
  1. J

    Can someone help me with a song... please its a deadline and need help. Thanks lol.?

    Im making a video of my time working at the Greyhound and I got alot of pictures of me and my friends. I need a good friendship song does anyone have any ideas. I already tried You've got a friend in me, lean on me, that's what friends are for, but none of them match the pictures. Help please...
  2. T

    Medicare Doc Payment Cut Looms With New Deadline: Tomorrow

    The Wall Street Journal's Health Blog: "Congress has already missed the deadline for new legislation to block cuts of 21% in Medicare payments to doctors. The pay reduction officially took effect April 1, but the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - the federal agency that oversees the...
  3. C

    What happened at the end of the novel deadline by Chris Crutcher?

    It's due in two days and I've been really busy. what happened did he die? Please and Thank you! BTW don't say "read it". i don't have time for that.
  4. A

    The NBA Trade Deadline Has Passed

    By Patrick Fischbach It’s about 7:32 EST and the NBA trade deadline has been dead for a little over four hours now. An abundance of teams made a variety of moves that almost all ended up being a strategy in preparation for this summer’s free agency bonanza. However, let’s rewind back a couple...
  5. T

    Congress Faces One-Month Deadline On Doctor Payment Fix

    The doctor payment fix and several marketplace issues, such as insurance red tape and malpractice cases, continue to loom while health care reform efforts stall. The Hill: "At the end of February, a short-term measure enacted late last year will expire, exposing doctors who treat...
  6. T

    Would someone please read and edit essay? My deadline is tomorrow!!!?

    Hi, I have one page essay about my turning point. I wrote over limit and want to cut it off too [The answer should be between 500-700 words] My deadline is tomorrow!!! Any edits and ideas are also really appreciate. Thank you so much When my sister turned to face and gave me last smile before...
  7. K

    Fantasy Football Trade Deadline?

    If I change my fantasy football leagues trade deadline now, will it affect my league at all? So guys have asked me to change it but I dont want to mess anything up.
  8. L

    Fantasy Football Trade Deadline?

    don't do it, im sure some of these guys are just trying to cherry pick to stack their team for the playoffs, you're gonna start seeing some ridiculous trades.
  9. K

    Fantasy Football Trade Deadline?

    If I change my fantasy football leagues trade deadline now, will it affect my league at all? So guys have asked me to change it but I dont want to mess anything up.
  10. K

    Fantasy Football Trade Deadline?

    If I change my fantasy football leagues trade deadline now, will it affect my league at all? So guys have asked me to change it but I dont want to mess anything up.
  11. R

    Uc deadline extension....the rumors are true!!!?

    to all those the extension is true but just for one day until 11:59pm 12/1 do not worry there is still time i wish the best of luck to you all my bro has been doing it for the past 4hrs and just got his in GOOD LUCK!!!
  12. R

    NHL Trade Deadline approaching did you hear any rumors?

    Have you guys heard any interesting trade rumors lately?
  13. B

    What are your Trade Deadline predictions?

    Also what would be a great trade that would really make sense. MAKE IT A REAONABLE TRADE DONT MAKE IT SOMETHING THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN
  14. S

    America's Got Talent 4 deadline question?

    Helllo!!!The website(America got talent) say's to submit online videos by Feb 10 2009!!! and today is the Feb 9, do you think they will accept my video on the 10th(deadline date)? the reason im asking is because some people dont accept anything on the deadline date! thanks! to all that answer
  15. B

    do you think the redwings should pick up a goalie at trade deadline?

    cas osgood id playin like crap