
  1. S

    Spitting and cramps after period?

    I had my period end last week and for two Days this week I got real bad cramps and was spotting and pain when I had sex in not sure why? I also have had my tubes tied for nearly 2years
  2. G

    Extreme menstrual cramps! Help?

    My period started two days ago and I didn't have any problems on the first day. But yesterday the pain started getting intense and by evening it felt like someone put their hand inside my body and pulled at my organs O.o And I can't move, I can't walk, I can't sleep, I feel like I'm about to...
  3. B

    I have my period and bad cramps what should I take ?

    So I have really bad cramps idk if I should take my midal or Advil and idk of I should take 1 or 2 I'm at school so I can't ask my parents ... Plz help ASAP thanks
  4. A

    My IUD Is Killing Me With Cramps; Here’s How I’m Coping

    Hey, friends. Remember that IUD I got in a few weeks ago? It's still all up in my uterus--and, because it's that special time in a lady's month when everything goes to hormonal Hell in a handbag, it's making itself known. Don't worry, IUD. I didn't forget about you. You wouldn't let me. Because...
  5. T

    Relief From Menstrual Cramps From Continuous Oral Contraceptive Pills

    Taking oral contraceptives continuously, rather than as traditionally prescribed for each cycle, provides earlier relief for moderate to severe menstrual cramps -- dysmenorrhea -- according to researchers at Penn State College of Medicine. Dysmenorrhea occurs during menstruation, resulting from...
  6. G

    If you work outdoors in the sun, and get muscle cramps frequently, what can you do?

    I'm in good health, exercise a lot, but I sweat more than other men. I work in FL outdoors, sometimes for 12 hrs. or more, and I drink a lot of water, and often Gatorade-type drinks. I often get leg, side, abdomen, and even jaw? muscle cramps, that knock me down, big "Charle-horse" cramps. I...
  7. E

    My sister took medicine for her pneumonia and is complaining about cramps?

    Apparently the medicine said you didn't need to eat before so she didn't. This was like four hours ago. She's having really bad cramps, and has eaten. She called the doctor and they just said she was supposed to eat before taking it. What should she do?
  8. J

    Random cramps all over my body?

    Completely random times of day, weather, eveything. And I don't usually stick to a methodical routine, so it's not that I "pulled a muscle or something". Randomly, in the middle of the night, my ENTIRE leg will cramp up, or during school my left side of the neck, or my right hand, or any of my...
  9. L

    Hand cramps when playing piano fast? Pointers?

    I am working on Etude in F major No.6 by Moritz Moszkowski and well it's ... fast (for me anyway). When I get to nearly the end, and on bad days the middle, my hands start to cramp like it's the end of the world. It hurts and they just stop moving (literally). SO... any pointers on how to stop...
  10. A

    Period Questions, Not right? Really light no cramps.?

    So I got my period today around 8 and its 1am now. Its been really light and i ushley have cramps really bad and i dont. IT s really really light. It just isnt seeming normal, Im 13 btw, If u have any other info you need to no just include it in the answer
  11. N

    How do you prevent cramps when running?

    I'm starting to run for tennis and swimming. I can run a mile without stopping, but about halfway through, I start to get cramps. I tried drinking water before I ran, but then I just feel sick running or I feel like the water is slushing around in my stomach as I run. Are there any other ways to...
  12. N

    How do you prevent cramps when running?

    I'm starting to run for tennis and swimming. I can run a mile without stopping, but about halfway through, I start to get cramps. I tried drinking water before I ran, but then I just feel sick running or I feel like the water is slushing around in my stomach as I run. Are there any other ways to...
  13. N

    How do you prevent cramps when running?

    I'm starting to run for tennis and swimming. I can run a mile without stopping, but about halfway through, I start to get cramps. I tried drinking water before I ran, but then I just feel sick running or I feel like the water is slushing around in my stomach as I run. Are there any other ways to...
  14. L

    I think i might be pregnant i'm having bad cramps especially during sex?

    I think I might be pregnant its been two weeks since my period and i'm having terrible period like mixed with poop like cramps. During sex my stomach cramps the most. I look very bloated as well. What symptom do you experience in the first two or 3 weeks.
  15. R

    ice skating, PERIODS and cramps:(?

    I figure skate 5 times a week and everything was fine until I started my period. I started it 3 months ago and didnt have cramps or anything. My period also didnt come back until now! And I have really bad cramps. Im only 13 as well. My mom was taking me to practise after school and I told her...
  16. I

    Bad mensutral cramps :S?

    It hurts and nothing helps i tryed every medicine and showers i have to sit because if i stand i get dizzy or it gets even worse. i tryed to do exersise but nothing works /: The doc said im fine but any help?
  17. I

    Bad mensutral cramps :S?

    It hurts and nothing helps i tryed every medicine and showers i have to sit because if i stand i get dizzy or it gets even worse. i tryed to do exersise but nothing works /: The doc said im fine but any help?
  18. M

    reasons for menstrual cramps without bleeding?

    my period is late but that is very common for me. I am definitely not pregnant. I usually have cramps then within hours i start my period;however, i've had menstrual cramps for 3 days now and no flow.
  19. E

    when will the cramps stop?

    i get horrible cramps. i woke up about 26 minutes ago and mother nature gave me that oh so special monthly gift. i am using a heating pad and took aleves because i get horrible cramps. my doc perscribed me something but i couldnt afford it so i am sticking with aleve. when will the cramps...
  20. P

    Is it normal to have cramps every day of your period?

    I've never gotten menstrual cramps ever, until this recent period, that just started on Tuesday and is going to end soon. I've had bad cramps every single day of my period, I thought it was supposed to be only the beginning and end? :/ Is this normal?