
  1. T

    Increase In Crop Yields Insufficient To Meet Global Crop Production Needs By 2050

    Crop yields worldwide are not increasing quickly enough to support estimated global needs in 2050, according to a study published in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Deepak Ray and colleagues from the Institute on the Environment (IonE) at the University of Minnesota. Previous studies...
  2. L

    Iphone app where i can crop pictures?

    Well i see on instagram were people add like 3 different images and crop it into one picture. I assume its an app but which app is it and please make sure its free. Iphone4s by the way, id be happy if you could add 2-4 different pictures cropped in one.
  3. J

    Are there any apps on android that you can crop your photo into a circle? pls...

    ...answer google is useless.? the only one i could find called circle cropper costs money and i am looking if there is a free one hidden among all the photo apps that i am missing! thanks
  4. A

    Crop Prices Are On The Rise, So Here’s How To Buy Fresh Produce On A Budget

    The horrible heat and drought-like conditions in the Midwest could lead to steep increases in your grocery bills. All kinds of products will affected by the weak corn, soybean and wheat crops. But that doesn't mean you should start trading down your fresh produce for cheaper, processed options...
  5. N

    What's the connection between CME blasts from the sun, crop circles and...

    ...Mayan prophecy? Crops are bent over in a fashion that can only be done by microwave radiation, and the circles are formed instantly without visible light at all, but a camera does pick up an energy flash at the moment the crop circles appear. June 7, 2007, this was observed and recorded...
  6. V

    60D Newbie and Crop Factor- Why the difference in Viewfinder?

    I recently got a Canon 60D and I am a newbie to having crop factor. I have the EFS 55-250mm Lens and the EF50mm f/1.8 II lens. When I look through my view finder with either of the lenses attached, things are so zoomed in it makes it difficult to get full pictures of stuff and people.... I have...
  7. S

    Crop 1 photo and add it onto another on iPhone 4?

    Is there an app that lets you cut out a part of a picture, and paste it on a different image? Not the picture collage apps, i want one that lets you specifically cut out parts of a photo and put it in a different one. Thanks.
  8. S

    Will selling tobacco crop effect unemployment benefits?

    I can't find anything about this on the internet. This is in Kentucky. My friend will be losing his job of 9 years due to a manufacturing plant closure. He also raises tobacco on a farm every year. There's not many jobs here so it will probably take some time to find a new job. He will be...
  9. T

    how do you crop songs to make ringtones?

    I was wondering how you make ring tones using songs you already have on your computer? is there a site i can make them and save them to my computer??
  10. S

    Bumper crop of zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes? Any recipes for preserving these?

    I am really into canning lately and between my mom's garden and mine we have a bumper crop of zucchini, bell pepper and tomatoes. Looked around online and didn't find anything that fit the bill, I'd like a recipe that can be used to preserve these goodies for the winter months. Plus I have a...
  11. P

    Does anyone know of a alternative Photoshop crop tool plugin?

    I want one because Photoshop's crop tool doesn't have a crop preview feature before applying the crop. Thanks
  12. C

    Why is tobacco an important crop in Mexico?

    Im wondering like how much is produced a year and stuff like that.
  13. J

    How can I crop Facebook profile Pictures on apple iPad pllease I desprately

    need help? I really find it difficult making some photos my Facebook profile pictures on the iPad, I need a little help with that please.
  14. A

    Why did tobacco become Virginia's most important crop?

    Please answer! 5 stars for best answer! Please make it between 40 - 50 words. Thank you! :)
  15. G

    New Crop of 3DTVs Will Skip the Fancy Glasses [3dTv]

    If you have a problem with 3DTV, it might be an aversion to the bulky, battery-powered, and frankly rather dorky glasses they require. But a new generation of screens might let you simplify the experience with cheap, low-tech glasses. More »
  16. W

    Is there an IPHONE app that I can use to "crop" my songs down and make them...

    Is there an IPHONE app that I can use to "crop" my songs down and make them... ...into custom ringtones? Title explains it all... I want to use like the middle of some songs as ringtones, but want to do it on my iphone, i want to know if there is an app for that. If there is no app for it, or...
  17. K

    Can the Samsung Reality phone crop photos?

    I'm thinking about getting Verizon's Samsung Reality but I was wondering if you are able to crop photos with that phone. My sister has the Rogue and says you cannot crop with that phone. Thanks.
  18. M

    what app do i need for my droid to crop songs into ringtones?

    I figured out how to make the whole song a ringtone but I want to select parts of the song to come up
  19. T

    Unveiling Of Soybean Genome Could Help Boost Crop Yields In Future

    "Scientists on Wednesday unveiled the genome of the soybean, saying it was an achievement that should deepen understanding of one of the world's most important crops, help to boost yields and defend the plant against pests," Agence France-Presse reports. The study, published in the journal...
  20. L

    Program to crop avi files?

    I have a bunch of avis that are widescreen and annoying to watch because they're just slivers, really long rectangles. I want a freeware program that I can use to crop the sides off the picture.