
  1. P

    There's a lot of people talking about cleaning up the Internet these days?

    I think it would be easier to clean your keyboard more often. M.
  2. S

    Cleaning my tank with four clown fish?

    im cleaning my fish tank with for nemo clown fish in there, am i allowed to take EVERYTHING out exept the gravel, (i mean the decarations) or thatll ruin there habitat??? Advice please?
  3. C

    Cleaning the light covers on a 1995 chevy 1500 silverado?

    My truck has that old light look to it, filled with grim, dirt and all that stuff that grows over time on the light lenses, is their any way to remove it from the outside and the inside, but without trying to take off the back part that is attached to the light lense? ant tricks or technique...
  4. X

    Cleaning an empty fish tank with heavy build up...?

    Hello all, I just got a 75 gallon fish tank. The tank is empty but the person who had it before me left water in it for about a month with no filtration or antyhing. There are spots of heavy build up where the glass looks foggy and is kind of sticky and a ring that goes around the tank where the...
  5. A

    is renu multiplus cleaning solution safe to use?

    I have heard some cases about eye infection due to the usage of renu moisture is renu multiplus safe to use?
  6. T

    Will a lens cleaning disk work on a blu ray player (PS3)?

    Just wondering, my PS3 will not read disks right anymore and I'm going to try to fix it.
  7. M

    Cleaning DS games, helpp?D:?

    So I have my DS games in my backpack and one has been sitting there for awhile unlike the others which I take our regularly. If I compare this ds game next to one of my newer/more played ones, its really dirty, I can see the shiney gold metal stuff on the back of it, but on this ds game I can't...
  8. M

    Cleaning Dirt Bike ?

    what chemicals do they use at the machine shop to boil out an engine? or what could i use that works similar
  9. C

    Cleaning Fish Aquariums?

    I seem to have a disease in my fish aquarium that won't go away with anything. Treatments, no fish, no heat, nothing! The bugs are kind of like little tiny worms, that sneak across the side of my aquarium. There are also a different kind of bugs in there that are kind of like like fish bates...
  10. K

    Washing the iPhone cleaning cloth?

    Has anyone actually washed their little black cloth? And if so did it change the way that it works with cleaning your iPhone?
  11. T

    Why the water of my fish tank getting clear without any cleaning?

    I didn't clean my fish tank for while and the water turned green, however the last 2 weeks the water start getting clear everyday. It got to a point it looks like I've cleaned the tank and the water is just like new water Does anyone know why?