diet or fitness

  1. K

    -Diet/Fitness Trainer , Help Someone? , Loosing Weight.!?

    -So i'm on a diet. i need to know what food i can eat daily. can anyone help please. any advise from any one would help right about now . i was going to eat a plate of just pasta and water is that bad ?
  2. B

    Help me with a diet/fitness plan?

    Im a 14 year old high schooler. I need a diet plan that works with school. I'm not that fat i just want to get leaner and more toned.
  3. B

    Help me with a diet/fitness plan?

    Im a 14 year old high schooler. I need a diet plan that works with school. I'm not that fat i just want to get leaner and more toned.
  4. V

    Diet/Fitness Question?

    So basically I'm 5'6 130 (with muscular thighs).and not chubby at all. My bra size is 32 and my waist is like 25 inches. I wear a size 4 in pants. I did feel some belly fat creep on me last year and now I just am a little bigger. I'm in college now and I usually always eat healthy. I used to be...
  5. D

    How much weight will I lose in a month on this diet/fitness regime?

    I'm female, 5'4", 116 lb, 17 years old. How many pounds would I lose doing this regime for a month? - 850 calorie intake per day - Ten minutes skipping - Ten minutes on a cycling machine Before anyone says this is too little calories, I've never been a big eater, I can easily be satisfied...
  6. K

    Is this a good diet/fitness plan to help me lose weight?

    Sunday: No intense exercise. Maybe some light walking. Kind of a chill day. only eat 1200 calories. Monday: Some exercise. Walking a mile at about 2.5-3 miles per hour. 20 Minutes of bun&thigh pilates. Eat 1200 calories. Tuesday: Go the gym and burn 500-600 calories on the...
  7. S

    good diet/fitness forums?

    in a link to my other questions, does anybody know of any good forums i can join with the ''buddy- system''where i can talk to others and get tips, advice and help from others for losing weight and getting fit? thanks xxx
  8. S

    good diet/fitness forums?

    in a link to my other questions, does anybody know of any good forums i can join with the ''buddy- system''where i can talk to others and get tips, advice and help from others for losing weight and getting fit? thanks xxx
  9. C

    Diet/Fitness Help Please?

    I am on a cut down diet where I am trying to get my body fat precentage really low. Anways, I was told by someone at the gym that I need to have a cheat meal once a week to "SHOCK" my metabolism, is this true? He said my body will get use to eating the same thing everyday that one day out the...
  10. C


    I am on a cut down diet. I am trying to cut up and get my body fat percentage really low. Anyways, I was wondering should I have a cheat meal once a week? I heard it shocks my metabolism but i wanted to get some more opinions on what I should do. Thanks for the help!!!
  11. B

    Best diet/fitness routine to lose weight and build muscle.?

    I'm a 17 year old male, I'm around 80 kg's and I'm really set on buidling muscle but I have a little bit of tummy fat which I'd like to get rid of so I can get ab's. I'm looking for the right diet to gain muscle and lose weight and a routine which will help me succeed Thank you in advance.
  12. J

    I'm really curious about this diet/fitness program that I just made up?

    Okay, HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK I WOULD LOSE WITH THIS. I'm not exactly planning on doing it, I just got an idea, and I want to know how effective it'll be. Okay, it's called "The 100 Diet" THE 100 DIET TAKES OVER 100 DAYS!!! FITNESS: Mon-100 minutes of cardio Tues- 100 ball crunches, 100...
  13. I

    Intense diet/fitness plan!! Please help!?

    hey im 15, and i want to lose 15-20kg in 6 months! (thats 33-44lbs) please give me a diet and fitness routine for me to follow. i will also be going to personal training sessions once a week starting soon, as well as starting ballet and contemporary dance classes. thanks!
  14. D

    Does anyone know where i can find gina caranos diet/fitness routine?

    Whats good (diet and routine) for a female just starting to train?
  15. J

    Help with diet/fitness routine?

    I'm having trouble staying on a steady routine, i'll be great for a week/few days, then i'll go back to no exercise, etc. Anyone have any advice? Partially it is because of my depression/hard time in life.