
  1. J

    on bf's not calling/ having no friends... more of a rant but feel free to comment.?

    i live an hour away from my bf and he hasn't been calling or txting as much as he usually does the past few days. we talked about it and he said he was sorry and i really do believe him. he just gets busy with hanging out with friends the last few days and forgets (please don't comment saying...
  2. A

    Any advance writers/ readers willing to critique/ comment on my story on a...

    ...chapter by charter basis? I'm writing a story and I'd love some trusted writing buddies to help me out. I'm at a point in my life where I need to know if I have any talent at all in writing fiction, because if I do I'm going to just go for it. It'd be nice to have some people who can...
  3. R

    What is the funniest comment you read on a car?

    Today I read this on a crane ?????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? And once I read this on a old car ???? ?????? ?? ??? ??????????
  4. Y

    Is there any way to delete a comment on You Tube after I already deleted my account?

    Is there any way that I could get a comment I left on a you tube video deleted which I cannot delete myself because I deleted my account...?
  5. N

    Is there any way to delete a comment on You Tube after I already deleted my account?

    Nope, it's there to stay. Forever. Why would you want to delete a comment that can't be traced back to you, anyway? Learn to forget.
  6. K

    Here is an Odd poem. Comment please?

    Found this poem I had forgotten I'd written Stuff the snakes Snakes can be deadly when your on a treadly. Be they taipan or king brown. Death adders and asps All have fangs to bring you down. Why would I want to stuff one Let alone stuff it for my wall? With snakes in my dreams Far too close...
  7. S

    How Do I Make A Myspace Comment Box?

    I just want to have that little comment box I want to keep all my comments but hidden so when people go to my profile they dnt need to see all the comments and just post a comment in the comment but P.S I don't want a comment box generator I want the original one I hear that you can do that with...
  8. S

    Here's a joke for you, its very funny and you can comment on its pros and cons?

    Joke( i'm jamaican, and this joke is fr. a jamaican comedian, its not racist or anything): An american man, a chinese man and a jamaican man are on death row in a prison. Now its time to die, so each prisoner gets asks how he wants to go. The american says he wants electrocution, so they shock...
  9. K

    Please comment on this piece [[Sci-Fi/Romance]] of my book?

    Hey Guys :) I have just wrote this [[It is a rather rough copy]] I was wondering if I could get some opinions on it? Any Constructive Criticism would be greatly Appreciated :) __________________________ I’m Cara, a Shifter from The Glass Star, our race feeds off sunlight, and we...
  10. A

    if you love JESUS put a comment?

    why do you love him (give me one phrase)
  11. M

    Can you please comment on my anime theamed story?

    Can you comment on my anime story? Now I would like you to comment on my anime story. This Is not a chat and is a question. I made sure and it follows the community guidelines. Anime Story: Can you comment on it? "RING, RING" Naruto Alarm goes off. "Ah man, back to school already"! Screams...
  12. M

    Can you please comment on my anime theamed story?

    Can you comment on my anime story? Now I would like you to comment on my anime story. This Is not a chat and is a question. I made sure and it follows the community guidelines. Anime Story: Can you comment on it? "RING, RING" Naruto Alarm goes off. "Ah man, back to school already"! Screams...
  13. G

    Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?

    I've been answering political questions all morning and this is just a rant. Ok so 48% of the voting population didn't vote for Obama. Yet, when anyone disagrees with the Democrats about anything they are demeaned or called names like stupid Bible humpers, even though there are legitimate...
  14. G

    Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?

    I've been answering political questions all morning and this is just a rant. Ok so 48% of the voting population didn't vote for Obama. Yet, when anyone disagrees with the Democrats about anything they are demeaned or called names like stupid Bible humpers, even though there are legitimate...
  15. G

    Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?

    I've been answering political questions all morning and this is just a rant. Ok so 48% of the voting population didn't vote for Obama. Yet, when anyone disagrees with the Democrats about anything they are demeaned or called names like stupid Bible humpers, even though there are legitimate...
  16. G

    Political Rant not really a ? but feel free to comment?

    I've been answering political questions all morning and this is just a rant. Ok so 48% of the voting population didn't vote for Obama. Yet, when anyone disagrees with the Democrats about anything they are demeaned or called names like stupid Bible humpers, even though there are legitimate...
  17. M

    do you expect or like it when new bfs comment on your boobs?

    most guys just seem interested in playing with them and don't say much but my new bf said I looked great and they were nice etc cos I wish they were a little bit bigger but he said they were perfect and that made me feel good
  18. Y

    i just finished my third poem and please comment?

    What More Man Wants I walk in a city, I saw a flower, Trying to survive in this big forest of concrete, Why did everybody ignoring this poor little creature. But, I know even me can’t do anything about this. All I can do is provide it a little water, And watch it. One day, the flower will...
  19. T

    Yahoo won't let me turn my vacation response off, gives under construction comment?

    There appears to be a problem with the vacation page on yahoo classic, it won't let me turn my vacation response off.I had turned on my vacation response previously and now would like to turn it off. When I click on options and vacation, it tells me it's under construction and that I should...
  20. A

    Which was more offensive: Don Imus' comment or Obama's Special Olympics comment?

    Don Imus lost his job over one comment and few seem to be outraged over Obama's comment. What's the deal?