
  1. C

    poll- what do you for your daily dosage of fun?

  2. T

    FDA Reduces Dosage Recommendations Of Sleeping Pills Containing Zolpidem

    Manufacturers of sleeping pills with an active ingredient called zolpidem are being forced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce the current recommended dose of the medications. This measure comes following new evidence showing that the zolpidem blood levels of some people the...
  3. T

    Tylenol Maximum Daily Dosage To Drop To 3,000mg Per Day From 4,000mg

    Tylenol, whose active ingredient is acetaminophen, will now have a lower recommended daily dose, which is aimed at reducing the risk of accidental overdose, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a Johnson & Johnson company announced today. The recommended daily maximum for Extra Strength Tylenol 500mg...
  4. N

    Why is the dosage on GNC vitamins four daily and not just one?

    I'm taking GNC's Women's Ultra Mega... on the directions it states to take four capsules daily with food... why four and not just one... like one a day vitamins?
  5. E

    can i give my 45lb lab-rat benadryl... whats the dosage?

    i have a 45 lb lab rat terrier mix. he is my baby and i would never want to give him something that could hurt him. (he is like my CHILD) i read somewhere that you can give them benadryl to calm them down. we had a death in the family and i need to drive 2 hours. but i cannot even go 10 mins in...
  6. L

    Using GNC Glucosamine and Chondroitin for dogs (and dosage?)?

    Background: My 4yr old 95lb GSD started waking up with stiffness on the side he slept on. Our vet gave us these horrible smelling Dasuquin tablets. Stiffness went away, but he started to get allergies and diarrhea, so I checked the bottle, and it has brewer's yeast, gum, tea, a load of...
  7. W

    does anybody know the dosage of metronidazole in big dogs with giardiasis?

    my dog is an adult siberian husky with giardia lamblia. He has loose, watery stools. Help!
  8. H

    What is the best dosage to take with GNC CLA?

    The bottle says 2 daily but the guy at GNC said that most people take more depending on their weight and that there was an online calculator that would tell you how much you should take but i couldn't find it. Also do you take them all at once or over the day? I'm 125lbs and 5"3 and have lost a...
  9. T

    New Method Yields Better Dosage Of Blood-thinning Drugs

    Many biological processes are determined by how various molecules in substances recognize and bind to each other. One such example is our immune defense, which is governed by molecules, called antibodies, that recognize and bind to foreign molecules, called antigens. In this way antibodies...
  10. T

    New Method Yields Better Dosage Of Blood-thinning Drugs

    Many biological processes are determined by how various molecules in substances recognize and bind to each other. One such example is our immune defense, which is governed by molecules, called antibodies, that recognize and bind to foreign molecules, called antigens. In this way antibodies...
  11. T

    New Method Yields Better Dosage Of Blood-thinning Drugs

    Many biological processes are determined by how various molecules in substances recognize and bind to each other. One such example is our immune defense, which is governed by molecules, called antibodies, that recognize and bind to foreign molecules, called antigens. In this way antibodies...
  12. F

    is it better to use gnc weight gain 2200 in its prescribed dosage. or is it...

    ...better to take small servings? and how long do i have to use it to gain about 20 pounds
  13. F

    is it better to use gnc weight gain 2200 in its prescribed dosage. or is it...

    ...better to take small servings? and how long do i have to use it to gain about 20 pounds
  14. J

    Glucosamine Chondroitin dosage?

    I've been taking Glucosamine Chondroitin for some sports related joint pain. It's double strength and the instructions are to take 3 pills per day. Since I've started taking them I've been taking one in the morning, one in the middle of the day, and one about dinner time, but I've found...
  15. O

    Will xanax interact with my daily Adderall dosage?

    Other than the appears to be common sense answer "they will cancel eachother out." what interactions would xanax have on my adderall? More specifically is there any chemical interactions? (I.E. acetaminophen when taken with adderall can make your heart race) interactions like that, or any...
  16. L

    if suspected of having cyst,what is the dosage of...?

    400mg ibuprofen.. how much should it be taken..?
  17. K

    Acetaminophen max. dosage info?

    Anyone who works in the medical field: Sometimes, like almost once a week or longer, i take a vicodin ES (7.5 hydrocodone/750 mg acetaminophin), a flexeril, and usually one tylenol pm ES (500mg acetamin.) Ive taken 2 tylenols once or twice before. I just found out the max dosage of acetamin...
  18. M

    GNC women's ultra mega vitamins dosage?

    I just bought GNC Women's Ultra Mega multivitamins, because I wanted my body to be in better health, as well as my mind, and because I have been having excess hair shedding (there are extra B vitamins in the GNC). However, I noticed that the serving is 2 tablets a day (one in the a.m. and one in...
  19. J

    Did my Dr. prescribe the correct dosage of Amoxicillin for my 7 yr. old?

    The Dr. who called in the prescription for my daughter (who is 7 and weighs a little over 50 pounds) prescribed one teaspoon of 250mg Amoxicillin for her strep infection 3 times a day. Is this the correct dosage? She's been on it for 2 days now, and her fever is still high. I can't get a hold of...
  20. H

    clonazepam dosage and sides?

    how long do the side effects last? I started taking it a few days ago. Started with a .5mg tablet which caused a bit of slurred speech and disorientation. I cut down to 1/4 of a .5mg and experience similar sides... Is it just in the beginning or do these effects last throughout the use?