
  1. A

    Dentist Office for iPad, iPod, iPhone?

    Are the extra purchases available for Dentist Office worth it? What are the differences between the optional purchases and the boy that is already available? Are there different tools or is it just the appearance of the patient that is different? Thanks in advance
  2. L

    DENTIST FEAR , HELP , am i allowed to bring ipad?

    so my mom just told me i am going to the dentist tommorrow to get a cavity filled , and they are going to numb my gum and im very scared , i HATE the dentist but im on my way to overcoming my fear : D ANY tips and advice to keep calm helps me : ) also i might get tooth enmal filled , or...
  3. T

    UK only, why do NHS patients still have to pay there Dentist ?

    I thought the NHS was free but no, i had my teeth cleaned and was told i had to pay £17.50 the very same that someone who was working would pay. so how does it work ? o
  4. D

    Visit your dentist regularly to avoid loss of teeth

    Visit your dentist regularly to avoid loss of teeth Periodontal disease is a kind of gum diseases very similar to dental supplies gingivitis. A huge number of people are suffering from such dental problems as proper teeth care methods are not known to many. The worst consequences of these...
  5. A

    i just realized that i have a dentist appointment on december 21 is this related... the prophecy? of the end of the world? plz help thx
  6. X

    What will the dentist do ?

    I've been severely bulimic for years and im trying so hard to recover :( but iv done some serious damage to my teeth and its made me really self concious, i've heard about flippers and i wouldnt mind wearing one as a temporary measure until i recover from my eating disorder, So what will my...
  7. M

    How do i complain 1800 dentist?

    I Mostafa Azim I am treating to Mr Lawrence H Zabner D M D for few years I have contact with him he take care all my teeth but he did not I have insurance and he charge me cash I pay him over 50,000.00 cash but he never adjust my bill and not fix my teeth popularly now I having problem I try to...
  8. J

    Can a dentist tell if I smoke?

    I don't smoke much. I smoked weed somewhat regularly for like 2.5-3 weeks but I quit. Regularly means like a gram to a gram and a half for the whole week so like 3-4 grams was smoked. Last time I smoked weed was a little over a week ago. I smoke like one or two black and mild or cigar like...
  9. K

    Will a dentist sharpen teeth? If not where can I buy some fangs?

    How much will it cost to have my fangs sharpened? If they won't then where can I buy some fangs that won't come out(I can eat and drink with them)
  10. B

    RIDDLE: What time is it when you go to the dentist!?

    It's a tricky one!
  11. A

    Can dentist now check for tobacco?

    My aunt said her dentist tested in her mouth or some shyt to do extra cleaning?
  12. K

    What Dentist place would let me travel for a long time with my braces?

    Okay.I live in Los angeles,I go to my dads house in June to live with him for a couple of years.He lives in oregon,I really really want braces NOW ! but someone said that If I get braces out here.Ill gave to take them off before I leave to my dads.I need braces now because my teeth are horrible...
  13. W

    Can a dentist tell I chewed tobacco?

    Hi, I am going to the dentist in about 4 months. I just stopped chewing 6 days ago. I chewed almost every day once a day for 3 weeks straight. If my appointment is in about 4 months. Can the dentist tell i chewed tobacco? If so, will he say anything to my mother because I am to young to do it.
  14. M

    be honest aussies, who is your physician, neurologist or dentist, isn't he an...

    ...Indian lol? u funny li'l low IQ useless flowerpots good for nothing lolz
  15. D

    Difference between getting a night guard at a dentist vs buying one online?

    Hi, I recently have been getting jaw pains, and my dentist said i have TMJ and need to get a night guard to relieve my teeth grinding and clenching. However, they want to charge me $450 for it. I've been looking online at sites such as and similar sites that sell...
  16. M

    What does it mean if you have a dream that your at the dentist with this

    cute guy from your school? I know it sounds weird....but there's this cute guy that's a few lockers down from mine. I don't really know him, like I've never talked to him, but I think he's cute and I've had dreams about him before. I was at the dentist in one dream and he was too (I'm scared of...
  17. T

    Why does the dentist insist on scheduling a meet and greet before...

    ...scheduling a cleaning? Why does the dentist insist on scheduling a meet and greet before scheduling a cleaning? I've already proven insurance and all the new patient forms are completed online. Please only respond with serious answers.
  18. S

    should i tell my dentist about my bulimia?? will he give me any advice on how

    to keep my teeth healthy!!? im bulimic for 3 years.. have a denist appointment 2moro. should i tell him about my ED? to see how my teeth are, if there bad/good..will he have any advice for me.. dont worry i am seeking professional help with my ED. but should i tell my dentist???
  19. X

    Did the dentist pull out my adult tooth?

    I was about 11/12 a year+ ago one of my caps fell off my tooth so the dentist decided to extract it. Now it's been about a year and i'm 13, no tooth has grown back, and there is no teething. D: aw crap, maybe the capped tooth was an adult already?! Would I have to get an implant or something...
  20. E

    Where could I go on work experience if I want to be a dentist?

    I'm 14 and will be going on work experience next year, I know a year is a long time but I just want an answer please. I've wanted to be a dentist since I was six and I would LOVE to have a little taste of dentistry,I realise I might not be able to be working next to a dentist while she/he is...