
  1. P

    How do you train your dog not to whine?

    Any suggestions? I am not talking about whining that is a direct and logical result of something tangible like being physically uncomfortable. I am talking about whining that is just whining ... like sitting in the middle of the room, staring at you and whining for minutes on end. Or whining...
  2. R

    How to stop crying after a dog dies?

    my 14 yr old dog wasent doing so well and today i was playing video games and he was laying there and i thought about going to pet him and i said to myself "Ill do it later im busy" cause i was playing video games now hes dead (he died probably 5 minutes ago) and i cant stop sobbing
  3. J

    Why Does My Dog Whine When She Hears Her Toy?

    I recently got my older dog- i'd say 12 years now, a squeaky toy. I haven't really gotten her many toys, because she frankly isn't interested a couple squeaky toys or ropes, but I wanted to give it a shot. Its just a hard cupcake toy that I thought was cute. Anyways, the first night we had it...
  4. M

    When a dog eats poop, what does it become?

    Cause it was already poop, so what does poop turn into?
  5. S

    I dont want to choose between my dog and my gf who's allergic what can I do?

    I have an Olde English Bulldogge which unfortunately is terrible for allergies. He slobbers alot so you have the protein in their saliva factor and also he sheds alot so the hair and dander as well. Doesn't help that his hair is so short and course so it sticks into carpet, fabrics, and evne...
  6. V

    Mindy McCready Kills Dog, Herself

    [No message]
  7. Lisa

    Need recipe for protein free dog treat?

    So I recently adopted a dog but she has a kidney disease (for life) and she cannot have protein or even rawhide (wouldn't give it to her anyways cause I am too scared she will get intestinal blockage from it). I looked online but didn't find any good ones. Can someone tell me protein free foods...
  8. A

    PLEASE HELP!! My dog won't stop barking!!?

    I have a 3 year old Cavoodle who barks at nothing! We leave him outside in the day from about 9-3 and he sleeps inside at night. He barks when we are in the pool and if he hears a dog barking in the distance (which is understandable, I guess!) A neighbour put their head over the fence today and...
  9. X

    Plz Help i tink my dog is dying?

    He is a jack russel terrier and he is 13 years old.He has been laying around for the last 2-3 days. every so often he would go around my house (real slowly) and use the bathroom. He hasn't eaten in 2-3 day (only his own vomit) and this morning he started shaking (about 3-4 min), he also shook (...
  10. N

    what to do when a dog gets jealous?

    theres a new born baby in the house and my dog is doing things she wouldnt normally do like pee on the bed and sleeping in the babys crib ,
  11. D

    Indian Dog Owners: What do you feed your dog?

    I've seen many Indians feeding milk/curd etc to their dog, which is not only species inappropriate but also harmful. Dogs are lactose intolerant. Now, I know that not even rice and roti are the best of food, but atleast avoid milk/curd and feed them this instead. This comes start out of Maneka...
  12. D

    where should i leave my dog when i go on vacation?

    Ok so, I'm leaving for vacation in less than 2 months. I'm going to the east coast. Its a school trip by the way. The problem is my dog. I have a brother who can take care of him, but he has a lot of flaws. For starters he never locks the door when he leaves. He's always out with his friends and...
  13. J

    World's worst dog preparing for a vacation trip.?

    My new puppy (not really, but still growing), a pug named Frank, is one of the worst dogs out there. And honestly I wouldn't change a thing about him because he has good intentions.But people are afraid of him. But he is a good dog at heart, I love him so much and I really would like to take him...
  14. J

    what is a good dog breed of hunting dear and ducks and stuff?

    im looking at an English Springer Spaniel but want a cross of a dog that is a good tracker sort of???
  15. K

    How can I teach my dog not to run directly infront of my quad/snowmobile?

    I have an eight month old lab and she loves go for runs behind the snowmobile. Or in the summer/fall it was behind the quad. But ever since day one the damn dog just tries to be in the lead. I've already run her over once and I don't want it to happen again. She's good once she's behind the...
  16. S

    Dog ate king size Hershey bar?

    I have a chihuahua corgi mix. He's 20 lbs about. Maybe a bit more. The milk chocolate bar is 2.6 oz... We are not sure if he ate it or not... I have 3 younger siblings, so it's a toss up. Just watch him I guess? He's playing and acting normally so far.
  17. A

    DS: What is the worst name you've seen/heard for a dog?

    A few months ago there was a chihuahua named "Taco" at the rescue I am with. I thought that was a bad name. I came across a husky mix recently in a rescue and it's name is 'Cousin it' I think that has been the worst name I've seen/heard for a dog. Ha, I know if I got that dog I would change...
  18. D

    dog was off the lead in the park and attacked a cat in the woods.?

    I took my dogs over the park at 7pm when i knew no other dogs would be about so both my dogs could be free off the lead. i had the car headlights shining the majority of the area my dogs were running. My dogs are very playful and would not harm another dog as far as im aware but never say never...
  19. C

    Is my dog in laybor? I need help?

    Okay so my dog is due this Friday She has been panting and trying to make a nest she has settled down now (she is asleep) she has also been crying and trying to lick her vigina clear distarge has been comming out of her vigina Is she in laybor ?
  20. S

    Introducing an adult MALE Dog de bordeaux and adult FEMALE Labrador?

    We own two dogs at separate properties but soon we will be moving into one and so will have to introduce them. The male dog de bordeaux around 2 years old and isn't neutered but is very affectionate around me and my family. The female dog is older (around 11 years old) and is very laid back...