about the subject? (clues: search engine; Roger Ebert) Are you assuming that I'm mocking him? I love him. Not as much...
  15. H

    Do you like Roger Ebert's new head?

    Quentin, dear, you're sitting in front of a computer and you are connected on the internet. A topic has come up that you know nothing about. How might you get information about the subject? (clues: search engine; Roger Ebert) Are you assuming that I'm mocking him? I love him. Not as much...
  16. S

    Is Roger Ebert morphing into something?

    Im generally disinterested in tabloids, headlines, and basically any hollywood-celebrity related bit of news since I consider that to be private and non of my business. I didn't know of Roger Ebert's illness. It can certainly happen to anybody. But seriously, he does not look pleasant, and it's...
  17. K

    Is Roger Ebert dying? I heard he has cancer. Is he dying?

    Is Roger Ebert dying? I heard he has cancer. Is he dying?
  18. N

    I want to translate Roger Ebert's books, help me?

    it would be great if you tell me how to do it step by step
  19. O

    A Roger Ebert question?

    When Roger reviewed The Bounty Hunter and gave it 1 1/2 stars, he quoted "Why, oh why, was this movie necessary?" Don't you think if he means this, then he would have given it zero stars?
  20. E

    How did Roger Ebert get so famous as a movie critic?

    Because I guess he's at the level of Rottentomatoes and Metacritic, and he's just one man and not an organization