
  1. E

    Whats the differnce between germs diseases and viruses?

    and is it all a form of bacteria? can it all float in air or sit on counter tops and how long can they last ?
  2. E

    Can diseases spread through laundromats?

    Since laundromats are public can germs or other things stay behind that become in contact w/ the next person?
  3. S

    what diseases can one get from a dog scratch.....?

    my dog always scratches me playfully but not hard cause i always get white lines on my leg and foot but his nails never penetrate my skin as i never feel stingy or the scratch mark is never red.....i think that the white lines donot count as dog scratches....but nyways im just curious wot...
  4. M

    what are all the diseases in (book)?

    what are the diseases in Ashleigh's Diary by Joanna Campbell
  5. H

    Are there any diseases that may be caught from african grey parrots?

    Some times my african grey parrot sneezes so i want to know if there is a virus and if I can get it from him
  6. O

    Diseases like HIV can spread through saliva. But people date then kiss...

    ...after just meeting. Background check? What do people do to make sure the person they just met isn't going to give them something they can die from. Not even sex, just kissing. I'm sure "excuse me [name-of-person-i-just-met], can you take some tests for HIV then show me the results before I...
  7. B

    What are some diseases that have symptoms of dehydration?

    I am experienced intense dehydration. If it is also relevant, my room was 67 degrees and I was so warm I felt like I was going to die. This is not an isolated occasion. I have no problem going outside in 9 degree weather without even a sweatshirt.
  8. J

    fighting in combat sports and diseases?

    Pretty basic question, i was just wondering if fighters in combat sports (mma, boxing, etc.) are blood tested before they are allowed to fight? It would seem pretty unsafe if they weren't because I've seen many fights where both fighters are cut and bleeding on each other. i think b.j. Penn...
  9. R

    am i allowed a full health check to check for diseases without symptoms in the UK?

    I have a feeling that there is something wrong with me that i may have a disease, a tumor or an illness. I just want some tests to put my mind at rest that i am ok. where can i get these tests from. i am in nw london.
  10. J

    fighting in combat sports and diseases?

    Pretty basic question, i was just wondering if fighters in combat sports (mma, boxing, etc.) are blood tested before they are allowed to fight? It would seem pretty unsafe if they weren't because I've seen many fights where both fighters are cut and bleeding on each other. i think b.j. Penn...
  11. T

    i have taken 4 morning after pills this month, can this pills lead to diseases? ?

    my boyfriend loves doing sex without condom, so he always does sex without condom and gives me moring-after-pill after sex, i have taken 4 such pills this month, can this pills lead to diseases and does this pill have bad effects and is it good to have such pills, and can i be pregnent after...