
  1. C

    where could i find a DVD viewing station with the following characteristics?

    It's a machine (which might look like this - see the picture to get an idea - ) that you walk up to with your chosen DVD, you scan the barcode and then you can see a short extract or a trailer on the screen from the DVD you're...
  2. X

    what characteristics did Ray Kroc, Glen Bell, Dave Thomas have that led them to

    success? Ray Kroc- Founder of Mcdonalds Glen Bell- Taco Bell Dave Thomas- Wendy's and greatly improved KFC
  3. S

    Please tell the characteristics, future and life's destiny of person 31-03-1987... 11:00 AM? BORN AT ALLEPPEY, KERALA, INDIA
  4. B

    Which of the following is not one of the characteristics for which Moby Dick is...

    ...known? A. his evil Intelligence B. his unusual song C. his great size D. his misshapen lower jaw I know it's not A or C. But I never heard anything about him having a misshapen jaw or an unusual song so help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
  5. S

    The Chocolate War ___ Character name and characteristics?

    alll i have for the characteristics for Archie is that he is evil, powerful, manipulative, assertive, compation and thats all i have for now plase Help also if you have any for Brother Leon can you help me out thank you
  6. M

    i need a good phone based on some characteristics?

    hello i need to find a phone based on long battery life, multimedia like music and if (bit rugged i wish) about conectivity some wifi browzing and gps anw am more familiar with nokia cell phones but i want some general opinions...:\ am from Cyprus EU region
  7. M

    what are the PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS that change in males during adolescence?

    please list them in bullet form.. your answers would gladly be appreciated. thanks..!!
  8. T

    Poll: Does your Girlfriend has one of these characteristics?

    1)Less Will Power 2)Less Confident 3)Listens to strangers and accepts what they say 4)Does not Respect you If your girlfriend has 3 of the above 4 characteristics, she will definitely cheat on you one or the other day
  9. M

    What are some characteristics of the Protestant religion?

    I think im protestant, but i dont know much about my religion, because i dont go to church. Most of my friends are catholic...what are the differences, and what else is there to know about Protestants? Please dont be rude. I just want answers!
  10. V

    Help~ I need to find movies that possess the following characteristics?

    1) Settings are based on 1930~1940 and 1980 America (2)Movies that are related to New England or W.A.S.P families (3)Movies about families, characters including grandparents, parents and young kids. I need to watch movies for preparing to act in a play "The Dining Room", if you know any movies...
  11. F

    what is the characteristics of the NEWest aurora of saturn?

    and please include the sources from where youve got it thnx....
  12. Y

    Characteristics of Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal Rising?

    I have not seen Hannibal Rising, but I am curious to know what kind of person Hannibal Lecter is in Hannibal Rising - I am working on picking modern actors to play roles in Hamlet for my English class. So if you could please tell me what kind of person Hannibal Lecter is.. that would be greatly...
  13. B

    What characteristics do you think successful people in Hollywood have to be...

    ...successful? I wanna know 'cause my dream ever since I was 13 even though that was years ago is to go to Hollywood and I think about it everyday. Just wanna check how I'm doing!