
  1. T

    Adults With ADHD Commit Fewer Crimes When On Medication

    Criminal behaviour in people with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) dropped sharply during periods when they were on medication, according to a new extensive registry study conducted at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The study that contained of over 25,000 individuals is...
  2. S

    Why do people commit crimes and then come on Y!A to whine and complain about cops?

    Why do people who break the law and commit crimes use Yahoo Answers to bash and complain about cops? Anybody who who comes to Law Enforcement and Police knows when they read the question or answer of a criminal who uses Y!A to complain about how "horrible"cops are but they never take...
  3. A

    In what way does Judaism commit the same crimes as Christainity and Islam?

    Can a Jew really exit Judaism without baggage attached? Can a Jew reject the moralistic foundation of Judaism? Does Judaism apply moral judgments on those in which it is not in high regard? Does it demand obedience? What is the panelty of rejection of its principles? ______ (of the asker)...
  4. M

    Crimes against women, do you think Martial Arts would safeguard women?

    I watch crime channels and I see there are a lot of crimes against women that we would be clueless about unless we were to watch these shows, also local crimes can be read in local papers, how much we are inundated with crime. We are never really as safe as we tend to feel. In some states like...
  5. M

    Crimes against women, do you think Martial Arts would safeguard women?

    I watch crime channels and I see there are a lot of crimes against women that we would be clueless about unless we were to watch these shows, also local crimes can be read in local papers, how much we are inundated with crime. We are never really as safe as we tend to feel. In some states like...
  6. I

    How to argue that gun companies should be responsible for crimes committed...

    ...using their weapons? I was given the task of arguing that gun companies and dealers should held responsible for crimes committed using their weapons. I have no idea how to argue that the former should, but the latter can be held responsible on the basis of background checks. It's for US...
  7. G

    Cops Using Crime Prediction Software to Stop Crimes Before They Happen [Crime]

    It's not quite Minority Report but Santa Cruz police are field testing a new crime prediction program that'll help stop crime before they even happen. It doesn't predict exactly who will commit the crime but will try and predict where crimes will happen. More »
  8. I

    what % women find humor in crimes like catherine beckers?

    edit - she tortured and mutilated her husbands genitals
  9. M

    What are all the crimes Obama should be prosecuted for...?

    against world peace, humanity, and the liberty and property of American people? Would the gallows be too good for him?
  10. F

    Statutory rape and sex crimes in California?

    This is in California (Orange County). Please only answer if you know about California law. My friend was a senior at the time (18 years old). The female was 15, about to be 16 (a sophomore). Their age difference was 2 and a half years. They dated for a couple of months. They were sexually...
  11. H

    LA Noire - Street Crimes?

    Can you still finish up the street crimes you've missed even though you're about to finish the main story? I don't want it to be like Fallout New Vegas where once you finish the main story, you can't go back. Need to know before I finish the game, I'm almost done - I'm Kelso investigation the...
  12. L

    Crimes when done under 18 in UK? Are records now cleared?

    Let's say I did a minor crime when I was 13, and they find out about it now I am 18? Do I get cleared because I am now over 18, or do I apply to adult sentencing/caution even though I was below 18 at the time of committing the crime? Sensible and educated answers only please, I very much...
  13. L

    Crimes when done under 18 in UK? Are records now cleared?

    Let's say I did a minor crime when I was 13, and they find out about it now I am 18? Do I get cleared because I am now over 18, or do I apply to adult sentencing/caution even though I was below 18 at the time of committing the crime? Sensible and educated answers only please, I very much...
  14. J

    Are these not war crimes? and Remember no N.A.T.O or American soldiers have ever been charged with any war crimes which they have...
  15. D

    What Sci Fi movie features police officers who use psychics to predict crimes...

    ...and stop them from happening? At one point the protagonist officer is suspected of a future crime and goes rogue to escape his fellow officers.
  16. B

    are there thought crimes in judaism?

    what about islam for example, "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"
  17. M

    Should Abe Lincoln be tried for war crimes posthumously?

    Lincoln started the war that killed and maimed more Americans than all others combined- all in the name of the rape, pillage, and subjugation of the South for the next 100 years. The South is just now recovering and assuming it's rightful place atop the American landscape. If that doesn't...
  18. D

    How many crimes are committed with illegal weapons? Percentage?

    for debate worldwide please if possible i need to know where you got your info thanx a bunch
  19. G

    Real Crimes Jack The Ripper EUR MULTi4 NDS-ABSTRAKT

    Category: Console-NDS Size: 18.1 MB Files: 14 (7 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Mon October 25th 12:44:45 UTC Download NZB
  20. L

    Why should religion be taken seriously when they have committed war crimes...

    ...against science? They claim that a dirt man was created from nothing and that a rib lady was created from the man. They also claim that the universe was made from a magic man from nothing in six days. The universe people is 14 billion years old. That is fact. Ladies if you were created from...