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    Fat digestibility in pigs study looks at oils in soybeans, corn co-products to maximi

    Pork producers need accurate information on the energy value of fat in feed ingredients to ensure that diets are formulated economically and in a way that maximizes pork fat quality. Researchers at the University of Illinois have determined the true ileal and total tract digestibility of fat in...
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    Corn syrup can act as an addictive drug

    Research presented today shows that high-fructose corn syrup can cause behavioural reactions in rats similar to those produced by drugs of abuse such as cocaine. These results, presented by addiction expert Francesco Leri, Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science at the...
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    Walmart Will Help Dieters “Get Back On Track” With Cake Mixes And Corn Syrup

    In these dark days "after the holidays and before swimsuit season," it can be easy to lose sight of New Year's resolutions like healthy eating and losing weight, notes Wal-Mart.*But don't worry: It wants to help you get "back on track." With corn syrup, Crisco and cake mix. More » Walmart Will...
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    High Fructose Corn Syrup Fuelling Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic

    A new study suggests countries that use large amounts of high fructose corn syrup in their food may be helping to fuel the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Oxford and the University of Southern California (USC) found a 20% higher proportion of the...
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    High Fructose Corn Syrup Might Be Linked To Diabetes, But New Study Doesn’t Show That

    Don't let anybody make you believe that high-fructose corn syrup is harmless just because it's "not more fattening than sugar. Animal studies have shown can be bad for memory and learning, and human studies have linked high consumption of HFCS with cognitive decline and dementia in older adults...
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    Is it okay to feed wild birds and dove's wheat and corn mix?

    I dont have much money but the doves sit outside my window staring at me making my toast. The cheapest mix's I can find are for chickens which are a wheat and corn mix, is this okay for doves and other wild birds or will it make them get to fat in winter, or do they need higher protein etc? or...
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    Oh Good, Coca-Cola Is Switching Sweeteners…To More High-Fructose Corn Syrup

    When I started reading headlines this morning that heralded a change in Coca-Cola's sweeteners, I was pumped. Then I read that it just means they're going to use high-fructose corn syrup in even more of their soda. This means the Mexican Coke that so many of us love–because it's made with cane...
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    Candy Corn On The Cob: Guess The Calories In This Halloween Treat

    Candy Corn on the Cob may not be the healthiest treat on the planet, but it's a pretty creative way to get in the spirit of Halloween. Can you guess how many calories and grams of sugar are in one cob? More »Candy Corn On The Cob: Guess The Calories In This Halloween Treat is a post from: Blisstree
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    Seane Corn: Volunteer-Staffed Yoga Room At RNC Was ‘Confrontative And Intense’

    The Huffington Post's Oasis, a yoga and massage center they set up at the Republican National Convention (RNC), was designed to be a peaceful space for stressed-out delegates to "unplug and recharge." *However, for Seane Corn, co-founder of Off the Mat, Into the World®, a nonprofit that uses...
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    Corn Syrup Not More Fattening Than Sugar (But Still More Likely To Kill You)

    A new study says high fructose corn syrup is no worse than sugar if you're trying to lose weight. While the very premise of this study is a bit confusing -- anyone trying to lose weight would be wise to cut both from their diets as much as possible -- it does help answer a controversial issue in...
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    Moonshine recipe with cracked corn?

    Hi, for "education purposes" I'd like a moonshine recipe that uses cracked corn. The more details the better please. Also things like how long to let it ferment and such. Thanks
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    U.S. Corn and Soy Yields Dive Due to Drought…But Don’t Go Paleo Yet

    Thanks to one of the worst droughts we've had in years, corn and soy farms are having a pretty terrible year. The USDA announced lower yield expectations for the second month in a row today, but if you're thinking the lack of soy and corn might make it a good time to try paleo, think again. For...
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    Sugar And High Fructose Corn Syrup Found To Perform Equally On A Reduced Calorie Diet

    A new study published in Nutrition Journal shows that people can lose weight while consuming typical amounts of sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) if their overall caloric intake is reduced. "Our research debunks the vilification of high fructose corn syrup in the diet," said James M...
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    Meatless Monday: 10 Off-The-Cob Fresh Summer Corn Recipes

    Fresh corn is one of summer's best treats, but it's often overlooked because it's intimidating to prepare, or messy to eat. But get it off the cob, and you've got one of the best ingredients for a seasonal meal--especially on Meatless Monday. Ditch plain old corn on the cob recipes, and try one...
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    Study: Corn Syrup Is Hurting Your Brain

    A sugary diet won't just put on pounds, it could also slow down your brain. A new study from UCLA researchers shows for the first time how a diet high in high-fructose corn syrup can hamper your ability to learn and remember information. But*Omega-3s (which are pretty much goddamn magic, right?)...
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    Why doesn't Michelle Obama introduce a bill to ban the use of high fructose corn

    syrup? Michelle Obama says she is so concerned about people's health and nutrition, then why doesn't she introduce a bill to congress to ban the use of fructose and high fructose corn syrups in soda pop and other processed foods? Below is a link about how unhealthy fructose and high fructose...
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    Study Links High Fructose Corn Syrup With Autism

    Autism rates are climbing in the U.S.--which is leading scientists to look for some of the genetic and environmental factors which may be leading to the spike. So far, they've identified the age of the father*and*the weight of the mother, just to name a few. But a new peer-reviewed study, which...
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    can i put two baby corn snakes in the same cage?

    I lost my baby corn snake a week ago and i am thinking about getting another one, if i happen to find the one that is lost would they have any problem living together in the same cage? (please do not write any comments saying "you probably wont find her")
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    Could i have two water dishes for my corn snake? ?

    I have a fairly big cage and i want to know is it bad for me to put to water dishes in? I have a corn snake about 2 ft in a 2ftx1ft cage
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    Michael Pollan Says High Fructose Corn Syrup Isn’t Worse Than Sugar

    Michael Pollan's books are practically the bible for socially-, eco-, and nutrition-conscious shoppers; Omnivore's Dilemma practically taught all of America's liberal, upper-middle class how to eat. And it also spawned the now-widely-held belief that high fructose corn syrup is the biggest evil...