
  1. I

    How do i average these times out correctly in Microsoft Excel?

    in Excel 2003 how would i avergae out the times 1:24 0:56 1:19 1:02 1:06 format for those are mm:ss format i want the times to average out to is mm:ss How do i do that? I dont know the formula to type in to make it average it hahaa... thnks in advance!
  2. E

    My Motorola Devour (phone) has not been working correctly.?

    No app downloads: when i try to download or update and app it says "unable to download..." No video saving: when i record a video it doesn't save it or let me send it. No picture saving: Same as above I researched a bit and i found out by reseting it to factory settings it would work. but the...
  3. H

    Why isn't Mobile IM working correctly for me?

    I'm having problems with Yahoo Messenger through Mobile IM for the past 3 days. I go to sign in and get a Timeout message and it states that it did not receive a response from the IM server. I will also get an Error 54 message stating the Yahoo Messenger Service is Unavailable, Please try...
  4. N

    Why Windwos 7 gadgets cannot display correctly and clock become black square?

    I already doing REGEDIT and the Problems still the same !!! Please Help me !!!
  5. S

    Can i take legal action against shopman who not correctly unlock my Cell... which off after every 3-5 Min.? I gave my cell phone to a shop keeper for unlocking in Manchester. He unlock it but my cell off automatically off after 3-5 minuter. Before unlocking my cell work correctly. Please tell me the right position can i take a legal action against shop man who...
  6. S

    Can i take legal action against shopman who not correctly unlock my Cell... which off after every 3-5 Min.? I gave my cell phone to a shop keeper for unlocking in Manchester. He unlock it but my cell off automatically off after 3-5 minuter. Before unlocking my cell work correctly. Please tell me the right position can i take a legal action against shop man who...
  7. S

    Can i take legal action against shopman who not correctly unlock my Cell... which off after every 3-5 Min.? I gave my cell phone to a shop keeper for unlocking in Manchester. He unlock it but my cell off automatically off after 3-5 minuter. Before unlocking my cell work correctly. Please tell me the right position can i take a legal action against shop man who...
  8. S

    Can i take legal action against shopman who not correctly unlock my Cell... which off after every 3-5 Min.? I gave my cell phone to a shop keeper for unlocking in Manchester. He unlock it but my cell off automatically off after 3-5 minuter. Before unlocking my cell work correctly. Please tell me the right position can i take a legal action against shop man who...
  9. M

    first person to answer riddle correctly gets ten points :)?

    There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
  10. P

    My new DVD player s not working correctly with my TV?

    I used to have a recordable DVD that worked just fine. Since that packed up I replaced it with a cheap player. I have set it up exactly as the other one put am having problems. Ok, so I have a virgin plus box, this is wired to the TV with HDMI cable, to the HDMI 1 output. I have a Wii also...
  11. C

    Any way to get this game to work correctly on my cell phone?

    I have a Net10 Samsung t401g, and it is a pretty nice phone. Here lately, I've been finding out that it can do a lot more things that Net10's previous phones couldn't handle, like playing MP3's, video's, among other things. It's not that powerful, but it works. I've also been finding out here...
  12. C

    Youtube isnt displaying any of its pages correctly?

    Hello all, just some info, when i search youtube, it loads immensely slow and it loads ONLY the links/titles of videos and the videos themselves on the homepage (including the search bar). They all stick to the left side of the page, and i have tried this on Mozilla, Explorer, and Google chrome...
  13. M

    Wrestling Quiz: First one to answer them all correctly gets BA?

    1). Who has contested the most matches in WWE history? 2). Which Superstar has made the most PPV appearances? 3). Which Superstar had the longest hap between two consecutive matches in WWE history? 4). Which manager led the most Superstars to titles? 5). Who drove the Honky Tonk Man's pink...
  14. T

    Will a factory charger for a PDA that came with a 1400mah battery correctly charge

    a 2400mah battery? My IPAQ h5550 came with a 1400mah battery. I see they sell replacement batteries for my h5550 that are up to 2400mah. Will my charger still charge the 2400mah Li-Po battery up to it's full charge? If so will it take longer to charge? I'm not worried about how long it take...
  15. S

    First person to answer this riddle correctly gets ten points!?

    It's lighter than a feather, big as a castle, and can't be moved by a thousand men
  16. N

    How do I set the Pierburg 175 CD correctly?

    I found a picture, this is the one:
  17. M

    Riddle: An Apple a Day First person answers correctly gets BA?

    A shop sells apples at $1 each. Each of these apples are wrapped in a special wrapper. You can trade 3 of these wrappers for 1 apple. If you have $15, how many apples can you get altogether? Hint: Don't forget your leftovers.
  18. S

    My monitor is not functioning correctly, can anyone give advice? Details vvv?

    After I purchased and installed Windows 7, my computer had all sorts of problems, i fixed all of them but the one I cant fix is my monitor resolution. It is automatictly set to my computers native resolution 1920x1080. But the thing is, the monitor is not correct, it is like the resolution is...
  19. B

    BMW: How do you remove the waterpump correctly on the M20 engine?

    It's a BMW 525i from 1990. It says you need to remove the upper and right bolt but not the 3rd one (south), turn the waterpump downwards and then remove the 3rd bolt. But it says in the instructions that you shouldn't remove the belt tensioner (for the timing belt), but I can't seem to turn the...
  20. D

    How to use these Fitness/Muscle Building supplements correctly?

    I just bought Whey Protein, Casein Protein and L-Glutamine...I've been lifting for awhile and I have messed around with whey and creatine before (but I wanted to stop creatine because I felt whenever I stopped taking it, all gains went away immediately) But I want to know the best way to use all...