
  1. C

    How does the Triumph Bonneville compare to other sub-1000cc bikes like the...

    ...Honda Shadow, Suzuki C50, etc.? Obviously it's not a cruiser, but my current bike is a (horribly unreliable) older standard, so the Bonneville caught my attention with it's combination of a retro look, modern construction, and competitive engine displacement. There's a dealership nearby, so...
  2. A

    Compare Samsung Star to LG KP500?

    My Mum and I are having trouble deciding whick one of these phone i should get for christmas. Can Someone compare the two to make our choice a little easier.. thanks heaps Aimee xx
  3. Kol

    Compare Islam to Christianity and Judaism?

    Can someone please tell me what are the biggest differences and what they share in common please??
  4. M

    Which two of these sci-fi films should I choose to compare and contrast for a ten

    Alien and Bladerunner Two very stylish movies,but very different
  5. S

    Which two of these sci-fi films should I choose to compare and contrast for a ten

    page research paper? ...? Choices: 2001: A Space Odyssey Alien Road Warrior (Mad Max 2) Blade Runner Videodrome Akira Handmaid's Tail Cube The Matrix Possible Worlds Alive Solaris Which two would be best for a compare/contrast in a long research paper? Thanks!!
  6. K

    how does the temp of a thermometer outdoors on a sunny day compare with...

    ...the temp of air? 1. much lower 2. the same 3. all are wrong 4. a little higher 5. a little lower
  7. mmmmmTaylo

    compare Samsung Instinct and Sanyo SCP - 2700?

    I'm thinking about getting a phone for my daughter. She is 15 and has been begging for a phone and her birthday is coming up. I asked her what kind of phones she liked and she rattled off a whole bunch that i didn't understand and i asked her what she liked best and she said the the Samsung...
  8. D

    Can someone compare and contrast Judaism and Christianity please?

    More specifically why the Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Thanks:]
  9. E

    How to write an introduction paragraph to a Compare and Contrast essay?

    I'm comparing the life of a Colonist to the my life. Can someone give me an example of an introduction paragraph? I'm at a loss.
  10. Y

    Compare and contrast Christianity and Judaism?

    I have to write a one page paper on the similarities and differences of those two religions. Does anyone know anything helpful? Please and thank you !
  11. T

    Gay guys compare to straight guys!?

    Well, many say that straight guys is hotter (more handsome, better body...) ; is more successful in life and is more manly. What is your opinion about this??Can u give some examples of gay/straight guy?
  12. L

    On a scale of 1 - 10 how does the latest 'Rafa Rant' compare to the old ones ?

    1. being mild 10. being powerful
  13. U

    What are advantages of handheld computers compare to a laptop?

    what can we do with handheld compared to laptop? different types of handheld computers? Best brand for handheld?
  14. B

    How do you compare Matrix exercise machines and gym equipment to other top brands in

    commercial gym industry? How reputable the Matrix brand is for a commercial gym? Any technical problem or negative user feedback? Your informed answer is appreciated. Please cite your source.
  15. R

    compare and contrast the politics of the past with today's reality?

    i need help with this for my history journal.
  16. H

    can someone please find me a website where i can compare two phones?

    a sidekick and a blackberry storm.
  17. R

    My 2nd grader need to compare and contrast birds and fish...?

    Birds: 1. Fly, spend time in the air 2. Feathers 3. warm blooded 4 breath oxygen in air 5 try googling it Fish 1. Live in water 2. slimly 3. cold 4. breath in water
  18. D

    Anyone want to compare Lost and Religion&Spirituality?

    Not the section, but the topics. Please do share.
  19. M

    compare and contrast CREON in Antigone to JOB in the book of job.?

    include a discussion of who they are, what happens to them and how and why they respond to their respective situations. thanks for ur help
  20. C

    Does anyone find it absurd and offensive to compare Obama to Lincoln?

    HANG ON! im not putting obama down i just dont think he is even close to being on par with Lincoln, maybe carter. how is lincoln overrated and obama is not, this i have to hear.