
  1. L

    [Concerned Dad] How would a 2 month old baby be affected when brought...

    ...along into a vacation? Hi, I know that babies should be trained as to where to sleep and if they do, they'd always look up on those comforting sleeping habits every night. On the day before Christmas, our family (together with my mom and siblings) are planning to spend our Christmas together...
  2. M

    Who are some famous people, that are alive today, are concerned about education?

    I would like a list of people, preferably famous, that are really concerned about education around this country and the world. I am doing an important project on education, and I need a list of people, famous, that care about today's education...
  3. R

    Should I be concerned about my long distance relationship?

    I've been in a long term relationship now for about 4 months with a girl I'm crazy about. It started with me comforting and being there for her while she was very hurt and disgusted with another guy. For the past 4 months, she's made it very obvious she loves me - constantly gives me gifts...
  4. T

    Poll: Public Most Concerned With Bread-And-Butter Issues In Health Reform Debate

    Kaiser Health News staff writer Chris Weaver examines a Kaiser Family Foundation poll that "shows little movement in measures of public opinion" on health reform. About one-third like the current Democratic bills, another third want reform, but not what Democratic lawmakers have in mind and...
  5. K

    Concerned about my Siberian Husky having diarrhea..?

    My 6mo Husky has been having bad diarrhea lately. It all started last week, she would have to go every 2 hours and would eventually throw up. I took her to the vet and her stool was clear of worms and parasites and I fed her chicken and rice for the next few days and her stools became hard. The...
  6. J

    Is streaming the same as download as far as net access is concerned?

    Yeah, pretty much. Might not be the same size, but it is usage.
  7. E

    I downloaded Divx Player and can't remove it; Should I be concerned?

    I downloaded Divx player from and it looks to be secure as it's the official website, and it worked good. But I always paranoid about programs as I don't know if it'll harm the computer or not. So I decided to uninstall it but it said "You must have System Administration Privileges to...
  8. R

    Are large SUV drivers concerned about the safety of other drivers, -Their

    fellow man (to use a phrase)? Does wealth give someone the right to kill? Any well thought out response is appreciated, from any viewpoint. I am, of course talking about the 99% of SUV/Truck owners that cannot truly justify their choice in vehicle ownership based on environmental and...
  9. O

    My dogs faught today for the first time after 3 years. Should i be concerned?

    They have never once so much as growled at each other and today the big one(Lab/Weim) runs up to the Corgi and they start going at it. The little one- a girl is scared and is hiding under the desk. I guess its food related but im not sure. They actually share the same bowl and have always...
  10. A

    My child woke up screaming peculiar things...should I be concerned that she was

    posessed? Okay so I share a room with my younger sister and just last night I'd heard her mumbling in her sleep...pretty average. Then it seemed as if she was having a full on conversation...not that strange. Then she started screaming! She was crying and yelling for mom and I. "Shaye?" I...
  11. I

    Should I be concerned about the brake response of a MERCEDES 2009 CL65 AMG?

    My WHITE WIFE was rather pleased to find out about the bonus I’m getting this year. I work for a MAJOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION in the United States. I’m one of several WHITE MEN on the Executive Management Team. I was concerned about my marriage after I found out about my WHITE WIFE’S sexual...
  12. Should we be concerned about North Korea and the launching of their "satellite"?

    This is normal N Korean behavior .. They launch in a way that Japan can not tell if the rockets are directed at them or not. Just some aggressive people. The US should watch and see what happens and if their rocket is not a satellite launch we should take it out..
  13. I

    my fingers tingle alot lately. Should i be concerned?

    Its not a pain, just a tingle.
  14. H

    as far as end time prophecies are concerned,are these revelations made...

    ...apparent in cycles in the old testament? i've been told that stories in the old testament have repeated themselves throughout biblical history and are repeating themselves with different names and places as we live ..
  15. F

    Was Wil Rogers correct when he said "Be more concerned with the return OF your

    money than the return ON..."? ...your money"? That was during the start of the Depression. Things don't really ever change that much do they? People should never put all their eggs in one basket, on the personal OR National level. Anybody agree?
  16. S

    Why were some people concerned about the new pop culture and “global village”... the 1960s? They believed a new pop culture would generate more distrust among nations. They were concerned that local cultures would disappear in an international pop culture. They thought that a “global village” might become one large communist nation. They did not...
  17. L

    Should I be concerned about this?

    Three days ago, I had to have a colcoscopy performed last year I tested high risk HPV. I first had it done last year, and showed high risk with abnormal cell growth (PAP). My doctor said there were eight abnormal spots, so she took samples from each (a total of sixteen samples). My last Pap...
  18. N

    Should I be concerned about this growth?

    Since about last year, I've noticed a lump on my shoulder, a bit less than a centimeter in diameter. It doesn't look like it's growing. The growth is underneath my skin and doesn't hurt at all. I can move it around as well when my deltoids aren't stretched.
  19. K

    Should I be concerned about this? I think I may be seriously sick.?

    I have had a high temperature for the past 3 days. All over 100* F. It started 3 days ago when I woke up throwing up. It felt as though I was going to throw my stomach up. Even when my stomach was empty my body kept trying to make me throw up. With serious mental coaching and breathing I got...
  20. R

    When do I become concerned? there are 2 or 3 puppies that whine and seem like...

    ...they aren't getting enough milk.? 2 or 3 of the puppies whine while feeding and keeping pulling their heads back and forth almost like they yanking on the nipple. I know I need to get them to the vet, but my car is in the shop and I can't get them there until Friday. What can I do until then?