
  1. C

    what are some decent yet cheap cigars for a cigar newbie?

    i have decided at the age of 29 to try some cigars to decided if its something id like to take up but since im new to cigars and smoking im not keen on whats good and cheap so list me some names of some decent yet cheap cigars dont care much about taste just mainly there cost as i dont have more...
  2. S

    How old do I have to be to buy cigars or cigarettes at a store or thrift

    shop such as 7/11? I am 18 . does a state id work?
  3. J

    Does smoking cigars and cigarillos stunt growth?

    I used to smoke them socially in highschool (age 15-16), i wouldn't inhale, i just let it into my mouth and whatnot. Could that have had detrimental effects on my body as cigarettes do, in correlation to stunted growth and anything else?
  4. G

    do you get allot of nicotine from cigars?

    compared to cigarettes, do you get alot of nicotine from cigars or a pipe if your just puffing and not inhaling?
  5. E

    How old do u have to be to buy cigars or tobacco in Mexico?

    and if anyone knows germany
  6. J

    are cigars better or worse than cigarettes?

    my dad smokes cigars and ive heard a lot of stories about it being better is this true wat are some of the risks can you really can cancer in the mouth and wat r the chances of getting cancer in the mouth or longes or somthing
  7. A

    anyone know what girl celebrity smokes cigars?

    i know Jlo, and Terri runnels thats it. got any others?
  8. S

    Has anyone hear that is you bring back Cuban cigars some people will pay...

    ...for your trip to cuba? I do not know if this is true, Or is allowed. has anyone heard of this in Canada. Because I do not smoke or does anyone I know. But it would help pay for the trip. Thanks if anyone know of this
  9. T

    why do we cut cigars?

    why do we cut cigars?