
  1. H

    What did the Constitution of the United States of America do? world

    history quiz please help? a.It created a federal system of power sharing between the national and state governments. c.It gave all people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. b.It created ten amendments that guaranteed certain freedoms. d.It outlined the role of England and...
  2. B

    Amending the constitution, what was the last attempt that almost made it, but just

    barely didn't? im sure there has been thousand of attempts all the time that died out in it's infancy. I'm just curious if anyone knows what was the last one that almost made it? in advanced, ty for your help -Brandon =0)
  3. B

    what do NRA people think of the News Attack 1nd and 2nd Amendment of Constitution?

    go here and tell me???????????
  4. B

    what do NRA people think of the News Attack 1nd and 2nd Amendment of Constitution?

    go here and tell me???????????
  5. T

    Protecting Our Constitution - Jan 27,2013

    The Divine Freedom Radio Show seeks the truth, tells it like it is and searches for solutions. We make the connection between God, Constitution and Freedom. We inform our listeners of past, present and possible future events. Listen and be a part of the show, help us to shape Divine Freedom into...
  6. T

    Founding Truth of the U.S. Constitution - Jan 27,2013

    What is our government doing, to the American people, that is not following the Constitution? Listen here and find out! More...
  7. T

    Founding Truth of the U.S. Constitution - Dec 23,2012

    What is our government doing, to the American people, that is not following the Constitution? Listen here and find out! More...
  8. N

    Is fiat money banned in the constitution?

    If it Isn't, it sure as hell should be! Screw FDR and Nixon! I want money that doesn't loose value with time!
  9. K

    The establishment and media are afraid of Ron Paul

    Why you might ask? Because he is the ONLY candidate running for president that is NOT heavily supported by private bankers, wallstreeters, and special interest corporations, the same people that heavily fund the mainstream media. They are bankrupting us. There's a blatant media...
  10. G

    Icelanders Write the First Web Constitution, Trolls Surprisingly Get No Amendments [G

    After what I'm sure was an enormous editorial process, Iceland finally finished drafting their constitution, the first ever to be written on the internet. And I am shocked to see that there is nary a dick pic in sight. More »
  11. G

    Despite that pesky Constitution, "We get our rights from god"

    Before you vote for this woman, make sure you are prepared to die in the nuclear holocaust. Because she is. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  12. L

    Did the 13th Amendment change, repel, or add to the Constitution?

    When you answer, please tell how it affected it! Thanks^_^
  13. S

    Why,When the constitution was written, the framers thought it was important to

    have congress meet? The framers concerns about how often congress should meet goes back to practices in England and in the centuries leading up to the writing of the US constitution. What were the events and practices in England that led to these concerns? Why did the framers think it was...
  14. S

    Why,When the constitution was written, the framers thought it was important to

    have congress meet? The framers concerns about how often congress should meet goes back to practices in England and in the centuries leading up to the writing of the US constitution. What were the events and practices in England that led to these concerns? Why did the framers think it was...
  15. E

    Southerners argued that the Constitution offered legal justification for slavery...

    ...because of all the.....? following passages EXCEPT the A. protection of the international slave trade for twenty years from congressional abolition. B. "three-fifths" clause determining the status of slaves for purposes of representation and taxes C. Missouri Compromise opening up lands for...
  16. C

    Isn't it amazing that when you read the Constitution and research the Founders...?

    You quickly realize that none of the bastards are getting it right?
  17. L

    Why do most Conservatives rant about how great the Constitution is...?

    but many of them want to abolish the 16th Amendment, change the 14th Amendment and violate the 1st Amendment by allowing school prayer.
  18. A

    How long before Conservatives argue we should repeal the Constitution since it

    doesn't agree with the bible? Based on the Bible? Where?
  19. B

    Did the writers of the Constitution argue over the placement of every word...

    ...and/or part of speech? I have a textualist for a AP US History teacher, and he told us "Every comma, every period, every colon, was argued over for hours possibly days.". Does that seem realistic.
  20. B

    Argue for the proposition: The new US Constitution was a triumph for democracy?

    Three main supportive arguments in my essay that I could discuss?