
  1. T

    Experiencing Discrimination Increases Risk-Taking, Anger, And Vigilance

    Experiencing rejection not only affects how we think and feel - over the long-term it can also influence our physical and mental health. New research suggests that when rejection comes in the form of discrimination, people respond with a pattern of thoughts, behaviors, and physiological...
  2. M

    When you make a joke about how discrimination is wrong by mocking it, why do

    people think it is hate speech? Why do we say we tolerate free speech but invent arbitrary hate speech codes that are constantly changing? Political Correctness is confusing. George Carlin would be on death row for offending these people, if he wasn't already dead.
  3. A

    What’s Worse Than Chick-fil-A’s Fried Food? Their Open Discrimination Against Gays.

    It's not hard to figure out what's more offensive at Chick-fil-A--their factory-farmed unhealthy sandwiches which are loaded with fat, sodium and calories or their discriminatory stance on gay people. I'll eat one of their Deluxe Chicken Sandwiches any day if they would back off their homophobic...
  4. R

    8. Discuss and give examples of sexual discrimination in education and work?

    some ideas for this question pls :)
  5. A

    Sturridge and his invisible mic uncover age discrimination

    The Chelsea boys were up to their usual hijinx at the training ground last week. During a shooting game, Didier Drogba and Nicolas Anelka decided to show the youngsters who's boss by knocking them out of the competition before they even had a chance to shoot. Daniel Sturridge was the first to...
  6. K

    How do you like this joke? (Don't read if you against discrimination)?

    A Christian and a muslim were sitting in the pub talking. The Christian says, "Christians are so discriminated against in this country." The Muslim says, "You're joking! Muslims have it much worse! Islamophobia is everywhere." "Nonsense!" said the Christian. "What do you think, barmaid?" The...
  7. P

    what are some books/movies about discrimination?

    Its for my school assignment so topics could include discrimination towards race, religion, culture, sexual orientation ect.
  8. P

    what are some books/movies about discrimination?

    Its for my school assignment so topics could include discrimination towards race, religion, culture, sexual orientation ect.
  9. T

    Also In Global Health News: Discrimination Of HIV/AIDS Patients In China; Internation

    China's Ministry Of Health To Introduce Policies, Measures To Decrease Discrimination Against Patients Living With HIV/AIDS At Hospitals Hao Yang, China's deputy director of the disease prevention and control bureau under the Ministry of Health, during a forum on Wednesday, "vowed ... to...
  10. J

    There are laws to protect christians (discrimination) so why is there none to...

    ...protect atheists? Since christians often use the silly bible quip that only fools don't believe in god. (of course a book that was invented to control you would say that) GO! @ Miss Mouse - No, I'm talking about discrimination laws for certain types of people. You are beginning to annoy me.
  11. J

    There are laws to protect christians (discrimination) so why is there none to...

    ...protect atheists? Since christians often use the silly bible quip that only fools don't believe in god. (of course a book that was invented to control you would say that) GO! @ Miss Mouse - No, I'm talking about discrimination laws for certain types of people. You are beginning to annoy me.
  12. P

    Do clothing retail stores like Abercrombie violate the age discrimination in...

    ...employment act? Every time I go to retail clothing stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle, I only see young people, usually under 25, working at these stores. Do these companies violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by hiring only young people?
  13. P

    Do clothing retail stores like Abercrombie violate the age discrimination in...

    ...employment act? Every time I go to retail clothing stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle, I only see young people, usually under 25, working at these stores. Do these companies violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by hiring only young people?
  14. P

    Do clothing retail stores like Abercrombie violate the age discrimination in...

    ...employment act? Every time I go to retail clothing stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle, I only see young people, usually under 25, working at these stores. Do these companies violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by hiring only young people?
  15. P

    Do clothing retail stores like Abercrombie violate the age discrimination in...

    ...employment act? Every time I go to retail clothing stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle, I only see young people, usually under 25, working at these stores. Do these companies violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by hiring only young people?
  16. P

    Do clothing retail stores like Abercrombie violate the age discrimination in...

    ...employment act? Every time I go to retail clothing stores like Abercrombie or American Eagle, I only see young people, usually under 25, working at these stores. Do these companies violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 by hiring only young people?
  17. A

    I want to know if this is worth hiring a lawyer for sex or age discrimination?

    My mother works for a large church in Georgia that has had very large turnover for the staff size. 2 very recent employee terminations included one employee quitting for personal reasons and continued receiving his paycheck for 3 months until he found a new job. Another was terminated for moral...
  18. T

    Why is there age discrimination in America ?

    18 you're an adult. But then again. Drinking 21. Oh wait, you also to wait to 21 to go and play at a casino. Why don't the just raise the age of majority to 18 ?.... there is no logic to this. It's the only country, I feel like I'm not adult enough to the law, but can go risk my life in the war...
  19. J

    Good Young Adult Novels about equality, discrimination, etc?

    Preferably only narrated by one person ( not switching back and forth between characters )
  20. M

    Do gay people still run into discrimination nowadays, or is it only a small

    group who dislike gays? I dont know anyone nowadays except republicans who even boher gay people anymore?