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    Concerns Raised That The 'Shelf Life' Of Blood May Be Shorter Than We Think

    A small study from Johns Hopkins adds to the growing body of evidence that red blood cells stored longer than three weeks begin to lose the capacity to deliver oxygen-rich cells where they may be most needed. In a report published online in the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia, the Johns Hopkins...
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    Defibrillator Survey Raises Workplace Cardiac Arrest Concerns

    More than half of British businesses do not have a defibrillator, show poll results released this week - despite the impact the device has on cardiac arrest survival rates. The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) commissioned a survey of 1,000 business decision-makers across the...
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    Methamphetamine Withdrawal May Lead To Brain-Related Concerns For Recovering Addicts

    University of Florida researchers have found changes in the behavior and in the brains of mice in withdrawal from methamphetamine addiction. These findings may affect the way physicians treat recovering methamphetamine addicts, the researchers write in the current issue of the journal Synapse...
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    Citing Safety Concerns, Kroger Wisely Stops Selling Sprouts

    Despite being a nutritionally-dense salad favorite, fresh sprouts haven't had the best luck lately. Deemed unsafe by everyone by*prominent food safety experts, the little greens pose a pretty big risk of E. coli. In fact, guaranteeing the safety of sprouts is almost impossible--which is why...
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    Amid Safety Concerns, Weight Loss Drug Qsymia Probably Won’t Get Approval In The EU

    Earlier this week, a weight loss drug called Qsymia hit the market in the US. It was the first new FDA-approved anti-obesity medication to be introduced in over a decade. But Britons who are looking to lose weight may not be able to get their hands on it in the near future--or ever. According to...
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    concerns about nutrition?

    So... Ive been thinking... if soy, a once "wonder" food is now know for all kinds of bad side effect primarily in developing males due to the xeno-estrogen hormone that mimics the female estrogen hormone and causing all kinds of havoc... how do I know what kinds of other beans/nuts/etc contain...
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    Traveling Amtrak for the first time, major concerns?

    Tomorrow night I'm traveling Amtrak for the first time. I'm going from Iowa to California, so its somewhat of a long trip. I'm extremely nervous. I'm 19 and this is my first time traveling and traveling alone. I an really worried because the station I'm getting on at doesn't have anyone there...
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    Three Years Later, The FDA Revisits Concerns Over The Safety Of Yaz

    If you were looking to start a new birth control pill in or around 2008, your OB-GYN probably suggested Yaz, by*Bayer, which was that year's most popular pill. If, in 2011, you're still on it, you may soon be seeing new warning labels, courtesy of the FDA, who are meeting this week to revisit...
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    New Study Involving The School Of Pharmacy Raises Concerns Over Foster Children On An

    The authors of a unique and revealing study of children in foster care receiving antipsychotic medication are calling for better oversight of such medications for youths. A main finding from this research is that children in foster care were just as likely to be prescribed more than one...
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    Could it be that this prophecy concerns the Imams of Islam? All being

    murdered except for the 12th? Genesis 17 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers (H5387), and I will make him into a great nation. rulers H5387 ???? / ...
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    Eligibility concerns for Ryan Boatright could be trouble for UConn

    The list of freshmen with eligibility concerns grew longer on Wednesday morning when UConn announced it will hold point guard Ryan Boatright out of games hours before the Huskies' season-opening exhibition matchup with American International. UConn specified in its release that the NCAA's...
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    Due To Safety Concerns, NIH Stops One Treatment Arm Of IPF Trial; Other Two Treatment

    The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), part of the National Institutes of Health, has stopped one arm of a three arm multi-center, clinical trial studying treatments for the lung-scarring disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) for safety concerns. The trial found that people...
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    Deepwater Horizon: Good News Plus Lingering Concerns For Cleanup Workers

    Several new studies of air and water near the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill conclude that cleanup workers may have escaped harm from one of the most worrisome groups of potentially toxic substances in the oil, according to an article in Chemical & Engineering News (CEN), ACS's weekly...
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    Dear ConsumerSearch... Readers sound off about content concerns

    [No message]
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    Fading Ability To Taste Iron Raises Health Concerns For People Over Age 50

    People lose the ability to detect the taste of iron in drinking water with advancing age, raising concern that older people may be at risk for an unhealthy over-exposure to iron, Virginia Tech engineers are reporting in results they term "unique." The study appears in the American Chemical...
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    Common Concerns About Testing Children Are Rooted In Assumption; More Research Is Nec

    Predictive genetic testing may be able to identify children's risk for developing common, treatable, and possibly preventable disorders. Using this knowledge, doctors may be able to help at-risk children learn to manage their conditions by making healthy lifestyle changes. Test results may also...
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    Pfizer Chantix Cardiac Concerns Continue; Stopping Smoking Worth It?

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University, Wake Forest University and University of East Anglia have found more potential and real heart problems related to Chantix (varenicline), a Pfizer drug that in intended to curb smoking habits. In a review heart problems among 8,216 participants in 14...
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    Simultaneous Pneumococcal And Shingles Vaccines Safe - FDA Concerns Challenged

    Giving patients both the herpes zoster and pneumococcal vaccines simultaneously does not seem to undermine the zoster vaccine's protective effect, despite FDA concerns to the contrary, researchers from Kaiser Permanente wrote in the journal Vaccine. The package insert of the zoster vaccine says...
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    Kaiser Permanente Study Challenges Concerns On Effectiveness Of Administering Pneumoc

    Administering both the pneumococcal and the herpes zoster vaccines to patients during the same visit is beneficial and does not appear to compromise the protective effect of the zoster vaccine, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published today in the journal Vaccine. The study's findings...
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    True Blood Concerns, Scary Crash Idle Stephen Moyer's Racing Career

    You'll be happy to hear there wasn't so much as a glimpse of diva-like behavior at this weekend's 35th annual Toyota Pro Celebrity Race this weekend. But that doesn't mean one of...