
  1. L

    How to put neon cords together in a sub?

    I bought a band pass system 1000 watt 2 way band pass system with accenting neon lights well I looked in the box and seen a cord dangling there looked at the color wire that was hooked to the neon light and that was it now how do I put that wire together? How would I take the box apart with out...
  2. A

    Does being in an air conditioning room improve vocal cords or speech performance?

    I find that after I've finished class for the day, my throat doesn't feel so... Blocked up with mucus or saliva. I speak more clearly too for someone who has a speech problem.
  3. R

    Turned off computer before vacation. Had to change some cords. Have no...

    ...sound now. What did I do wrong? I did plug the green cord into the green hole-----I think that was done correctly. One cord is plugged into DSL slot and the electricity is plugged in. The light on the one speaker is on and the other speaker is plugged into it. Nothing left to plug in. Help!
  4. G

    Nicki Minaj Cancels Shows in England Due to Strained Vocal Cords

    Roman needs some more time to reload! Rapper Nicki Minaj "regretfully cancelled" shows at the V Festival in England this weekend. The singer's rep tells THR the reason for...
  5. T

    Healing The Voice: New American Chemical Society Video On Synthetic Vocal Cords

    An effort to develop synthetic vocal cords to heal the voices of people with scarred natural vocal tissues is the topic of the latest episode of the American Chemical Society's (ACS') Bytesize Science series. The video is available here. Filmed in the lab of 2012 ACS Priestley Medalist and David...
  6. G

    Powered Reel Prevents Your Extension Cords From Turning into Indiana Jones' Whip [Cor

    If you've ever retracted an automatic extension cord you know that by the time the plug reaches you it's traveling faster than a bullwhip. Not so with the RoboReel which gently and safely retracts the cable with an electric motor. More »
  7. S

    I need help with DVD player hook up!!! Red/White/Yellow cords?

    I have hooked up a DVD player before,So I'd like to believe I am not a complete moron. lol. But just got this new sony DVP-SR200P (the cheapy $30 one) and the red/white/and yellow cords all hook into my TV just fine, but they seem to be too loose for the back of the DVD player.......which...
  8. L

    Discuss the role of the tongue, the vocal cords, and the lips in producing...

    ...specific sounds.? What is the difference between a stop and a fricative? Why is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) important?
  9. L

    Discuss the role of the tongue, the vocal cords, and the lips in producing...

    ...specific sounds.? What is the difference between a stop and a fricative? Why is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) important?
  10. C

    Super nintendo nes system cords?

    I have a super nintendo nes system and I don't have any of the cords for it .can someone tell me the cords I need and where I would be able to get these cords.?
  11. V

    Has anyone had personal experience in upgrading the power cords to their

    directv receiver and tv? Has anyone had personal experience in replacing the stock cord to a model HR22 directv receiver(I believe it is the newest hi-def directv receiver) with an "upgraded" power cord. Was their any better picture? I am also considering replacing the cord to the tv , but...
  12. A

    If you damage your vocal cords with bad singing techniques does it affect...

    ...your speaking voice? how can you avoid damaging them too much, I've been told I have alot of bad habbits that will be damaging D:
  13. A

    What cords do I need to use a dish network receiver?

    My family already has dish network, but we want to add a receiver to my room as well. Do I need AV cables or just the outlet plug. I'm trying to find a cheap one, but I am not sure of the cables needed to be able to use Dish in my room as well.
  14. N

    How can i add Songs To my sony ericsson w518a Without USB Cords?

    I have a sony ericsson w518a but it didn't come with any USB cords, and i bought a M2 memory stick, but there was no thing for it to go into my computer? is there a way to text full songs to my phone from my computer?
  15. K

    Motorola hints usb cords!

    okay; so i went and got a cord for my motorola hint, thts supposed to allow me to download pictures off of it, onto my computer. && at the store, the woman told me since its a newer phone, they dont have the software in the store, and that it should be online free, FREE! so, i bought the cord...
  16. R

    help with camcorder cords?

    guys i really need help now. Okay so last summer i got a Aiptek HD 1080p and i loved it sooo much! But after three weeks i lost the cable cord to get into the computer, the t.v cord, and the charger. It was really weird. Anyways, i was wondering if you can post a link on where i can find all...
  17. M

    Is it safe if I bring my XBOX 360 console over my friends house and use his cords?

    The thing I'm scared about is that he recently had E73 (An error on his XBOX 360) and his XBOX 360 is broken...Is it safe if I use his cords (The Power, and the color jacks)
  18. D

    what cords do i need for system link on the ps2?

    and give instructions
  19. J

    Is it OK to put a bike in my car trunk. and then attach bungee cords to keep the

    bike from falling out? When the bike is in, the trunk doesn't close all the way. I really dont want to get a bike carrier, because I dont transport my bike that often.
  20. J

    if i touch cords together would the power source explode?

    now if i touch a positively charged cord with a negatively charged cord would the power source explode (little experiment) (NO EXPLOSIONS WANTED!)