
  1. Dear Friends in Christ, have some of you been going through some painful times?

    It comes to my mind that many are going through hard times. If you have a verse or testimony of recovery to share please share it. Thanks so much. If you still need recovery you can share that too.
  2. L

    dear sog sog, i am writing to inform you that i have gone hiking and borrowed your

    boots..? im sorry for the inconvienience and i wouldnt be expecting them back anytime in the near future. signed sincereley the elf magma
  3. L

    dear sog sog, i am writing to inform you that i have gone hiking and borrowed your

    boots..? im sorry for the inconvienience and i wouldnt be expecting them back anytime in the near future. signed sincereley the elf magma
  4. L

    dear sog sog, i am writing to inform you that i have gone hiking and borrowed your

    boots..? im sorry for the inconvienience and i wouldnt be expecting them back anytime in the near future. signed sincereley the elf magma
  5. L

    dear sog sog, i am writing to inform you that i have gone hiking and borrowed your

    boots..? im sorry for the inconvienience and i wouldnt be expecting them back anytime in the near future. signed sincereley the elf magma
  6. P

    Dear Verizon Wireless, F--- U! Will anyone join me in a class action suit?

    Or perhaps I will just switch carriers as I was already thinking of doing it anyway(ATT has roll over minutes), now that you are forcing me to use Microsoft Bing on my Blackberry or else, have it be a royal pain to use the search engine of my choice and removing all other options. We are...
  7. H

    Did dear leader 0-bama extend his vacation because even he realizes that a ship...

    ...with no captain is better off? than a ship with him as the captain?
  8. M

    Dear Believers in Christ, Do you believe the Lord will do a new thing in your

    life this year? The year is 2011 already here. It's about 1 PM. God bless you now. Isa. 43:18-19 Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the...
  9. S

    Dear All, can we talk by using any nokia( N or E series) by using Google talk or

    yahoo messenger ? Dear All, can we talk by using any nokia( N or E series) by using Google talk or yahoo messenger ? Right now I am in uae and my family in INDIA, If we (I and my mother ) use a Nokia cell phone (latest model with internet connection) can we talk using Google talk , yahoo...
  10. T

    Dear poll trolls, when will you regain your humour?

    Nowadays you guys are boring.
  11. E

    Dear Anti-Gay Christians?

    If, and I place strong emphasis on if, you are someone who is opposed to homosexuality, its existence, or homosexuals, and think that by preaching, you're helping. Please stop. You are not helping anyone, you're just hurting yourself and making your religion look bad. We homosexuals honestly...
  12. Y

    Where can i see Dear John for free online WITH NO DOWNLOADS, VIRUSES, OR SURVEYS?

    I was watching last night and i didin't get to see the end ! anyway please help i would really appreciate it:)
  13. T

    Riddle me this, my dear Atheist friends!?

    Ok so you guys say that you don't believe in god because you are not as dumb as your fellow Christians, Spiritualists and other Religious people. You say that, being the highly sophisticated intelligent life forms you are, you are well capable of seeing through the outright phony that our...
  14. K

    give me a link to download mp3 of ( dear diary ) - britney spears :...

    ...original song. not the mixed song.? please ! not the mixed one. the one she first sang !
  15. J

    Oh dear, I'm a anti-Christ?

    I was sifting through one of my few dozen open questions when I saw this: "P.S. ...Change your fkin name.... it's "Christian". Why would an anti- Christ keep the name of the Son of God?" I was unaware that I was a anti-Christ, and that I had to waste my time changing my name. Has anyone...
  16. S

    My dear Motorola! what should I do now?!?

    I have a Motorola A1200 & I'm using it for 2 and a half years. it's gonna be like old American cars! should I sell it & buy a new one with 150 $ lose of money?! or have it as a gold?!
  17. E

    Dear married people, did you argue before getting married? Does the marriage go

    along? How long have you been married? Did you argue/fight before getting married? Are you happy in your marriage?
  18. P

    Take a Break, dear philosophers, from deep thinking...and answer this...

    ...simple riddle :)? Here goes... "'I am tall when I am young, I am short when I am old. When I live I glow, From you breath I die.' What am I?" Posed by a small kid... First correct answerer gets partiality, I promise ;))
  19. P

    Dear Atheists, can you argue against the existence of God: using the arguments...

    ...laid out within this post? Theists have claimed all along that the universe was created. Atheists claimed for the longest time the universe was eternal and only recently have started to accept it is finite and has a beginning. The question is: is there a God? Let's look at some facts...
  20. D

    Question about the movie Dear John?

    i absolutly loved the movie. but why did John's dad get a panic attack in the car when he was holding the meatloaf? ididnt understand that part. can someone explain to me? thank u.