
  1. A

    Dairy’s Fart Footprint: Are Cow Farts Destroying The Planet?

    Researchers are working to find solutions to the dairy industry's lofty carbon footprint, a large part of which comes from the methane gas in cow farts. More » Dairy’s Fart Footprint: Are Cow Farts Destroying The Planet? is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs...
  2. A

    Skinny Cow Wants You To Have A WoCave

    You know, I guess someone was eventually going to come up with the female equivalent to the man cave – a WoCave, if you will – and the low calorie frozen treat company Skinny Cow is on it. More » Skinny Cow Wants You To Have A WoCave is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work...
  3. J

    Cow nutrition through there life?

    What are the changes of a cows nutritional requirements through there life span from calve to death including pregnancy lactation and ill health? linking websites with useful information will also be great thank you!
  4. A

    Neymar dressed as a cow, Elvis and other strange things

    When you're an extremely talented young footballer, it's quite normal to have promotional obligations. Why? Because money. And sometimes those promotional obligations can put talented young footballers in ridiculous*situations*just because they can. This is Neymar in one of those situations...
  5. G

    California Cow Is Mad

    The USDA has just confirmed that a dairy cow in California had bovine spungiform encephalopathy (BSE) sometimes known as "Mad Cow Disease," which causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob, a deadly human disease affecting the brain. The animal was about to be, or was in the process of being, "rendered" ...
  6. C

    Is the problem with modern music a complete lack of cow bell?

    I need to stop asking questions. I've reached level 6 four times in the past month.
  7. A

    Andrew Zimmern Eats Cow Placenta, Taking Afterbirth-As-Superfood Trend To A New Level

    A new preview of next week's Bizarre Foods episode shows Andrew Zimmern chowing on fresh cow placenta and colostrum–the milk a cow gives just after giving birth–taking the whole afterbirth-as-superfood trend to a level I've never seem before.*At least once a year, a "trend" piece is written...
  8. S

    Please if you hear a cow bell call me?

    I wanted to give my puppy a pet unicorn for its potty training anniversary but every time I tried to buy one the people looked at me like someones head was up their but. So I tried to find a unicorn on my own but I couldn't find one, so I bought a regular pony and tied a cow bell to its neck...
  9. C

    The Cow ; Qu'ran, what are some connections with Judaism and Christianity?

    Yes, the Cow! Qur'an - The cow. (:
  10. R

    Atheist Fundies: If a cow laughed hard, would milk come out of her nose?

    Did an atheist fundie scientist invent milk too? What possessed him to look at cows teats and as proclaim I think I'll pull on those and drink whatever comes out!
  11. S

    Does it need more cow bell ?

    I think so ! @self esteem ~ i kinda knew you were gonna say that . youre so predictable , give yourself a slap on tha back .
  12. B

    (JOKE) What is the difference between a white cow and a black cow?

    This might not sound as funny as in real life but it's still good xD No offense intended.
  13. A

    who want to buy cow bells in good quality?

    We are the main supplier of various metal bells in China .with good quality and reasonable price .if needed ,please contact me freely . My email address: [email protected] . Tel: +86-595-22501603 Fax:+86-595-22501606 Direct line:+86-15715975421 .welcome here :-)
  14. A

    Guy dressed as a cow scores first goal at LiveStrong Sporting Park

    Lance Armstrong and former Sporting KC trialist Chad Ochocinco were among the more than sold-out crowd of 19,925 at LiveStrong Sporting Park's grand opening on Thursday night. One of the 19,925 people not only came dressed as a cow (and it wasn't Ochocinco!), but did what neither Sporting KC nor...
  15. R

    Stuffed cow heart recipe?

    When i was little my grandmother made stuffed cow heart. It had i thing hamburger meat and green peppers in it. She was right off the boat from hungry so she had a few odd recipes. As i get older i wonder about that meal. Anyone know where i can find out how to make this? Also were does one buy...
  16. D

    Question about judaism?can you eat the cow meat?

    but not the pork meat?
  17. N

    Why is the cow laughing?
  18. T

    Babies Fed Cow's Milk Formula Gain Weight Faster

    Babies fed cow's milk formula gain weight faster than babies fed protein hydrolysate formula or breast-fed babies, according to a new US study that suggests this finding could be relevant to infants' risk of developing obesity, diabetes and other diseases later in life. The study was the work...
  19. B

    Is being a cow funny?

    Im gonna be a cow for halloween and it has a really big utter is that funny.
  20. A

    Blue Bell Cow Commercial?

    can you give me a link to the video of the old blue bell commercial with the cow in the field singing "Mooo mooooooo" i cant find anything on it at all. i looked on the whole internet but it is one of the funniest things i have ever watched. it was great and i would really like to watch it...