
  1. A

    UFC suspends Matt Mitrione for transphobic comments regarding Fallon Fox

    The UFC wasted little time laying down the law on Matt Mitrione, suspending the heavyweight indefinitely for transphobic comments regarding Fallon Fox he made during an interview with Ariel Helwani Monday on "The MMA Hour." Fox was born a man and underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2006...
  2. N

    I just read some bad comments regarding...?

    I was browsing through some voting questions on yahoo answers and the questions were regarding heroines shouting in Indian movies....I don't understand the question on the first part the person wight have just seen 2 3 movies and stereotyped Indian movies.... The answers were worse....Some ppl...
  3. K

    Should my gym teacher get in trouble for making comments like these?

    so I have this gym teacher in high school who is young, (younger than 30 I think) really pretty and good looking and red headed, and she teaches physical education and Health and so we are doing the swimming unit and while in the pool she was walking around and she then said to me and some of my...
  4. W

    bell is not telling me i hav a responce to my comments on yahoo news?

    feb. 6th i had my laptop worked on , mem drive was full , after that i have not got one bell notice to any responce to on yahoo news comments
  5. A

    Tracy Anderson Comments On Kate Middleton’s Pregnancy Weight; Says Duchess Needs Her

    Tracy Anderson isn't known for her body-positive approach to fitness or dieting. Now, you can add pregnancy to the list. She already got into deep waters when she first started talking up her new pregnancy-focused fitness program, and let it slip that she thinks "women use pregnancy as an excuse...
  6. A

    Carla Bruni Backtracks On Anti-Feminist Comments After #ChereCarlaBruni Campaign

    Oh, this is pretty awesome -- Carla Bruni has apologized for the anti-feminist comments she made in Vogue after a French women's group launched a Twitter*campaign to educate the former first lady.*The group, Osez le Féminisme! (Dare To Be A Feminist), asked followers to please explain to Ms...
  7. A

    Brian Cashman responds to comments from Ichiro?s disgruntled agent

    What's the hot stove season without a little drama involving the New York Yankees? As recently as two days ago it was believed Ichiro Suzuki's return to the Bronx was a foregone conclusion. That's where Ichiro's agent, Tony Attanasio, claimed the 39-year-old outfielder wanted to be. More...
  8. A

    I wrote a short story. Just wanted to share, your comments are welcome.?

    A slight breeze disheveled the hair of the man smoking a cigarette on the roof, watching the cars move on the street below. Accompanied by the city lights they disrupted the natural darkness of night. He flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette and watched it fall slowly down, breaking apart...
  9. M

    Does Anyone have any funny or clever comments to this competition? There is a competition for a GS3 and I cant think of anything clever to say to win like puns or a poem? The top comment at the moment is Virgin Virgin Yes Im a virgin. But with A GS3 Ill be major sexy But promise Ill still be with you Virgin :p Does anyone have any good...
  10. C

    How to laugh off mean comments?

    At school they usually put photos of students doing activities at the school and they took one of me playing on the piano and smiling but the thing I look horrible in the photo and loads of people are making comments about it I used to have my hair in a middle parting (before I got my side...
  11. G

    Chris Brown Comments on Frank Ocean Coming Out

    Things haven't exactly been copacetic between Chris Brown and Frank Ocean. In case you don't remember, these two artists have publicly traded blows via Twitter, making it very...
  12. G

    The Hugest, Most Verbose, and Least Grammatical Cache of Spam Comments, Ever [Spam]

    Cory Doctorow, co-editor of BoingBoing, hit the motherload of all spam motherloads this morning, when he woke up to find some nitwit had visited his personal WordPress site and dumped a giant, rambling post of every SEO spam comments in their database. Oops! More »
  13. L

    Hide my comments from facebook news feed?

    I want to post a comment on a group page, but I do not want that comment to show up on the news feed for all my friends to see... is that possible?? How can I hide all comments posted to that group from my friends?
  14. G

    John Mayer Regrets TMI Comments He Made About Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston

    For John Mayer, hindsight is definitely 20/20. Two years after he seemed to go off the TMI deep end with comments he made about ex-girlfriends Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, the...
  15. G

    Hits vs Comments

    Blogging controversy can generate a lot of comments, but it is often said that this also generates a lot of "hits" (page views) and sometime we bloggers are accused by people (often commenters) who don't blog themselves and don't have access to the secret data about blog sites that bloggers can...
  16. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  17. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  18. H

    Anyone for some humor from my husband? Friendly comments?

    My husband was a metal head in high school and is excited about National Metal Day today - so he wrote a poem ( his first or second?) and would like to share. Thank you. 11/11/11 The Darkness of chrome-plated pointy love diesel forged in hairspray's fire, snakeskin slithers wedged in the...
  19. A

    How do I make facebook comments I made on public pages not appear on my public...

    ...profile? I just noticed everybody in the world who goes to my profile can view the comments I made at public pages such as huffington post, bill o'reilly, The Daily Show...pages I have "liked" basically. All my privacy level is set to extreme. Outside of my friend's circle, nothing else is...
  20. K

    how do i keep from getting strangers comments on fb pics i post from public pages?

    Every time I post a picture on FaceBook that I get from public FaceBook pages, I keep getting comments from strangers. I was just wondering how you stop that from happening?