
  1. T

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder And Other Traumatic Consequences Long After Fall Of Th

    Previously, there had been a lack of reliable data in Germany on the long-term psychological consequences of political imprisonment in the GDR. Professor Andreas Maercker, Head of the Department of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention at the University of Zurich, and private lecturer Dr...
  2. M

    What are the consequences if they catch you with a bike you are not allowed... ride on your first year? I am talking about victoria. I have full victorian bike license but id like to buy a 600cc to keep, instead of buying a 250cc for just one year. Is anyone able to tell me what would happen? thank you
  3. J

    Springbok Tour 1981 Causes and Consequences?

    Okay so I have to write an essay and the question for it is: Identify the event you have chosen for your essay and briefly describe it, listing some of the causes and consequences of your chosen event. Help pl0x? Best detailed answer gets the 10 points for this and I'll write another 2...
  4. G

    Edward Tenner: Unintended consequences

    Read the comments on this post...
  5. T

    The Consequences Of Co-Worker Rudeness Are Far-Reaching

    A co-worker's rudeness can have a great impact on relationships far beyond the workplace, according to a Baylor University study published online in the Journal of Organizational Behavior. Findings suggest that stress created by incivility can be so intense that, at the end of the day, it is...
  6. T

    Runaway status? What are the consequences?

    My own mother is going to call the police on me for being a runaway because she doesn't approve of me seeing my girlfriend because my girlfriend is puerto rican. I can also prove this. So im just wondering because there is no way shes keeping me from the girl that i love
  7. K

    if a parent refuses her ex there vacation time what are the consequences?

    Ok, my sons mother told me that she is not going to let me have my son for one of my vacation times this summer with my son, i told her i would file contempt of court and she pretty much said o well its not like they'll do anything to me. So with that said what would they do for the first...
  8. G

    Truths and Consequences

    There are two reasons that the Republicans "won" the house and took more senate seats. One of them was made clear last night at dinner. Our waitress was funny. She started out a little funny-strange, then went to funny-ha ha, and I left the restaurant liking her and wishing more people were...
  9. H

    What are the consequences for PDA in high school?

    My boyfriend and I were kissing in the hallway today, and my dean caught us. and basically said "you two come to my office during lunch tomorrow... spend some time with me... why would you guys do that?" yada-yada. My dad doesnt let me date, and has no idea. so I really don't wanna get in...
  10. T

    Coordinated Approach Needed To Tackle Consequences Of Ageing Population, UK

    Internationally-renowned economist George Magnus will call for a more coordinated approach to tackling the serious economic and social consequences of an ageing population. Speaking at the UK Age Research Forum (UKARF) conference in London, the author of Age of Ageing will warn that funding care...
  11. W

    what is the consequences for lying to a cop even if he can't prove anything?

    but probably doesn't believe me or knows its a lie
  12. A

    What are the consequences of your timing chain breaking while driving?

    I'm not sure what's wrong with my car, but it makes a knocking noise with the rate of the RPMs and was told by a mechanic that it was my timing chain. So, im saving enough money until i can fix it but what would happen to my engine if the timing chain were to break?
  13. S

    What would my consequences be if caught gambling underaged at the Atlantis?

    Just am wondering what would the consequences be if I was caught gambling at the Atlantis? I would have a ID to show I am 18, however it either would not be of the highesr quality fake and if asked to take out of the case it probably would not pass, or I would have a ID of someone over 18 that...
  14. Z

    For each of the following four networks, discuss the consequences if a...

    ...connection fails. [10 marks]? 27 LAST DATE
  15. T

    Experts, Public Consider Health Reform Merits, Hardships And Unintended Consequences

    NPR: Confusion persists about health reform and insurance for members of Congress. "The law stipulates that lawmakers and some members of their staffs enroll in new health insurance exchanges. But an apparent drafting error in the law makes it unclear when that transition is supposed to occur."...
  16. Y

    what two consequences of poor nutrition that could affect you as an adult?

    what two consequences of poor nutrition that could affect you as an adult?
  17. I

    What consequences do gay celebrities have to deal with forever after they...

    ...come out of the closet? What are the consequences that gay celebrities have to deal with for the rest of their lives once they come out of the closet to the public? I am a fan of Ellen DeGeneres and she has been through a lot in her life.
  18. P

    Short sale consequences please help!!?

    So my primary home is in short sale because i could no longer afford the payments, we have a buyer too. My question is what happens after the short sale can they come after me for the difference? I have a commercial property paid for, and live in california.
  19. N

    Are they any consequences in the future when a girl pierces her nipples?

    okay so i have been thinking about doing it but its just that im thinking to hard and trying to find out the consequences, so help me?
  20. P

    We stole a bike, what are the consequences?

    Me and my friend were at a house party, we woke up to find that my friends phone had been stolen out of her bag, so we angrily decided to steal a mountain bike from the house. We sold it in a shop for 75 pounds, but today the family of the man who's bike we stole came to our houses and asked...