
  1. M

    Are women becoming the dominant sex?

    I think they are, and are using their social networking skills and their natural higher energy to show men that we are no longer capable of doing a better job of running things than females. And,will it be a better world, when women are in the major decision making positions in the future?
  2. J

    jason brillz could he be dominant in the ufc?

    i guess he caught lil nog by surprise. i dont think he would do as well if nog had ample time to prepare for him, but then again i dont know brilz was a D-1 standout wrestler.
  3. G

    Heard loud clear very dominant voice say in my sleep?

    He said something about me going, dont remember exactly, but then, I will never forget his voice,then saying, "I am taking you at the end of the minute." I then pictured in my mind my mom coming into my room finding me dead, and so I started to try and shake myself awake. As i did that the voice...
  4. P

    Since the NFL is the most dominant Sports League in North America, Football...

    ...being the most popular Sport,? why did it fail in Los Angeles? why did the NFL fail in the second largest city in the United States? Why was there no support and why is UCLA and USC football more popular than Professional Football in L.A.? It really sucks not having an NFL team in Los Angeles...
  5. J

    How do I find out which interest groups/lobbyists are dominant in each state?

    Maryland specifically. I've been searching the internet for a long time and I cannot find anything that shows me which interest groups are dominant in the state of Maryland.
  6. H

    help with a horse dominant issue?

    I just got my horse 2 weeks ago. When I walk him to the round pin he is fin was fine and everything. when I take him out he goes right for the grass. I pull his head up and we start walking again and he does a little rear and he comes at me to get the grass. I don't know what to do. he was abuse...
  7. G

    BitDefender report says Trojans were dominant security problem in 2008

    Company also warns that targeted attacks on Web 2.0 applications, namely social networking sites, is likely to increase in 2009. </img> </img> </img> </img> </img> </img>