
  1. S

    What is that handheld device held next to gun at shooting competitions?

    There's always a second guy holding a device just next to shoulder of shooter. what is that?
  2. G

    All the Major Sport Competitions Since 1903 Condensed In Beautiful Circular Graphics

    If you like sports and awesome data visualization, you will love these posters, which can be printed to order in beautiful paper. You can choose the final playoffs of every major sport event since 1903—427 brackets from the American MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLS to the European Champions League...
  3. I

    Facebook question about doing competitions for small business!?

    If I have a small business, can I put a picture on my page and say to people 'like and share this picture and page to be in a draw to win a prize' ( there would be a small prize /voucher etc ) Is this allowed on FB ? I see loads of people doing it . What ye think ?
  4. J

    how would i go about finding car audio competitions near me?

    i live in northeast ohio and i am starting to get interested in Car audio competitions. i have been involved with it for quite some time, and would like to seriously look into it. How exactly would i go about doing so? thanks!
  5. J

    Short story competitions?

    I want to enter my short story in a competition it's a 350 word one that I was going to enter in another one but I forgot to enter so I was wondering if there are any for Australia/NSW and for high school kids thanks
  6. E

    How can i enter amateur cooking competitions in the Uk?

    Where should i look??
  7. A

    I am ugly and I love this girl. Do i have a chance?i got competitions against

    kungfu skilled guys.? My dream girl description: You see, i like this girl. Shes really beautiful, making me smile all the time. Shes not those blond/preppy girls who likes to shop but shes friendly and athletic too! She has a lot of friends a lot! She also has a lot of boys after her, including...
  8. O

    Does anyone know any competitions to win The X Factor tour tickets? Or anyone

    selling them? Please help, I've looked everywhere for tickets on sale still, but they are either ridiculous prices or really rubbish seats. So any information would be appreciated, thankyou.
  9. S

    Were there ever any deadly martial arts competitions?

    Like in the movies with the stroky beard master well not nesisarily (not spell checking) where the loser died or death was a possibility i bet there was i just wanna know specifics (if any) only answer if you know
  10. N

    Have there been mixed gender competitions in some martial art forms such... Judo, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do? If so, were there some girls who did extremely well in those areas? I'm not really speaking of official competitions, or the Olympics since for obvious biological reasons for the vast majority, the boys and girls are separated. I'm just curious, so you don't...
  11. G

    A Bunch of People Discover They Can't Fly [Competitions]

    Red Bull held a "Flugtag" contest for homemade human-powered flying machines in Sydney, Australia over the weekend, which meant that a lot of people in goofy costumes fell into the water. Come look at some of them! More »
  12. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  13. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  14. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  15. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  16. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  17. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  18. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  19. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...
  20. S

    is there shooting sport competitions and classes? (CA)?

    I really want to get engaged in a sport activity now as a Sophomore in HS and after discussing the choices with many people the best option seems to be shooting. probably because i am small... not very strong or fast but has alot of patience O.O so i am wondering are there paces to take...