
  1. P

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    I was wondering that since UK is amongst the first countries that accepted gay marriage, if that applies also to their royal family. Let's say that one member in line to the throne comes out and marries his or her partner. Does he/she lose his/her place to the succession line? Does the partner...
  2. S

    How did Abe Lincoln lead his country through the Civil War?

    I'm doing a report for school so please make information as accurate as possible. Thanks.(:
  3. S

    Amnesty= Civil War. This is a solid equation in this current time, the

    certainty is undeniable, why argue? Evil Orange, YOU don't understand! Italian LEGAL immigrants at the time worked hard, did not have entitlements, or even a since of entitlement! They assimilated to American culture and spoke English! Illegals today do NOT pay taxes for the most part, do...
  4. JayJ1

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...?

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...? What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the war was over, and what did the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution provide for?
  5. JayJ1

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...?

    What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the Civil War was over, &...? What was Lincoln’s plan for reuniting the country once the war was over, and what did the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution provide for?
  6. M

    Why is someone that calls himself "libs are morons" whining about civil dialog?

    Why is someone that calls himself "libs are morons" whining about civil dialog? are all cons hypocrites?
  7. M

    Why is someone that calls himself "libs are morons" whining about civil dialog?

    Why is someone that calls himself "libs are morons" whining about civil dialog? are all cons hypocrites?
  8. S

    2012 is coming, Is USA ready for the collapse of civil government, climate

    upheaval, plagues, and famine? The New World Odor is coming.
  9. G

    Encoded Civil War Message Arrives 147 Years Too Late [History]

    Pity the doomed Confederate leader Lt. Gen. John C. Pemberton. Nearly a century and a half ago he and his embattled men waited for an encoded message to arrive detailing their reinforcements. Unfortunately for him, the message arrived in 2010. More »
  10. Z

    Is the Civil or Revolutionary war more interesting?

    Just pick one.
  11. A

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln's effect on the Civil War.?

    I have the basic concept but I need detail. I need an A in this class not a C!
  12. C

    Thoreau's Civil Disobedience?!?

    I am having a lot of trouble understanding what thoreau is trying to say in Civil Disobedience. I understand he is saying that you should protest in a civil way to a law that isnt fair but is that the whole concept?? thanks!
  13. J

    so I've been told that Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate civil holidays and some...

    ...christian holidays? can someone tell me if this is true, and if yes why they do not celebrate civil holidays, and what christian holidays do they not celebrate??
  14. K

    i am filipina who is planning to get civil marriage in phils on april with my

    indian bf..his religion is hindu? his religion is hindu. what papers we need so we can prepared it before going home..thank u so much.
  15. J

    FTA/FTP Civil Assessment Notice?

    my mom got a ticket a while ago but she went to court and paid her fines but now we got this notice from the court saying we need proof of why she didn't show up to court or paid her fines. could this be a mistake? or could she be getting fined for something else we don't know about? best answer...
  16. R

    What was Abraham Lincoln's attitude towards the South during the Civil War?

    I can feel he was persistent on winning the war, but how did he feel about the South? Was he in a deep hatred againsst them? Or was he merely disagreeing with them in slavery issue? Or was he just trying to united the country?
  17. C

    Interesting topic for a Civil Rights Movement research paper?

    I have this research paper I need to write for English regarding the Civil Rights Movement, to where i have to "research an even that demonstrates social protest and had a significant impact on the Civil Rights in America." I don't want to write about something interesting, and not the same old...
  18. J

    can i be let off the hook in civil court if i plea contributory negligence.?

    my dog bit my neighbor. my dog was in his own containment behind a fence with beware of dog signs. the neighbor claims he was bit on his property in which is impossible because of the 6ft privacy fence that divides the property. he was bit on my property where there was only a 4ft fence.the...
  19. B

    Why does police are more interesting in safety more than the civil rights?

    I have noticed that most police are more interesting in make person safe more than what their own rights are under constitution? Example: When there is one guy move into a small town where mostly racist live in. Let say this guy become victim by several different crime by people in this small...
  20. R

    Summary of Resistance to civil government by Henry David Thoreau?

    plsss plsss just a quick summary.